Friday, December 29, 2006

Happy New Year

Happy New Year everyone! Love, Sam

PS - A direct quote, "Daaa daaa daa dogn gobluvgffffsaaadraaahhh" (That means Happy New Year. )

Squinty Eyes and Blogging Binges

Yes. Sam still does his squinty eyes while eating. Here's Matt's capture of one of Sam's antics during lunch the other day. He loves to entertain, and particularly so when he's in his high chair for some reason.

I feel the need to explain a bit. I go on blogging binges for some reason. I stay away or don't have time or don't want to post anything to our blog for a while... and then BAM. Eight new posts.

The moral of this story? Check often... cuz you never know when there will be LOTS new to see!

WALKING ... with a stroller

Now, I know what you're thinking. A stroller is a girly toy. But not when it has Sam's toy tool box with tools in it!

Sam is getting closer to walking each day. He started pushing grandma's little toy stroller all around the house... and apparently concentrating very hard. :)

Kate, Anne, Ben, and Little M'Ems

Being with my three cute nieces and nephew over the holiday was so much fun. We tried to get a pic with everyone looking... but it wasn't to be. Here's the best one. Kate, Anne, Ben, and Emma - I MISS YOU!At times, Sam would get jealous and crawl into the fray making his way to my lap.

Smirks and Smiles

Sam loves watching anyone blow bubbles with bubble gum. Here he is watching me blow bubbles. His little smiles are so cute.

I can't help it... It's so beautiful!

Sam LOVES computers and any other gadgets with buttons. In Utah anytime anyone left the door to the office open, Sam would make his way full speed and somewhat stealthily to the computer.
Here he is sneaking up on Grandma...

But Grandma outsmarted him and pushed the keyboard a smidge out of reach. Drat!

FOUR generations

Here it is... our FOUR generation shot. Ralph Bradford Romney, Ralph Steven Romney, Matthew Robson Romney, and Samuel Bradford Romney.

Christmas 2006

We had a fabulous time this past week and a half with the Romneys in Utah. Sam LOVES Choco and Zelda (the dogs) and would chase them around the house given the chance. He also loved playing with the ornaments on the tree and was surprisingly uninterested in attacking the presents under the tree. Thanks to everyone for such a fun trip!

The Fridge

Sam LOVES the fridge and wishes that Mom would let him play in there more often... and more importantly, dump out everything inside more often.

"You're My Buddy"

Sam loves playing with his dad. Here are some pics of them playing together this past weekend.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Sesame Street Takeover

Matt and I have realized just how much Sesame Street is taking over our lives. When Matt comes home after work, I'll often say, "Matt! You've GOT to see this!" and turn on a tivo'd clip of... Sesame Street. We seem to be humming songs from Bert and Ernie's Greatest Hits most days. Sam only pays attention when Cookie Monster is on, and seldom at other times.

Our by far favorite thing from Sesame Street is the Cookie Monster letter of the day RAP to the letter R.

Some of our favorite lyrics from the letter R rap:

"Me love letter R, me love is hotter than a sauna,
Me really want to eat it, but me promise me not gonna."

Who doesn't love Cookie Monster?

Friday, December 15, 2006

Sucking on Toes never gets old.

Sam loves to pull off his socks and then suck on his toes, and in doing so, cracking himself up because his feet are so ticklish.

Here are his toe escapades from last night.

Hmmm - what to do with a bowl...

I bought this bowl with a suction cup base so that I could stick it on Sam's tray and he wouldn't immediately dump out everything inside. Well... the suction cup sticks for about 3 seconds.

Here are Sam's suggestions of what to do with a bowl.

First, of course, is to dump out anything that is inside.

Then, hold it up to your face and talk through it to the person next to you. The echo is hilarious.
Sucking on the bowl is good fun.

And lastly, why not turn it upside down and THEN use your spoon?

TWO blankies???

Well, we thought we were being so sneaky. We bought Sam 3 of that little square blankie that he loves and have been rotating them through so I can wash them regularly.

Yesterday, I heard Sam in his room and it sounded like he had pulled his blankie out of his crib. Sure enough... he had done that AND found an identical second blankie at the bottom of his laundry basket! He was in heaven. When I found him, he had one blankie in his mouth and the other on his head. Unfortunately, by the time I retrieved the camera, he had taken the one off his head. Too bad! It was pretty funny.

Matt and I need to step it up a notch to keep the multiples hidden!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

All About SAM

Just so you don't think I've forgotten the purpose of this blog...

Here's Sam.

YW in Excellence

YW in Excellence was tonight, and while Matt's glad it's over so I can stop talking in my sleep nonstop all night long for the stress of planning and execution, it was GREAT! I love my calling. It's my favorite calling ever and I hope I always get to work in YW.

Here are some pics of my girls from some of our recent activities.

some of the laurels - one of my favorite group of girls since I was first a laurel advisor.
Allie volunteered to be our snowball at Cambridgefest (think of a VERY scaled down roadshow). We even did as the song said (It's a Marshmallow World was the song we sang...).

The lyrics say, "Your world is a snowball see how it grows (enter Allie on stage), that's how it goes whenever it snows. Your world is a snowball just for a song. Get out! and roll it along.... (enter picture below).
Kelly and Katelyn are two of the Beehives. Here they are getting ready for our performance.
Samantha, a mia maid, posing for me.
We raised over $1000 for sub for santa this year through our apple pie fundraiser in october. Here's Kelly with one of the presents she purchased.
This is my favorite picture of Aly (also a beehive). Hilarious! She's a funny one.

Friday, December 08, 2006

I wear my blankie on my head

Sam for some strange reason, loves to put his blankie on his head.

Today, I needed a little break from my clingy, tired, and cranky son (as a result of switching to one nap a day), so I let him watch a little Baby Einstein. This is how I found him when I checked on him a few minutes later...

Then, he spent the entire time reading books with Dad before bed with his blankie on his head again! We think it's pretty funny.

Thanks to the Holmes!

Thanks to Reagan and Tyler (and Adriel) for this awesome birthday gift for Sam! He totally loves it...
AND, he loved playing in the box it came in too. It was the perfect size...

Under and Through

Sam loves crawling under and through anything he possibly can. My legs, chairs, tables, etc. Today, while he was playing with his baseball, he threw it onto the bottom part of his exersaucer. So, of course, he had to retrieve it by crawling under and through.

Here's the sequence...

Ahhhh - working with TOOLS

Matt thinks that there is absolutely nothing better in this world (or few things) than working with tools. Apparently, Sam agrees. While Matt was working on putting doors and an extra shelf on the kitchen shelves he built for me 3 years ago, Sam decided he should help....

First with the measuring tape...
Then, trying to help Dad measure...
Finally, being TOUGH with Dad and posing for my pic.