Sunday, August 14, 2011

36 Weeks and Sunday Pictures

Hayden's Favorite Food

I made Fettuccine Alfredo for the girls for dinner last week and it was the first time Hayden had thirds and ate all of Bailey's left overs. She loved it so much - I decided to claim it as Hayden's favorite food. Isn't she so darn cute.

Bailey & Hayden love to play a game that they switch dinner places and pretend to eat like each other. Bailey is so funny:)

Fire Station and Police Expo

A couple of weeks ago we went to a few things to learn about the people in our communities that help us keep safe. We first went to the fire station with out friends. I told Bailey that when she got stung by scorpions that the firemen came and helped her breath and took care of her. She was pretty excited to meet them, but even more excited to sit in the fire truck. The firemen also gave them firemen hats. How lucky! It was a good day.

That weekend we also went to a Police Expo. The highlight of the event was definitely Bailey getting to sit in a helicopter. The girls also got to meet a police office and sit on his motorcycle, meet talking parrots, and got free face painting. They also ended their little adventure with a free hot dog. They absolutely loved it.