Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Blessing Day

My mom had flown up to be here when Emerson was born, Janika came a week later, and Jami and Camber were here visiting from Colorado for a family reunion, so when my dad and Jared drove up to come visit for the 4th we decided we should bless him while the whole family was here. Nana picked out an uber cute little white tux for him and luckily it got here just in time.

Proud Daddy

Papa & Emerson

Family Brunch

I wish we would have gotten more pics with the whole family outside the church and all the wonderful men who helped bless him, but things were kinda crazy getting the brunch organized and in the end, we just had Janika ride up to the temple with us after everyone left and snap some shots of just the three of us.

Baby boy...Lion King style

First Family Pic

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