Sunday, November 12, 2006

Fair warning: this is not an entertaining blog, it's definitely "Cathartic Sunday" a day to let off some steam.

I can understand school slackers. I slacked, didn't live up to my potential, it's sort of what you do when you're 18-22. But if you're going to be slacker, just accept it and stop bitching that the world doesn't fill in for you that big gaping hole btwn effort and achievement.

Since I've returned to school, I've been quite proud of my grades. School is not rocket science (though I suppose it could be depending on if you are actually taking Rocket Science), nor does it require a particular amount of brains. I am very lucky to be blessed with excellent prompted recall, and many of my tests are multiple choice. Sometimes they're very picky, tricky multiple choice (I suspect the first thing out of the box when Pandora cracked it open was a teacher saying "why yes, c is a correct answer, but b is MORE correct"), but what I've found is that all you have to do is read the chapters. That's all, just read, take notes BEFORE the lecture, then circle whatever topics the teacher particularly lingers on. Half the time I barely review for a test, I just re-read what I've already written down.

But y'know, apparently that's pretty radical.

I am a psychology minor, and that means taking about 6 PSY classes. It's not a large department, so I tend to have many of the same people in my classes. I also have to listen to them complain about their tests, and booooy do they BITCH. And it's pretty much the same litany of grousing, "well you know, he/she really didn't give us that information in class." No, REALLY?! Because I can really see how a teacher should never expect you to know anything other than what he/she spoon feeds you explicitly. Apparently it's not enough for a teacher to cover a topic, they are supposed to refer to their tests as an outline of what to talk about. Do my classmates think textbooks are just there to fill out their backpacks - maybe good for developing the biceps? Sadly, even when they do hand it to you on a platter, it doesn't matter. In my Industrial Org. Psych class, all you have to do is have a pulse and be in class and you could pass the test. EVERYTHING is given explicitely, terms AND test review. I actually made a 112 on his first test b/c of the extra credit he provides on the test. Of a class of 20, four failed. One girl who got a 30 complained that it was b/c it was too hard to get up for an 8 am class. Well who the frick signed you up for this class to start with sweetheart?

Not once, not a single time, have I ever heard someone say, "I just didn't study the material well enough." Though in the past two weeks I have heard two students complain that their bad grade on a multiple choice test was a result of a teacher disliking them. Yes, darlings, it's all a conspiracy.

On Tuesday, I have a test in my Abnormal Psychology class. Our prof posts a review for each test on Blackboard (a site teachers can use to post class info: syllabus', student email addresses, reviews, don't even have to visit, it emails you with updates). Two days ago a girl emailed everyone asking them if they had the notes for 2 chapters. Two whole chapters - there are only four on the test. She asked specifically for 2 definitions which are clearly defined on the very first page of the chapter in the textbook.

Then today, I received this email from another classmember:

"hey everyone i forgot the actual chapters in the book. does anyone know which ones will be on the test?"

I didn't know whether to laugh or lie in wait for him next Tuesday so I can kick his ass for wasting his parent's tuition money.

Consider the facts that:
1) he's asking this on Sunday, the test is Tuesday
2) the syllabus and the test review are on Blackboard, which he had to visit to send this email to all of us

Ok, ok, breathe. Can you believe that of all the people who really wish they could attend college and can't, their place is taken up by these assmonkeys (new word, just go with it), I want to shriek.

What is it, has college always been like this? Apparently grades are now a communal responsibility. Didn't know that, how stupid I've been to go at it solo.

One more thing to think about...these are upper level classes. That means these students are just about to graduate. Guess who you're going to be working with soon.


At 1:40 PM, Blogger Dixie said...

You should write a paper about the psychology of students believing they should have knowledge spoon fed to them and how it compares with society echewing personal responsibility.

Know why I got bad grades in college? Because I messed around and didn't study. At least I owned up to it when I did it.

At 9:21 PM, Blogger sari said...

You know what? I hate excuses as well.

Hate them.

I feel for you.


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