Sunday, December 05, 2010

Matching Clothes, Baubles and That Smile...

Cute somewhat matching boys this morning wanted to pose for a photo shoot. This is their "excited" face. Note Zack's NORMAL face...
Then, when I tell them to smile... I get THIS.
Did you want to see that closer up? I thought so. Check out Zack's maniacal smile.
But, how could you not love these cute faces? Ignore their red chapped lips. That's what you get in Utah in December...
On another note, I love wearing baubles. (And for Leese - here's a not-so-great pic of my not-so-recent-anymore haircut)

And this? No words...
None at all...


Melissa said...

Holy hilarity. That pic of Z-man doing the monkey face is killing me.

corinne said...

i heartily approve of this post. zack is hilarious! ollie wants to see him soon.

Jenny said...

those are some great monkey faces!

Meredith W said...

Cute hair cut Marse! You've inspired me to chop mine!

Lisa Michelle said...

HAHAHahAH - that last pic of Z is AWESOME!!! Def should send it to Jake. Love the hair. can that guy come to TX? Also, Zack looks EXACTLY like your 2-year-old pics!!! Crazy. POST MORE!!!

weller14 said...

your boys are awesome!

Melissa @ Bookmark Dragon said...

Mike has a pretty great impersonation of Z's "normal" smile. It's pretty awesome. You should request to see it at Christmas.

OnCallMom said...

Zack is a mini-marci! I love it. Love those baubles! Where can I get some of those? Because instead of the necklace I was hoping for for Christmas, Ben (who had us for Christmas) got me an "I heart optimus prime" t-shirt. :) So much better, but I think I'll treat myself to a new necklace anyway. Hee hee. And you look gorgeous--love the hair!