Thursday, August 25, 2011

Calling All Quilters!!!!!!!!!!!

Meet Isla. She just turned 2 and is the apple of her daddy's eye!!! (Her mommy thinks she is pretty special too!) Isla has Cystic Fibrosis. I have volunteered to head up a raffle quilt to help with the family's growing medical expenses. My friend Coleen has offered to do the quilting, and I am begging asking you to make the 9 patches....well just one per quilter will do. I need a total of 32. I will make the alternating fence rail and add the matching border. (Remember that red from my previous post? Uh huh, that will be it.) What I am asking for are 9" finished 9 patches. For you beginners, just cut your squares 3.5 inches and put them together like this.... The block will measure 9.5 inches when you are done and can be hand or machine pieced. We are asking for a WHITE (not cream, and yes, white on white is acceptable) and a dark. The dark can be any color, as it will be scrappy. Please, no novelty prints, or seasonal prints. It is being made to help a child, but not for the child...she did receive a beautiful quilt for her birthday. The finished quilt will look something like this...
If you are willing to make a 9 patch block for Isla, please leave a comment here or email me at If you are set to no reply you will have to email me. I will email you my address and you can get your block off to me in the next 2 weeks. The block will easily fit in a regular business size envelope and should not take extra postage. Feel free to share this on your own blog or link back here...that would be AWESOME! I am not sure 32 quilters even read here. 32 blocks is not a large amount if we do it one by one!

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!!!


Carol said...

Beautiful little girl and I am happy to help. I'll make more than one block if you don't get 32. Just send your address.

Barb said...

I would be happy to

Andrea said...

I'll make as many as you need Bren. It's a lovely idea for a beautiful little girl xxx

Nancy said...

I'm in... send me your address..I won't get it out until next week as we are headed to the house today for the weekend...

Crispy said...

I'm in too Bren. I will need your address. I'll post about this on my blog today!!


Winona said...

Bren, I am supposed to be on a blog break, but just had to check out some of my friend's blogs. After seeing this, I had to come off the break long enough to tell you I will get a block done and sent to you next week. If you need more, I'll make more. Just let me know. Cute little girl. Talk to you later, friend.

Debi said...

Count me in and I posted this on my blog also.

Anonymous said...

Hello Bren,
I just posted about this on my blog. Hopefully you'll have many more quilters sign up. I'm going to wait until I have mine ready to mail before I request your address.
Mama Bear

Cyndi said...

Hi! I'm a blog friend of Barb and Winona (above) and I just read about this on Barb's blog. I'd be more than happy to make a nine patch block for the quilt to help little Isla, so please count me in!



Kathleen said...

yes, I can make one or two if you like...just let me know...this is a wonderful way to help people...

Coloradolady said...

I will be happy to make a block.

Unknown said...

Mama Bear sent me over! Count me in - please send your address, I will do more if needed !!!

Dresden Quilter said...

I would be happy to make a block.

Fiona said...

great idea... I'd love to make a block....

Kim said...

I would love to make some blocks.

Erin @ Why Not Sew? Quilts said...

I would be happy to make a block also!

Wendy said...

I would love to make a block or two......

Carolyn said...

I would love to make a couple of blocks. Please let me know where to send it.
Carolyn Goddard

julieQ said...

I would love to participate, Bren! Just send me your snail mail!!

Jeanne said...

I will make a block. Please send an address for me to send the block.

Anonymous said...


Yvonne said...

Count me in. :)

Janel said...

Hi Bren,
I don't quilt :( sorry! But I want you to know how wonderful a person you are to do this! My sisters both have/had children with Cystic Fibrosis. My oldest sister has a daughter (25) and she is doing well...thank God! My middle sister lost 2 of her 3 children with this terrible disease (they were 18 and 6). None of my 3 children have this...I don't know why some of us go through this and some don't.

Thank you sweet Bren!!!
Love Ya...Janel in NJ

Carrie P. said...

how sweet! it is going to be a great quilt for a great cause. I came over from Crispy's blog. Let me know if you still need blocks.

mouse said...

I think I originally found your blog through Sue's blog and have been admiring your quilting ever since! I'd love to help if you still need blocks--is unbleached muslin white enough? (Miraculously, in all my fabric stash, I don't have anything white-white :P). Please let me know!

Quilting Corner said...

I e-mailed you my address. I have a block ready to mail.
Fondly, Etty

Penny from S.C. said...

I'd be glad to make a block if you still need one. Let me know by sending me your address. Thanks

Cassandra said...

Do you still need block contributions? I'd be glad to send you one!

Rose Marie said...

I'll be happy to make a block for you ..... can you give me your address again.

sunny said...

Am I too late? I coule make a block and get it into the mail by Friday!