Showing posts with label Questions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Questions. Show all posts


20 Questions for Townhall | HOME

I has been a while and now this silly political boring, right?
Sorry Dear Reader, but a braveheart has gotta do what she has gotta do. :)
Puppies are gone, my back has been out..thanks to the stinky- pooping-adorable puppies, however I am enjoying the last days of summer by hitting the Chiropractor and Massage Therapist a couple times a week. I am also very much enjoying my new job which will be an upcoming blog for certain.
So I leave you with a few questions that I found worth pondering and printing out for that town hall meeting I plan on limping to next week.
Happy End of Aug 09 all, may it's last bit of memories be full of summer joy and abundant harvests...both physical and spiritual.