Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Show and Tell

My wonderful Mother in Love gave me a beautiful cart for my eating area. Remember the metal carts from the 60's? My mother had one....I believe it was red and silver. This one is a beautiful wood. It replaces the high chair. Yep.....No more babies. :`( Emerson is a big girl now and really does not need a high chair. When they can take the tray off, unbuckle themselves, and fall out, it is time to retire the high chair. I have a booster seat so she can just sit at the table. The other day, however, she ate outside with Aunt Charlotte.They had a picnic and both of them got quite silly.She played with Sassy....though Sass was none too pleased about it.
And she gazed out the window. What was she looking at??? Her brother and Zach, along with the other neighborhood boys, all playing matchbox cars on the curb.It was a nice Sunday afternoon visit from the grandkids!!!
I got a new computer...new to me, anyway. My mother got a real new one and gave me her "old" one that is really not old at all! Sweetheart got it all hooked up for me and then we could not find the disc for the modem. *heavy sigh* I am so frustrated with myself. I am not an organized person by any stretch, though I work VERY hard at it, and it just frazzled me that I lost that silly thing! I will need to call Comcast and see what we can do. In the meantime, I got my old computer hooked back up and will just try to get a new disc. Hopefully, my mess up will not cost us any money!
On a different note, I wondered what you quilters, knitters, crocheters (is that a word?) do when you go to a class, a bee, or even to an appointment, when you want to take your "stuff"? I have a bucket that I LOVE. Linda made this for me a while back. It has been one of my favorite "totes" for the last couple of years. To hold my needles, thread, scissors, and thimble, I use this little pouch that Nancy made me. I just toss it in the bucket and off I go!What do you use???
Tomorrow is September 1st. I am SO excited!!! I get all my fall decor out on that day. I know...it is still summer but too bad, so sad....I am in fall once September hits. Winona made me the most GORGEOUS table runner last year and I got it too late to use in the fall season, so that will come out FIRST thing in the morning! My amazing mom bought me a big fat Yankee candle....Home Sweet Home scent....and that will fill my house with cinnamon goodness!!!! I'll take pics and show you next time!

Friday, August 27, 2010

A Professional Schooler

TJ (here with his Mommy) is now a kindergartner. When he got out of the car to go into the school, he put his backpack on and stuck his thumbs through the straps at his shoulders and said, "This is how professional schoolers do it!" I love that kid! He came to grandma's to sharpen his new pencils.........while his sister stayed with Ga-Ma and pretended to take a nap.
We did go for a walk..........and had some lunch.Kyle got his new glasses.When we got home from picking them up, he went outside and I saw him out there just standing in the driveway and looking around. When I asked him what he was doing he said, "I'm seeing." I cried. If I had known how bad his eyes were, I would have fixed it sooner. That is what comes from having a "child" who NEVER complains. He is pretty proud that he and his big brother both wear glasses.We are enjoying wonderful days of having the windows open which thrills Sassy to no end!She loves the great outdoors, though she will not walk out an open door to escape to the outside! She loves to "perch" and continues to own the house!Praying you are all having a wonderful week. I am going to switch the laundry and pick up the Hidden Star.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


It has been quiet around here, though there have been happenings. Kyle will be getting his glasses in the next day or two. This will be the last time you see him without them. He does look handsome with them on! A while back Sweetheart made me a curio shelf to hold my tea cups and tea pots. I hung it in the eating area, until recently, when I decided less is more. I got rid of all kinds of "stuff". Well Kyle asked if he could use the curio in his room for his "stuff". He put it on his desk. It actually looks nice in there. He is a very organized kid. Takes after his father! Sassy hitched a ride while Kyle was moving it. He set it down for a minute and she jumped right in!Charlotte finished her last embroidery project. I need to spray the blue pen out of it and give it a press and then it is ready to become a bag, or a pillow....not sure which yet.She is well into her next project. A train pillow that TJ has already claimed.I had both kids on Sunday, but forgot to take pictures!! I will have them for a couple hours tonight, so I will make sure to remember.
I have been quilting like mad. I thought I had about 4 or 5 of these little blocks left to do.Come to find out I had over a dozen! Well, now I am down to one left. Soon I will be on the edges and then it will go much faster!
We moved my old hope chest upstairs.It looks just like it did the day I got it. Yeesh....my quilt is not on the bed evenly....Now I need to go fix that!I will be back with pictures of the grandkids in the next day or two.
Thanks for the visit!

Sunday, August 22, 2010


Chippy is a parakeet. He is the happiest parakeet you have ever come across. He sings from the time the sun comes up until the sheet is put over his cage at night. He was meant to sing. He brings joy to all who hear him. One day his owner was using her vacuum cleaner hose to clean out the bottom of Chippy's cage. She had done this many times and Chippy knew to stay away from the hose. The phone rang and the lady went to answer it leaving the vacuum cleaner hose running in the bottom of the cage. Chippy looked at the hose, knowing he should not go near it.Curiosity got the better of him and Chippy got a bit too close to the hose. It sucked him right up into the vacuum cleaner. His owner, upon return, found Chippy's cage empty and guessed at what had happen. She opened the bag as quickly as she could and there was Chippy covered in dust and dirt, visibly struggling to breathe. The lady ran Chippy to the kitchen sink and turned the water on full blast plunging Chippy under the cold tap and washing all the dirt and dust from his feathers. Once she realized this was not a good thing for Chippy she ran him to the bathroom where she blasted him with the hot blow dryer. Chippy survived, however, Chippy never sang again.He just sat there on his perch and never uttered another sound. His spirit was broken.

