Monday, April 5, 2010


Pictures from February 10, 2010

Both girls were a little fussy so they both ended up in the exersaucer together :) We do have 2 exersaucers but only 1 was put together at the time.

Left: Molly R: Maddie
Sisters' feet
Although Molly is a little bigger than Maddie she's not as big as she looks here. She is sitting on Maddie's bum so she looks bigger.

Too cute! We have to learn to share early on :)
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Cleverly Triple said...

LOL! i LOVE it! our kids had the same jammies!

Mat and Brooke said...

Cutest post EVER! The pictures tell the entire scenario so ADORABLY!! I love your last line about learning to share early. :) So true for you guys! I can't imagine how busy you must feel...but all at the same time, so abundantly blessed with 3X the joy of having a beautiful, charming little baby in the home. I'll bet your heart overflows many times each day...

Hale-O There said...

That is so precious, you're girls are darling! They are lucky they have siblings right off, they will always know how to share and adjust plans etc.

Nikki & Hal said...

Oh I love that! It's so funny. I'm glad I've been able to see them every week lately! Oh and Mad says he loves his girlfriends...haha :)

Lacey Jay said...

They are SOOO stinkin cute!

Jacee McGuire said...


Rick and Angie said...

They are all just so adorable! Keep the posts coming!!

~Paige~ said...

They are SO cute Ju! By the way, Sami has those Pj's and I love them I think they are so cute. :)