Sunday, April 25, 2010

5 more posts below!


Little piggies

One of my favorite things was when the babies found their toes. I don't know why but I thought it was so cute. They found them when they were 6 to 7 months old. They still love to play with them. We sometimes play with them while eating, always while getting our diaper changed, and occasionally suck on a few at times. Maddie was the last to find her toes of the 3 but she is the one who loves hers the most. Her favorite time to play with them is during bath time :)

Hunter is a pro at taking his socks off to get to those little toes

Maddie watching tv playing with those toes.

Sadly no picture of Molly playing with her toes...yet.
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"Mom what's this?"

Molly always has her eyes on my Diet Coke cans. Who needs toys when you have aluminum cans?

So shiney! "Mom, what is this thing you always have?"
"Is this how you do it?"
"That's good"

"I think I got it now...MMMM."

For any of you who are worried, the can is empty. Do you think we're starting the addiction too early? :)
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Flying high

Just after the babies tuned 7 months we decided feeding cereal in the bumbos was no longer an option. They were arching, twisting and turning, bending, everything. It was no longer easy to feed them or safe for that matter. So we got ourselves some space saver high chairs. Wow, what a difference. I was very happy with the switch and apparently so were they :)

First time in our big kid chairs...Molly, Hunter, Madison
Hunter (doesn't that smile just make you grin? Oh I love it!)


We love having the space saver chairs because they do not take up extra space that we don't have. The only thing is that our table only has 4 chairs and they take up 3. I guess we weren't really prepared for that ;)
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Cute closeups

I just thought these were a few cute pictures of the kids that I wanted to share.

Moll Doll
Sweet Maddie

All pictures from the beginning of March 2010
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Just Hangin'

Finally wrapping up with a few more pictures from February. Hopefully one of these days I will get caught up.

This is Hunter with his cousin McCoy. This is when McCoy started wanting to hold the babies and of course Hunter was first. Hunter LOVES his McCoy. McCoy came over multiple times a week with his mom, my sister Natalie, for the first few months of the babies' lives to help out. Hunter absolutely adores him and loves nothing more than to watch his every move and try to give him loves. They are only 10 months apart and I cannot wait for them to be able to play more. Hunter is very lucky to be surrounded by LOTS of boy cousins close to his age!

My sweet babies. Hunter, Molly, and Maddie. Just hanging out, practicing sitting up while mom vacuums :)

Our princesses, Maddie and Molly. They are so fun together!

Hunter and his Daddy. To say Hunter is a Daddy's boy does not even explain how much he loves his Daddy. No one can get him to smile and giggle like his Dad. I love it!
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Monday, April 5, 2010


Pictures from February 10, 2010

Both girls were a little fussy so they both ended up in the exersaucer together :) We do have 2 exersaucers but only 1 was put together at the time.

Left: Molly R: Maddie
Sisters' feet
Although Molly is a little bigger than Maddie she's not as big as she looks here. She is sitting on Maddie's bum so she looks bigger.

Too cute! We have to learn to share early on :)
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