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Showing posts with label victor kelleher. Show all posts
Showing posts with label victor kelleher. Show all posts

09 April 2013

Aussie Author Month: Fantastic Ebooks I Have Been Reading

This is what Aussie Author Month is all about for me. This is my recent reads on my Kindle App. Next to my bed are books by Melina Marchetta, Helene Young, Anna Campbell, John Marsden, Lara Morgan, Victor Kelleher and Isobelle Carmody, just to name a few.

Pictured here are:

These authors are all fabulous fun! 

 Aussie Author Month is a terrific initiative shining a light on Australian authors whilst raising funds for the Indigenous Literacy Project.

You can win a copy of Sandra Antonelli's new novel A Basic Renovation (here}.

You can find out more {here} about guest posting during Aussie Author Month. Let's share the love for our fabulous Australian authors!

04 April 2013

Reading Pile for Aussie Author Month 2013

During Aussie Author Month I am planning on only reading books by Australian Authors. Because I spent all my 'fun' budget on concerts in the last two months I will not be buying books, so these will be books I already own and love. I may also borrow one or two novels from others if I get a hankering to explore. There are so many amazing authors from Australia but sadly they fly under the radar. I love that Aussie Author Month highlights this homegrown talent. Below is a list of the books I have read so far this month, and the books I am considering reading during the rest of Aussie Author Month.



Possible(*) Planned Reads:

*I choose my reading material depending on my mood and how busy I am in my day job. If I am busy and wrapped up in the mundane I usually choose to read something light, either in content or writing style.

Aussie Author Month is a terrific initiative shining a light on Australian authors whilst raising funds for the Indigenous Literacy Project.

You can win a copy of Sandra Antonelli's new novel A Basic Renovation (here}.

You can find out more {here} about guest posting during Aussie Author Month. Let's share the love for our fabulous Australian authors!

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