Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Vegas Trip

For our anniversary, Brady surprised me with a trip to Boulder City. We left Thursday night after he got off work and drove through the night. I was worried that Emerson would cry the whole way - after all, it's about an 11 hour drive, but he did wonderful! He slept almost the whole way, waking only to eat and get his diaper changed. Friday night, Brady had arranged for my parents to watch Emerson and we got to go out to dinner at Olive Garden and then stayed the night out at Lake Las Vegas. I missed our little boy, but it was wonderful to be able to relax, swim, and then sleep through the night. Saturday afternoon we had a super informal open house for friends to come over and meet Emerson. It was great to see everyone, I've missed them a lot. Emerson got spoiled rotten - we came home with gift cards, books, toys, and over 20 new outfits. He is one very lucky little boy. Saturday night was my friend Amy's wedding reception. She looked absolutely beautiful and even though we didn't get to chat too long, it was wonderful to see her. On Sunday, my "little" brother Jared was ordained an Elder. He sent his mission papers in a few days earlier and should be getting his call in the next couple weeks. I can't believe he's old enough to go. I'm so proud of his decision to serve a mission but I am really going to miss him. We started for home after church, stopped at my aunt and uncle's house in St. George and had dinner, then stopped at my brother and sister-in-law's in Cedar to visit, stayed the night at my grandparents in Hatch and then drove the rest of the way home on Monday. The trip was quick, but so much fun!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Graduation & Bar J

Friday night was graduation. Hard to believe we're officially college grads. Now it's off to the real world - jobs, mortgages, and parenthood. My family came back out for the ceremony so that was fun. This is about the extent of the pictures we got. Glad we got a few though.

we did it!

Saturday night we took my family and went up to Jackson Hole, WY. We got there early enough to go down the Alpine Slide. Don't have any pictures of that but holy cow - what a ride. They take you up the top of a mountain on a ski lift and then you ride a little plastic sled down a cement track (kind of reminded me of Cool Runnings and a summer bobsled ride). I was scared out of my mind, but it was fun.
That night we went to the Bar J Wranglers for a delicious chuck-wagon dinner and show. Brady and I have been before, but it was a first for my fam. All in all - really fun weekend.

We stopped at the summit to stretch and let my parents take some pics.

hehe - I just love Janika's face in this one

The Bar J Wranglers

The music put him to sleep

It looks like I'm holding that barrel that's way in front of us.

Friday, July 23, 2010

One Month Old

Life has been pretty crazy lately. This parenting thing is a lot harder than I ever imagined it would be, but it's been worth every minute. It was wonderful having family here to help - I don't think I ever could have done it without them. I have a whole new level of love and appreciation for my mom now.

At our latest doctor appointment Emerson weighed in at a whopping 10lbs 6 oz and 24 inches long. He's in the 97th percentile for length and 75th percentile for weight. He's a big kid but there's not an ounce of chub on him - he's just long and lean and perfect.

One Month Photoshoot - the top left is my fave

Snuggling with Aunt Janika

daddy bought him some Sunday duds - isn't he the cutest?

Thumbs up, dude!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Camp Family Reunion

Brady's family had a reunion up at West Piney. Mom and Janika drove up with us after Sacrament on Sunday and we got to spent the afternoon with everyone there.

First time with Uncle Jay

Emerson is two weeks old...Daniel's baby girl is 2 months old. They're the same size. lol

There's a baby in that blanket somewhere.

The whole Prestwich clan

Uncle Myron, Emerson, & Aunt Sharon

Scoping out the slide

Janika finally braved it...

...and down down down she goes

Unfortunately, just after we left Jen took Abby down slide and managed to catch her leg on the side and busted her ankle in three places. I knew there was a legitimate reason to be terrified of the thing.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Two Weeks Old

Here's a few photos from his second wonderful week of life.

So Sweet...

He looked so cute I just had to take pictures. Even if he was grumpy.

Look how tiny his little nails are!

This one makes me laugh - Janika caught him smiling :)

Chilling in his high chair while we ate breakfast

It's amazing how fast they grow. We took him to his baby wellness check this week and he's gained 6oz and grown 2.5 inches! He's a strong little kiddo - already trying to hold his head up and doing pretty good at it too.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Blessing Day

My mom had flown up to be here when Emerson was born, Janika came a week later, and Jami and Camber were here visiting from Colorado for a family reunion, so when my dad and Jared drove up to come visit for the 4th we decided we should bless him while the whole family was here. Nana picked out an uber cute little white tux for him and luckily it got here just in time.

Proud Daddy

Papa & Emerson

Family Brunch

I wish we would have gotten more pics with the whole family outside the church and all the wonderful men who helped bless him, but things were kinda crazy getting the brunch organized and in the end, we just had Janika ride up to the temple with us after everyone left and snap some shots of just the three of us.

Baby boy...Lion King style

First Family Pic

Sunday, July 4, 2010

4th of July

We had a pretty relaxed fourth. Emerson was up most of the night so we slept in with him till about ten, made a big breakfast with my family and just hung out the rest of the day.

Later that night we took Jared and Janika out to IF to watch the fireworks with Brady's family.
Fancy Fireworks

Brady, Jared, & Janika showing off their soccer moves

Playing ball with the kids

Emerson slept through the whole thing. The noise didn't phase him at all.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

One Week Old

Here are some pictures of Emerson's first week of life. I can't believe how quickly he's growing.

One Day Old

Five Days Old
my two favorite boys

big yawns

wide awake and ready to play...at 2am

the one-eyed stare

6 Days Old
Already holding his own bottle!

7 Days Old


He was none too happy about the photoshoot