Aab e hayat Episode 10 by Umaira Ahmed.
Aab e hayat by Umaira Ahmed Episode 10 is a famous social romantic Urdu novel. It is publishing in monthly Khwateen Digest . Umaira Ahmed is famous writer who wrote many very famous novels in monthly Shuaa Digest , Khwateen Digest , Kiran Digest . She is very popular in females because of her unique writing style. Peer e kamil , Amar Bail , Aks , Eman Umeed Aur Mohabbat , Man o salwa , Zindgi gulzar hay are some of her famous novels. She wrote many block buster novlets and novels and make a huge fans following. Who desperately waits for her novels. Aab e hayat by Umaira Ahmed is available to download and online reading . Click the links below to download free online books, ...