Saturday, September 04, 2010

Remember May? Moab

We went to Moab for Memorial Day weekend this year with all of Matt's family. Ben and Sarah came from NYC and Tricia was on break from PA school. It was SO FABULOUS to all be together!

It was such a fun weekend and full of adventure. My favorite activity by FAR was off-roading. It was crazy fun. We went up Gemini Bridges and then got out and hiked around for a while.

Liz, Rach, and our boys.Tricia and Zack (who wouldn't look at the camera!) Thanks for being Zack's hiking buddy so many times on that trip, Trish! (and this post is dedicated to you! Sorry it's taken me so long to upload pics!)
My fabulous in-laws who planned the entire weekend

Gemini BridgeBen the Adventurer and Sarah looking over the edgeSam Tricia, Rach, and Zack. "Ooooo-ahhhh!" (what Zack said every time he had a big step)The View from one of our off-roading adventures.
Matt and Sam checking out the drop-offOur fam
Sam and Matt on the bridge
The crew hiking

Let's discuss OFF-ROADING!!!

Is there anything better? It's like being on a roller coaster for 6 hours! My kind of fun. :) We started with Gemini Bridges - fairly tame, although I didn't know that at the time!

Then we moved on to Fins and Things - which was THE BOMB DOT COM. (like that Leese?) Really. It was so unbelievable that vehicles are CAPABLE of going on that kind of trail!

Check out these videos. First, is one of our jeep going down the steepest, craziest, part of Fins and Things. I got so scared on the way down that I pulled the camera in without realizing it. Woops. Our boys and Ben LOVED it though.

Here's Ben's descent! I thought Tricia was driving during the video though... so ignore that.

Did you hear the brakes screeching as the jeep SLID DOWN THE HILL??? Yah. THAT is fun defined. :)

Thanks for a fabulous trip! Let's do it again sometime!


Jenny said...

Oh for fun! I love off-roading. I've done it through sand dunes with my dad and the fam...and on a date through one of those canyons in UT. It was so so so fun, and freaky...but more fun. I forget his name now, but he was a catch...but alas, I broke it off and found my true love.:) Anyway...offroading is fun! hehe I think my fav part is seeing the boys' reactions! Classic. Glad you had a great trip.

Rachel said...


I love the pics and the videos!! Thanks for posting them. I think that pic you have of my mom and dad is one of the best I've seen of them recently!