Have you been sucked into a vacuum? Plunged into an ice cold power washer until you were certain you would drown? Been blasted with fire til you were scorched and singed?
Life can break your spirit and when you have a broken spirit it prevents you from doing what you are called to do, as it did to Chippy. Broken spirits happen when we become disobedient to God.
When we repent and ask God to restore our broken spirits He is faithful to do so.He will take your broken spirit and turn it into a work of art. Something of beauty for all to see.Just like broken pieces of glass are used to create beautiful stained glass windows, God will piece your broken spirit into a thing of beauty.
This is just a small portion of the message at church this morning. Once it is posted, I will give you all the link so you can hear it for yourselves. It spoke volumes to my spirit!!!
"Now we exhort you, brethren, warn them that are unruly, comfort the feebleminded, support the weak, be patient toward all men.
See that none render evil for evil unto any man; but ever follow that which is good, both among yourselves, and to all men.
Rejoice evermore.
Pray without ceasing.
In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
Quench not the Spirit.
Despise not prophesyings.
Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
Abstain from all appearance of evil.

And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it.
1 Thessalonians 5:14-23

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Charlotte's Dinner

We started a new routine here. Each week, Charlotte will pick a dinner menu, including dessert, and make it from start to finish. She even needs to come up with the shopping list of ingredients. This week she chose for her menu:
Meatballs in a creamed tomato sauce
Boiled Potatoes
Sauteed Onions and Green Beans
Homemade Peach Cobbler
She made her dessert first. She used the recipe from "The Art of Cooking" DVD we recently watched.I watched and was available if she needed me, but she mastered the cobbler on her own.We keep some milk in a quart jar in case the kids need to pour a measurement of milk. It is too difficult for them to handle a full gallon.
Next were the meatballs. She got all her ingredients in the bowl and asked me which "spoon" she should use to mix it up. My response?..."Are you new here? Get those hands in that bowl and mix it up good!" She was afraid of that!!!NOT her favorite part, but she got use to it and made the most perfect looking meatballs I had ever seen!She had her potatoes peeled, cut up, and boiling on the stove while the meatballs simmered in the sauce she created. She got the french styled green beans and onions in the skillet with sweet butter.If you have never had these, they are so easy and SOOOO good!Charlotte's Peach Cobbler came out of the oven looking and smelling fabulous!Her dinner was one of the best I have ever eaten! We added some Lipton Onion Soup mix to the meat mixture this time and, boy, was it good! She did a beautiful job of creating a wonderful dinner for the whole family. She was very proud of herself, and the joy on her face was worth millions!PLUS she cleaned up the entire mess!!! I am going to LOVE Charlotte's dinner nights!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Roto Rooter, That's The Name!!!

That was my day today. Last night my kitchen sink backed up and it was a nightmare. Sweetheart did everything possible....he tore everything apart, plunged, poured Drano, plunged some more, shop vac'd, plunged again, snaked, plunged again. Finally we called Roto Rooter. They were here in 20 minutes and had it draining in 15. They had to snake it out 40 ft. The culprit??.....I got a huge scolding for putting rice and coffee grounds down the disposal. Why the heck have one if you can't use it? He told me to not put anything down there smaller than a basketball. The Roto Rooter guy is not a fan of disposals!!!!

Before the drain clogged up yesterday, I had a chance to clean out my baking center. I also keep our medicines on the top shelf of this cupboard. Here is the before pic.I know my sweet mother-in-law is cringing as she looks at this. LOL See, Dianne....it is all organized and tidy once again.The shelves all got a good scrubbing and everything was put back where it belonged.I was inspired by this clean cupboard to bake something.....Whole wheat, sugar free, oatmeal cinnamon muffins. They did not look all that different after they came out of the oven.The kids LOVED them, (Emerson included), but they really did taste just like they looked. Heavy and Blah! I will tweak the recipe next time for sure.

Today was spent with my mom. I always look forward to those days. Tomorrow, Kyle has an eye doctor appointment. He needs glasses!!! Here he is cuddling with Sass.She sure loves Kyle, and he really loves her!!! Sassy got into my cone of thread that is set up at my sewing machine. She got it hooked in between her teeth and strung thread from that cone all over the basement. What a mess! The cone was still in place, she just drug the thread with her like a runaway fishing line off a pole! ( I know this is dangerous for her and promise to watch her more closely in my sewing room. She has never gotten on my table before!)

I guess that is all I have to share. We are expecting our lye tomorrow, so hopefully we will be making soap over the weekend. I will come back and share with you all!