Some of the world prominent mermaid statues are located in Songkhla (Thailand) and Copenhagen (Denmark). However, I recently manage to find a mermaid statue, right here at my very home soil. This mermaid statue is located at Kanowit town, just next to Fort Emma.

This might not be a high profile statue as those which were made of brass or bronze. The Kanowit mermaid statue was made mainly of concrete. I bet not many Sarawakian even realize the existence of this statue.

I have no idea why this statue was erected in the first place. I reckon someone might had saw a mermaid at the nearby Kanowit River very long time ago.

Well, I'm not missing this opportunity to pose with this beautiful mermaid. Hopefully this statue can be a tourist attraction for this sleepy town in the near future.
that's nice..
like the statue
A smile from SJ =)
really want to know the story behind the mermaid statue
Wah! Leng lui mermaid! =)
hows the planning for the Xmas weekend in Kabong? any room for trespassers? :)
Lovely statue She seems to be far from the sea.
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