Showing posts with label fur. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fur. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Look what I bought...

Ok folks... your girl over here has a history of impulse purchasing (I actually already bought a wedding dress because I saw one at a sample sale about a month after I got engaged - it was 85% off!). So the other day, I was doing something that an impulse shopper like myself should absolutely NOT be doing, browsing aimlessly on E-bay for wedding related items.

After many listings, I found this stole which I promptly bid on and won for whopping $0.99! Yep, one buck! ... have I mentioned how much I love a good deal??? 
Now normally I do not buy fur, I am just not into it and I believe it is unnecessary BUT when I saw this my mind starting swirling with images of me on beautiful winter morning taking photos with the Big Guy under the Brooklyn Bridge wrapped in this cute little furry beast (wearing a white fur is so very "Russian Bride").  

The woman selling it wore it for a wedding and the ad was asking for someone to "adopt" it, so I thought why not? Its not like I am supporting the fur industry I am just taking it off someone else's hands! Right? right? ... can everyone here my moral ruler bending to the will of my deal-seeking fur-craving bride side??  

Haha, I will report back when I receive it from the seller ... I am kind of excited for this little purchase... mostly because it cost a dollar but also because there is something so glamorous about a white stole... come to think of it, the word "stole" itself makes me feel glamorous!

More venue reviews to come very soon!