Monday, October 25, 2010

The Winds of Change...

Well... the deed is done.

My blog is now private.

But, how then, you ask, are you reading this feed?

Let me explain it to you... and follow closely, I don't want to lose you.

I changed my blog's URL.

My blog address is now

Why?  Well, one of the reasons I (or anyone else, for that matter), didn't want to go private is because private blogs are annoying.  You have to manually check them periodically in order to see a new post.  New posts won't show up on your Google Reader.  (If you are currently not using Google Reader and are in any way connected to the blogging world, please do yourself a favor and remedy this situation.  You'll thank me later.  I take cash, checks, or baked goods).

So, by changing my blog's URL this allows my OLD address to become your Google Reader Notifier.  (I just made that title up, sounds legit, no?)

Whenever I add a new post to my now private blog, I will post a little notification on this blog.  I will add a link to the new blog post.  So for all of you blog-savvy Google Reader folks, you'll only have to click to my blog when I have an ACTUAL UPDATE.  For the rest of you non-GR stalkers, I guess you are stuck checking my blog five times a day.  Just kidding.  Well, not the part about checking my blog, but the part about five times a day.

This is my way of avoiding guilt from not updating my blog very often.  I wouldn't want to waste your time.

Wouldn't dream of it.

So... without further ado, please follow this link to

and find out what our big announcement is.

If you are reading this post on my old blog and haven't been invited to my new one, what are you waiting for?  A written invitation?  Well, you aren't going to get a written one, but I'd be happy to email one to you.

Shoot me a message at

lucylacey (at) gmail (dot) com




  1. That is genius. I hate that about google reader. Can they really NOT find a way around that?

  2. i thought i left my email...but it's
    jarica29 @

  3. Hey can I be invited on your private blog? If so it's

  4. Lacey! I found your blog and would feel super privileged to be invited! (;
