About a week or so ago, Brady, Cadence, and I were out swimming in the pool. I kept hearing some crazy "caw" sounds in the yard but initially we couldn't figure out where they were coming from. Finally found them, a pair of crows, walking back and forth along the wall nearest the pool. They just kind of watched us for a while and then took off.
Later that evening, when my brother and sister-in-law were loading up to head back home, my mom called us all out side to see the commotion. The crows were back, and they were obviously making themselves at home. They were not people shy at all. In fact they were following us around cawing like crazy. I ran inside to get my camera, since I knew no one would believe how close we were getting to these birds without proof! It was insane.

Two days later we found out that our new "neighbors" weren't exactly the greatest to have a around. They would follow us everywhere and land practically on top of you. They even followed
Cady and I in the car halfway down the road, swooping down at the windshield like they had a death wish or something. The family across the street had been dealing with them for almost two weeks and they were really getting annoyed. My mom and I did some research and decided that we really needed to find a way to get them out of our yards. We found out that once you have one pair living in your yard it wouldn't long before other pairs decided to join them. They are crazy social and like to live in groups and we did NOT want that. In the end, we didn't have to do anything about it, since the crows attacked the grandma that lives across the street one to many times. Our neighbors took matters into their own hands, and I am sad to say the crows are no more. My mom and I would have liked to find a more humane way to get rid of them, but we are glad that they aren't dive bombing us (especially
Cady) in the yard anymore. It was getting crazy and no one wanted to go outside.
Other than the crow incident things have been going well.
Cady is growing like a weed and giving us all kinds of lip now. We still love her though!
Also here is my 35 weeks picture. I feel huge and I am really getting sick of the heat, but I only have about 4 more weeks to go. The good news is that we have finally picked a name! We will be naming her Rory, unless she is born and doesn't look anything like a Rory. In that case we will have the name book at the hospital with us and we will have to see what we can do. Cadence is excited about her name (we were kind of worried about that since she has been calling her Violet for about 4 months) and I am so happy to finally have something to call this wiggler. Despite not having ANY room in there, this child NEVER stops moving. It is totally crazy and my ribs and pelvis are constantly getting a beating. Cadence never once kicked my ribs so this is a whole new experience for me...and I am kind of worried about what kind of personality she is going to have!

Oh and our house is coming along! I am pretty sure that I will have Rory before it is finished, but it should be pretty close either way. Hope you are all doing well!