Friday, March 26, 2010

So slow but yet SO fast!

So knowing baby number two is going to arrive in about 6 months. .. I am really truly trying to just enjoy my little Gavin. Just concentrating all my time on him through the whole day. At the same time i feel like this is already the longest pregnancy! I am only 4 months! Lol I think it is just because i got big so quick and it feels like I'm further along than i really am. I know when it is all over i am going to wish i could have slowed things down. So i remind myself of this everyday now. I have had a lot of time to think about how i want this delivery to go when it gets here. I had a Epidural and this time around I'm wanting to try to wait longer or not even have one all together. With Gavin and I ended up not nursing him. (long story short.. it wasn't going to happen with baby Gavin) So i kinda have had a weird outlook on nursing sense i only did it a couple weeks with Gavin. But this time around i want to try so much harder, hoping i will love it and things can be a little different. I do like the way i did things with Gavin.. I got to enjoy the delivery more without the excruciating pain. . and I had a lot of help from Brandon during the night to bottle feed him. I just want to experience the other side and see what i really like better. So only time will tell. I'm very anxcious to find out if this one is a boy or girl. Both mine and Brandon's instincts say girl so we will just have to wait and see. Our hawaii trip is coming the end of april and Gavin is staying with g-ma and g-pa bird. We will see how well i will handle this. I have already cried 4 times thinking about leaving him that long.

ps.. I'm almost 17 weeks along on sunday!
Gavin - How big he is getting - 20 mnths


kyleandtaryn said...

I felt the exact same way with this pregnancy. You will be SHOCKED how fast it goes because Gavin will keep you so busy. I only have four weeks left and I don't know where the time went! I'm the same way...I want to try it without an epidural, but we'll see when I'm in the moment. Ha. Good luck!

Francis Family said...

Aw fun! It think it'll be awesome to see what other ways are like. You'll know whats best for you when you get there.
Gavin looks so old in that picture!

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Amie said...

he really is getting big, he is so cute though!!!