Thoughts on life, tape measurers, man in a hat, & vaccum cleaners from a spoiled rotten kitty cat. Oh, & animals....lots of animals!!!
Friday, September 15, 2006
Did I efur tell you dat mine good furiend Pumpkin sended me some of his bird brofur's fev-vers?!?! MMMMMM, smells like.....QUINCEY!!!!! Momma finks she am SO funny...She says I look like a little indian..... I fink I look like a MAD little indian!! Gotcha! MMMMM, smells SO good...... Fanks you so furry much Pumpkin & Quincey & Pumkin's Momma too!
Quincey & Pumkin are so nice. We had lots of fun with our fev-vers and it looks like you enjoyed your too. Your Mom also enjoyed them (maybe a little to much)!
o, oreo, mines mommie sez u get cuter ev-furry day.
u likes ur fev-vers. i likes mine, too. Missy played wif 'em and even Bear, a woofie, liked 'em. Bear's a poo-doll and she is smaller 'an Missy. She finks she is a kitty, hee-hee. Cepting when we plays chase 'n she can't follow me climbin' up sumfin.
quincy is a big green fev-ver machine, dat's what mommie sez. we loves quincy.
you looks like you was havin' a good ol' time! they looks furry nice against your black & white furs.
we should ask our She for fevvers. we're sure She's got some stocked away; He says for all the crafts She's done, there's prolly some of efurrything on earth in her studio!
Hi, Oreo! Me and Quincy is glad yu likes hiz fev-vers so much. He keeps making them and Grandmaw keeps saving them when they fall off. We got lotz more if anykitty wants sum.
You must be having a lot of fun with your feathers, Oreo. They're keeping you away from your blog.
You'd have loved staying with me for the weekend. I went to a zoo and saw a lot of delicious animals. Even a few that were related to you, albeit not closely related.
Oreo, I have to tell you, I now have a little feline friend. His name is Kit Kat or KK for short. I bought him a toy with feathers on it, but I'm sure he'd love some real ones too!
nice fev-vers Chief Oreo!
FEATHERS!!! I LOVE FEATHERS!!!! I'm warm and excited just thinking about them!!! FEATHERS.
Injun Oreo! hehehe
woo woo woo Oreo...NICE fev-vers!!
Quincey & Pumkin are so nice. We had lots of fun with our fev-vers and it looks like you enjoyed your too. Your Mom also enjoyed them (maybe a little to much)!
o, oreo, mines mommie sez u get cuter ev-furry day.
u likes ur fev-vers. i likes mine, too. Missy played wif 'em and even Bear, a woofie, liked 'em. Bear's a poo-doll and she is smaller 'an Missy. She finks she is a kitty, hee-hee. Cepting when we plays chase 'n she can't follow me climbin' up sumfin.
quincy is a big green fev-ver machine, dat's what mommie sez. we loves quincy.
mmmmm - Quincy fev-vers!! we luv 'em! did yur momma put the fev-ver on yur hed, or was ya rollin in 'em?
you looks like you was havin' a good ol' time! they looks furry nice against your black & white furs.
we should ask our She for fevvers. we're sure She's got some stocked away; He says for all the crafts She's done, there's prolly some of efurrything on earth in her studio!
We saw that bird Qunicey at his blog! How cool to have your own fevver machine in your house!
Hi, Oreo! Me and Quincy is glad yu likes hiz fev-vers so much. He keeps making them and Grandmaw keeps saving them when they fall off. We got lotz more if anykitty wants sum.
Birds are food! You've got the right idea, Oreo. Yum
Very nice fev-vers, Oreo - they are so colorful. How nice of Pumpkin (and Quincy!) to share with you.
I saw a bird today outside my window and I wanted to relieve him of a few feathers...
Wow such Pretty feathers.You make an adorable indian.
You must be having a lot of fun with your feathers, Oreo. They're keeping you away from your blog.
You'd have loved staying with me for the weekend. I went to a zoo and saw a lot of delicious animals. Even a few that were related to you, albeit not closely related.
I hope you don't fly away with those feathers! You can never be too careful!
Oreo, I have to tell you, I now have a little feline friend. His name is Kit Kat or KK for short. I bought him a toy with feathers on it, but I'm sure he'd love some real ones too!
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