Showing posts with label Announcement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Announcement. Show all posts


You heard that right. Apparently I'm a total airhead and either did not post up these two posts or they were deleted in that technical screw-up I had a couple weeks ago. Like I said, airhead. BUT, for you, that does mean two more chances to win. So Sunday and Monday will be the very last two TTFOS features and giveaways featuring:




nomnom, airhead extremes // source

Announcing: The Four Flavors of Summer Event!

(Scroll to the bottom to see the masterlist of giveaways/features.) 

Over the past month or so, I've been working with various authors, publishers, and publicists to coordinate a summer event that I finally get to share with you:

THE FOUR FLAVORS OF SUMMER!!! *throws ice cream*

Why does it warrant all the exclamation marks and ice cream? Because for four weeks, it'll be daily giveaways of books and swag with many, many author features. And FUN, I promise. So while your eating your popsicles/ice cream/what not, stop by here for some YA flavors:

  • Week of June 20th: Paranormal week
  • Week of June 27th: Fantasy week
  • Week of July 4th: Contemporary week
  • Week of July 11th: Misc. week (mainly dystopian and mystery)

With awesome authors like Kendare Blake, Leigh Fallon, Jessica Martinez, Carrie Harris, Rebecca Maizel, and more, what's stopping this from being an unforgettable summer of YA? I'll be here, you'll be here, and so will many, many books. ;)

BONUS POINTS: Spread the button love! I'm still not sure exactly how many bonus points it'll be, but I guarantee extra points in entries and my love. I've added the code for convenience (copy and paste), but it's really up to you how big or small you'd like the button to be.

There will most likely be some bonus points later on for spreading the word about specific TFFOS contests (i.e. twitter, facebook), but if you want to spread the word now, I have more love points and virtual ice cream. <3

The larger version:

The resized, ready-for-sidebars version (200x170):

So I can credit you:

Once the event starts, I'll be occasionally updating this post with the masterlist of features and contests, but the best way to stay on top of everything is to follow (subtle hint, I know... *points to sidebar*). It will not be required for ANY of the contests, but it's appreciated, of course. :)

Anyways, I hope you guys are as excited as I am! It's been a lot of work on both sides *fingers dying*, and I really hope to see you here next week, participating in and enjoying The Four Flavors of Summer. ♥


All giveaways end on Friday, July 29th and all winners will be announced on my blog on TBA.
Format = date: author // countries giveaway is open to

June 20th: Leigh Fallon // International
June 21st: Randy Russell // US only
June 22nd: Rebecca Maizel // US and Canada only
June 23rd: Amanda Ashby // International
Blog tour giveaway -- SPELLBOUND by Cara Lynn Shultz // US and Canada only
June 25th: Carrie Harris // International
Personal giveaway -- July 26th: SHADOWS ON THE MOON by Zoe Marriott // International

June 27th: Karyn Henley // US only
June 28th: LEGACY by Cayla Kluver giveaway // US and Canada only
June 29th: Charlotte Bennardo & Natalie Zaman // US, Canada, and Mexico only
July 1st: Jenna Burtenshaw // US and Canada only
July 2nd: Jennifer Estep // US only

July 4th: Kathy Mccullough // US only 
July 5th: Jessica Martinez // International
July 6th: LOVE STORY by Jennifer Echols giveaway // US only
July 7th: Amanda Cockrell // US only
July 8th: LIE by Carolin Bock giveaway // International
July 9th: DREAMS OF SIGNIFICANT GIRLS by Cristina Garcia giveaway // International

July 12th: Sara Grant // International
July 13th: Rosemary Clement-Moore // International
July 14th: THE RELIC MASTER series by Catherine Fisher // US only
July 14th: Victoria Schwab // International
July 18th: Christine Seifert // International
July 19th: Ilsa J. Bick // International

Sorry! - Sick Notice

A fever and a strange stomch bug have come along and decided to make me sad/mad/feel bad, all of the above. ARGHHUHHHGHH. (I'm not quite sure if that was a sound of frustration or pain right now.) I was sort of dying from a fever yesterday, so I couldn't do an In My Mailbox post yet again. Today, I feel much better but still have a pounding headache and this icky stomach virus that means I can barely eat anything... and I just don't think I'm up to writing any reviews right now, sorry. *sniffle* Hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow, or anytime soon, and come back to blogging!

source: strangezoo

And that's kinda how I looked yesterday after sleeping for almost 24 hours. I hope your week is off to a better start!

Status: Away to Study + Trailers

I am officially stressing for my SAT II and AP tests, so I'm sorry that I'm not really going to be getting up any reviews today or tomorrow, perhaps Friday if I'm lucky. Sorry, sorry! I know I said I would be more active, especially with commenting, so please go ahead and kill me (unless I die through studying first). In the meantime, I'm just posting a trailer for Crossing by Andrew Xia Fukuda, which came out yesterday. The book is amazing, and I'll definitely post up my review soon.

Mistwood by Leah Cypess also came out yesterday, and the cover LOOKS EVEN PRETTIER IN PERSON. *drooled on it for an hour* I have a special feature with Leah planned next week, so stay tuned...

Happy Wednesday, and have an even happier Thursday! :D

In My Mailbox (14) + News!!!

I definitely need to start ordering books again soon, but I got one amazingly awesome book to review this week - Inside Out by Maria V. Snyder!! -hyperventilates- I absolutely love Maria Snyder's Poison Study series, and I'm interested to see how she tackles dypstopian novels, which I'm also a huge fan of. :)

Inside Out by Maria V. Snyder
I'm Trella. I'm a scrub. A nobody. One of thousands who work the lower levels, keeping Inside clean for the Uppers. I've got one friend, do my job and try to avoid the Pop Cops. So what if I occasionally use the pipes to sneak around the Upper levels? Not like it's all that dangerous - the only neck I risk is my own. Until I accidently start a rebellion and become the go-to girl to lead a revolution. I should have just said no...

