Showing posts with label LEGO Hero Factory. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LEGO Hero Factory. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

LEGO Movie #70805 Trash Chomper Review

Happy New Years guys! I think LEGO Group sent out the playset to quite a number of people to write a review on the playset and the pictorial review continues in Eurobricks.

Again, this set comes with an alternate model which is garbage truck other than trash chomper. The reason I posted the garbage truck picture first is that I prefer the set to look this way, it looks better and not that funny. However, I think the trash chomper looks quite good seeing the chomping function that it comes with. Although City released a few version of garbage truck, I think this one is just as good as the City one, maybe even better.

The Micro Manager that comes in this set looks awesome too since it comes with a hidden flick-fire compartment despite is quite a common function and easily created.

Image from Eurobricks.

Friday, October 12, 2012

LEGO Hero Factory 2013

I suppose yesterday and today is a day where more and more pictures of the upcoming year 2013 LEGO surfaced in the website. Thanks to Brickset, we can easily view the pictures of the playset now:

#44000 Furno XL

To see the rest of the Hero Factory line up, kindly visit Brickset. I can see the villain now is using a repititive parts, unlike the precious release where each of them looks very much different from each other.

Image via Brickset.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

LEGO Hero Factory #6227 Breez Picture

Here's another gallery which contains the pictures of fully assemble year 2012 #6227 Breez. Breez is getting bigger than the previous version and seems bulky as well.

Seems like the got their torso printed with nice pattern as well which is a good thing. To see more pictures, please click on the link right below the picture.

Image from Brickshelf.

LEGO Hero Factory #6228 Thornraxx Picture

I'm not sure if there are still a lot of LEGO Hero Factory fans out there but, here's some picture that the new 2012 LEGO Hero Factory villain, Thornraxx which the fans might be interested to take a look.

For more images, click the link right below the picture.

Image from Brickshelf.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

LEGO Hero Factory #6293 Furno Review

Here's another Hero Factory review from LuxorV. The fans of Hero Factory might want to read the review and get their hand on them as soon as they can.

Seems like Furno will be able to combine with Jawblade (#6216) to make a more meaner and bigger shark.

Link to the review is right below the picture.

Image from Brickshelf.

LEGO Hero Factory #6216 Jawblade Review

LuxorV of Eurobricks has written a few review of the upcoming set, especially Hero Factory and those figurine from Super Heroes.

After years of releasing Bionicle and Hero Factory in plastic case, LEGO decided to change the packaging into those like zip-lock bag packaging.

Link to the review is right below the picture.

Image from Brickshelf.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

LEGO Hero Factory 2012 Pictures

The images has been floating for a few days and maybe a week or two until I know of it. So I grab a picture from Brickset to put it here.

#6293 Furno

I see old part is been reuse especially the head. However, Evo and Rocka has their own new head which you can blend pretty well with your first version of heroes.

For more images, please visit HERE.

Image from Brickset.

Friday, July 1, 2011

EGO Hero Factory #2232 Raw Jaw Pictures

I found a Brickshelf folder that contain pictures of fully assemble Raw Jaw this morning and here it is:

For more pictures, you might want to drop by at sprxtreme's Brickshelf folder. I personally think this guy looks good compare to that wasp dude. Also, I don't know where the designer get the idea for this guy here, but it seems good to me.

Image from Brickshelf.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

LEGO Hero Factory Summer 2011 Villain Images

Brickset just update their site with box art of the upcoming villain for Hero Factory after found the picture from a German toy shop. Below are pictures taken from Brickset:

They do seems good, I suppose is better than the second release as well. I see wasp, ape and dinosaur? No idea but the do resemble these animal. I think is a good news for the fans of Hero Factory when their hero and villain is getting cooler.

Images from Brickset.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

LEGO Hero Factory 3.0 Pictures

Found some news on Brickset, whereby a German Toy Shop, Mikado got these new Hero Factory pictures uploaded although there are only six of them for now. Below are pictures taken from the site:

I do like the way they incorporated the animal with the here especially the mask, but there are a few mask which looks a bout the same and I can't differentiate which animal are they. But the new mask do looks better than ver. 2.0 whereby most of them looks nerdy. =P

Images from Mikado.

