People often ask me how many bookplates I have and my stock answer is, ALOT.
I am not trying to be secretive or coy . It just seems like a waste of time to count bookplates. Having said that , I know that I have 29 bookplates with Egyptian symbols or motifs.One of them is not shown as I know the owner is alive and I want to get his permission before posting it .
During the 1920s there was an Egyptian revival in the decorative arts and it is reflected in some of these plates. I know something about several of the owners and artists shown and will add information throughout the week. If you recognize an owner's name and wish to send me some biographical or background information I would be most appreciative.My email address is
On Saturday March 24th the American Bookplate Society will have an open meeting at the Boston Public Library , 700 Boylston St. , Mezzanine Conference Room.
It will begin at 10:30 A.M. When I was in Tucson last week Jim Keenan gave me a brief overview of his talk about the storage, display and presentation of bookplates. If you collect any sort of small ephemeral items you will find his talk to be most helpful. Bring along any bookplates you want to sell , trade or show us.
King Farouk used the green bookplate shown above. It is not currently in my collection but I am on a quest to obtain one. In pursuit of the bookplate I called John William Pye, a bookseller whose specialty is Egypt. In the course of the conversation I recalled an impulse item which I purchased from him several years ago. How can you resist a ceramic trivet with an ancient Egyptian spell to drive away cockroaches. He still has one or two left so if you want one he can be reached at
Mr. Evert Veldhuizen (with friendly greetings from the Netherlands) was kind enough to write me about a well illustrated book in German on the subject of bookplates with an Egyptian theme. It is Aegypten im Exlibris by Dr.Gernot Blum. I have just ordered a copy on line at and there are three or four copies still available.
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