What a pretty weekend..Blue sky complement with cool breeze..
And we started the weekend with the visit to Dr. VET..
Huh?? Annual booster?? Nope can't feel anything..
Second, Rabies jab.. : Huh!! I don'need a rabies Jab..Oooucchh "
After all the ouchies and a nice long sunny walk home..the best thing to do is to unwind by the pool ..
A few drops of water to keep the temperature down..
and some beer..
and more beer... (note from mom: it's only a teaser.. she didn't have any beer)
And I can only say it's been a brilliant day..If only this can be a daily ritual..
Some may already know, I'm counting down my days in Singapore cuz I will be moving back to my mother land this coming Thursday, 19 January 2012. And I just cannot wait to go back to a place with proper space and cousins to play with..
Don't get me wrong Singapore.. I love you.. but not as much as I love countries that has more space to run around..
P.S: I feel like Moiselle knows that she is moving back to Malaysia and there has been a massive positive change of mood with the girl. She has been very happy and extremely playful since we told her that we will be sending her home first. Sometimes I wonder if she can really understand what we tell her..