The very, very good news. We don't have to worry about Cystic Fibrosis or Tay- Sachs disease. Thank God. It has been a long, long time waiting for the genetic screening results.
Other news. I have not figured this out enough to sound coherent, I will shoot for semi-coherent.
Mr. Mostly Darling has low morphology. This means that the percent of his sperm that is properly shaped is very low. So they are putting him on some vitamins that may help. They will re-test him in a few months. If it does not help, they can still inject his sperm (yum)into my uterus so it does not have to swim so far.
This was quite a surprise to us.
Also, I am hypoglycemic. Which I am still trying to understand but I have an appointment with a nutritionist and have to eat a low gi diet whateverthehell that is.
I also have a thyroid problem. That and the hypoglycemia could be major contributors to my depression. I have to take Vitamins C and a baby aspirin every day. I have to take vitamin E twice a week. I have to take something called Metformin 3 times a day in increasing amounts.
That has charming side affects like gas and the hurry ups. Nice.
I also have to take something for my thyroid and one of the side affects is that MY HAIR MIGHT FALL OUT. nice.
On the other hand, I think between the metformin and hte thyroid stuff I might drop some weight.
So I have to spend three months (yep more waiting hurrah!) getting healthy. I am also at a higher risk for gestational diabetes( and regular diabetes my body sucks ass) as well as pre-eclampsia. nice.
So they took some more blood to get a better look at my thyroid. Where is the damn Easy Button?
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