Monday, May 9, 2011

I can't believe he's baptized

I'm kind of freaking out because I have a child old enough to be baptized but honestly I think it was one of the best days of our lives.  Since our stake has hardly any children Harman was the only one being baptized this month so it was our own private affair!  He had his 2 Uncle Matt's say the prayers.  Annabelle gave a talk and so did Ryan in which he asked his Grandma's to explain when they had felt the Holy Ghost.  My sweet, tender hearted boy had tears in his eyes the entire time.  I will never forget it.  The funny part was that all the little kids were freaked out because all they really saw was big Uncle Ryan pushing Harm down in the water and then him coming up gasping for air (which was because the water was cold).  Sorry for whoever has to deal with the aftermath.  I'm sure you'll get us back somehow!   Afterwards we went over to our stake park and ate delicious food which everyone contributed to and played some awesome kick ball which in the end was just a contest of who could kick it the highest or pelt someone the hardest as they ran.  It was Awesome!  Harman was so tired from everything he spent the entire afternoon vegging in front of the T.V.  We even asked if he wanted to play and he said no.  I think emotionally and physically he was drained.  What a wonderful Day!

And go me for doing a post!


Daniel and Mary said...

How exciting! For both the baptism and the post!!! (You should do more.)

I hope all is well.

Williams Family said...

sweet harmy! Wish we could have been there