I also want to give a quick heads up about the spring break party of some 2k10 authors over at The Daily Dose. There are some interesting guest posts, as well as the opportunity to win some cool swag and an ARC of Shade by Jeri Smith-Ready. So click to head on over to the info page, and join in!

There's also a YA contest that will blow you away running on my blogger buddies Kari and Eleni's blogs that you definitely do not want to miss. Who doesn't want to win a copy of Linger, Sea, or Rules of Attraction? It's international and with 6 winners, so go, go, go, and enter!

Last but not least, the reason for the three exclamation marks about "News"... I want to thank each and every one of my faithful followers (even through my slight period of inactivity these past couple weeks) for sticking with me. I've reached 500 followers - wow, what?! I know - and I'll definitely have to throw a contest soon to celebrate the occasion. It's not going to be a particularly big one yet, but I'll make sure it's international. So, again, THANK YOU!! I love you guys and wouldn't be able to do it without you. To say thank you, it being pi day and me loving lemon meringue pie...
 credits to

Opinions On New Memes? (& Slow Week Notice)

** Heads up: I'm extending the 200 followers contest to Sunday, January 17 at 11:59EST. I'm going on a ski trip, so it's only an extension of two days. I'm still going skiing, but I realized I only have time to mail the books out next week. Therefore, contest ending date is the same as usual. Oops!

And before I ask for opinions, I just want to apologize that my posts aren't really up-to-par this week and for the stunt in reviews. I'm trying to juggle around so many tests and projects as well as fundraisers and appointments, I haven't really had time to relax this week. Sorry, and I should be back to normal next week!

Here's what I look like right now (not my cat though, I wish!):

Anyways, back on topic, what I basically wanted to ask were what are your thoughts on my new Weekly Debate and Saturday Network? I'd appreciate any feedback whatsoever, not necessarily responses to the questions below.

The Weekly Debate:
· Do you like my topics?
· Are there any topics you'd like to see or an area you'd like to see more of? (ie. blogging advice, YA news)
· I've recently noticed an increase in discussion posts (or I just never noticed them before). Would anyone be interested in me putting up a Mr. Linky so you can link your "weekly debate?" It doesn't have to be weekly though, I just love reading discussion posts!

The Saturday Network: (thanks for all of those that participated!)
· If you participated, was there anything you didn't like or would like to change/add?
· If you didn't participate, why not?

I noticed quite a few new bloggers participated in The Saturday Network, and I hope it helped. Thanks for your opinions in advance! :D

200 Followers Contest Is Up!

The promised announcement that I've finished posting the 200 Followers Contest! I'm not providing a link because it's right underneath this one, so please go check it out. If you have suggestions for ways I can improve future contests or complaints about the current one, my email is always open.

Again, thank you to all your continous support! :)

Four Awards -- What?!

My first time actually posting four awards, not because I'm super awesome like that, but because I'm so forgetful, haha. Sorry! I'm honored. :)

First, One Lovely Blog Award from two fellow bloggers! Kari from A Good Addiction awarded this one to me and Miss Cindy at Simply Life and Reading, who then awarded it to me again, lol! Not complaining though. Thank you!

I already received this award though (reminds me that I really need to put up an award slideshow), so I'm not going to nominate any more blogs.

Now, this one is from a while ago, awarded to me by the lovely Bookologist!

List 7 of My Favorite Things
Send this award on to 7 other bloggers

Bloggers that I'm passing this award to:

Katie @ Sophitikatied Reviews (Have you seen her designs?!)
Becky @ The Bookette

Passed on to me by Nikki @ Ramblings of the Bibliophile. LOVE this award, thank you!!
It signifies all the bloggers out there who constantly work hard to keep an updated and insightful website. They aren't afraid to take a bite with their honest reviews and enjoyable content. You amaze me, you inspire me so I call you a blog monster.
There really is no limit, and I know that many blogs I adore have already been nominated so I'm going to limit myself with only three:
If I didn't nominate you, don't be offended because I love reading each and every one of your blogs. No two people are the same, and the same applies to blogs. Keep up the awesome work, and know that you get a special award in my heart. :)
** Annoncement: CONTEST INFO - I'm still debating a bit on contests, but whether large or small, it should be up on Sunday. Just wanted to thank everyone again for their comments and opinions when I asked my questions!

100 Followers Contest Reminder!

Just a quick reminder that my 100 Followers Contest ends tomorrow! Click here to enter.

And a quick question if you feel like answering: My favorite music is either metal (ranges from light to heavy metal) or some soft, relaxing music, usually some form of classical. For my blog's music, do you prefer one or the other, or would you rather I put a little of each? Thanks!

Throwdown Thursday and 100 Followers!

Oh. my. god. I have 100 followers! I'm so happy, and I love you all! Thank you so much everyone for following my blog. I'll probably be hosting a contest soon to celebrate it... -hint hint- :)

Thank you!!

And just wanted to mention last week's Throwdown Thursday, which was Mr. Darcy vs. Edward... and Mr. Darcy won! I would personally like to say "of course," because Mr. Darcy is like the father of all gentlemanly, hot guys. Granted, dressed in long jackets and cravats and such, but still. He definitely deserves his own shrine or something.

The reason I don't have a Throwdown Thursday post today is because I really don't know what to do for it! I'm afraid I'll put up books you don't know, and no one will be able to answer it! If you have any suggestions for next week's Throwdown Thursday, or would rather just not have one at all, please let me know. Thanks!