Friday, December 3, 2010

LEGO Hero Factory #2063 Stormer 2.0 Review

Another pictorial review for Hero Factory is up in Eurobricks. Picture below is taken from Brickthing's review on Stormer 2.0 in Eurobricks:

#2063 Stormer 2.0

Actually Stormer 2.0 still looks good and maybe better than the first version. I guess that because of the head still looks cool. To read the review, please click HERE.

Image from Eurobricks.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

LEGO Hero Factory #2194 Nitroblast Review

Here's another review of the villain for year 2011. Below is the picture of #2194 Nitroblast taken from Eurobricks:

#2194 Nitroblast

Since there are no officially pictures release for this theme, and I can't post the prelim pictures here the review is the best way to know the 2011 set for Hero Factory. Furthermore, looking at the review you get to see the actual completed model instead of the one on the box art with nice background. So for those who not yet seen the prelim pictures, I guess these posts will be helpful.

To read the review, please click HERE.
Image from Eurobricks.

LEGO Hero Factory #2068 Nex 2.0 Review

While here's another post created for another hero from Hero Factory, which is Nex 2.0. The review is also provided by Siegfried and below is the picture of it:

#2068 Nex 2.0

Here's the LINK that will guide you to the review page. Guess the post about Hero Factory in my blog is increasing. ;)

Image from Eurobricks.

LEGO Hero Factory #2065 Furno 2.0 Review

Looks like there is more and more review of LEGO Hero Factory coming up in Eurobricks. Below is a picture taken from the pictorial review made by Siegfried in Eurobricks:

#2065 Furno 2.0

For the fans of Hero Factory, you should check back Eurobricks often for the review since they are given a chance to review the 2011 set. Click HERE to read the review.

Image from Eurobricks.

LEGO Hero Factory #2193 Jetbug Review

Brickthing from Eurobricks, brings a review on #2193 Jetbug which is another villain for the Hero Factory. Below is a picture taken from Brickthing's pictorial review of #2193 Jetbug in Eurobricks:

#2193 Jetbug

I think this one looks better than Drilldozer, but anyway, they are always nice to the fans. Here's the LINK to the pictorial review.

Image from Eurobricks.

LEGO Hero Factory #2192 Drilldozer Review

After seeing the review of the hero that were created by the Hero Factory, I guess now is the time to read some review on the baddies which is #2192 Drilldozer. The review is brought to you by LuxorV (again) =D. Below is a picture taken from Eurobricks:

#2192 Drilldozer

I do like the mask of this villain, but I still feel something amiss, maybe is because of the color of this guy. To read the review, please visit HERE.

Image from Eurobricks.

LEGO Hero Factory #2067 Evo 2.0 Review

If you are looking for review of LEGO Hero Factory #2067 Evo 2.0, Eurobricks has it again. The review is again made by the same member, LuxorV, and guess is very much helpful to the fans. Below is a picture taken from LuxorV review in Eurobricks:

#2067 Evo 2.0

I just notice that two model can combine into one and according to LuxorV, no instruction were printed on the instruction book. Here's the LINK to the review.

Image from Eurobricks.

LEGO Hero Factory #2141 Surge 2.0 Review

Eurobricks member, LuxorV has uploaded a few pictorial reviews on the upcoming LEGO Hero Factory set that is set to release in year 2011. Below is a picture taken from LuxorV review in Eurobricks:

#2141 Surge 2.0

Although I'm not a fans of Hero Factory but maybe this post will be useful to the fans. Here's the LINK to the review that might be able to help you with your purchase.

Image from Eurobricks.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

LEGO Hero Factory Bulk & Vapour

Here's a clearer picture of LEGO Hero Factory #7179 Bulk & Vapour taken from Brickset:

#7179 Bulk & Vapour

I guess Vapour is the blue one on the right which have the same head as Rotor if I remember it correctly and the left arm of Bulk must have come in one piece as I have seen the review of Stormer where his hand come in one big piece.

Image from Brickset.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

LEGO Hero Factory Bulk & Vapour

Well, well, here's something new from Hero Factory that I never seen before until today. So two in one set again:

This again is a limited edition set, but since the picture is too small, I can't see them clearly but I sure don't like the look of it right now.

Image from Eurobricks.