Sunday, November 25, 2012

Introducing Ashton!

I know I've been pretty quiet on my blog about being pregnant.  I was pretty hesitant to post about it.  The reasons involve fertility treatments, thinking we wouldn't ever become pregnant again, and then actually becoming pregnant.  But that's not what this post is about.  This post is about our new, sweet baby Ashton!!!

I was due on November 29 which is this coming Thursday.  She arrived 10 days early, on November 19, for which I will forever be grateful.

I had a busy, uncomfortable weekend.  I was having irregular contractions that never turned in to anything.  They were anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes apart and not too strong.  I was incredibly uncomfortable.  I barely made it through the practice for our Primary Program at church and I thought I might go in to labor that night.  Saturday night I got between 2 and 2 1/2 hours of sleep.  I was happy that I was able to be at our Primary Program on Sunday.  My parents and grandma came down for the program and stayed for lunch.  The contractions started up again and my water broke around 11:15 pm before I had the chance to fall asleep.  The same thing happened with Lauren, so I had an idea of what I was in for.  I knew I was in for a long sleepless night and I was even more nervous about how tired I was going to be considering the amount of sleep I had the night before.

Eric's mom came over to spend the night with the girls and Eric and I left for the hospital.  

last pregnant picture of me

I'll spare you the gory details.  You're welcome.

Ashton was born at 1:36 pm.  She was perfect and healthy and I couldn't believe that she was here!

First picture of Ashton

She weighed in at 8 pounds 3 ounces.  The biggest of my babies by over a pound!  Yet another reason I was happy she was 10 days early.

After a few hours, we were ready for Kaylin and Lauren to come meet their sister.  It was love at first sight.  Lauren kept wanting to hold and kiss "her baby".

Our first family picture

Sweet baby Ashton


Li said...

Of course we want to hear all the gory details! ;) She's beautiful! So happy for you guys!!

Kelsey said...

Yay! You look great. Although I wish you would of included more of the gory details. :)

and I am so glad I am not waiting until Feb. to come out and visit!

Parker and Carly said...

My favorite pic is her first one. You both look so cute! I love her. And, I will expect ALL the details when I get there. :) xoxo

Brittany said...

yeah what the heck, I like the gory details too! :) I'm so happy for you guys! SHe is a little doll! Congratulations!! and woohoo for not being pregnant anymore, haha! can't wait to meet her!

Megan said...

It sounds like you need to write a post with gory details! :) I am SO glad Ashton is here. I am so, so happy for you!!

Cassanova said...

nice postt