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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta #Scary Ska. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta #Scary Ska. Mostrar todas las entradas

The Independents - Stalker

#Florence, South Carolina -USA#

Genre: HorrorPunk/Scary Ska
"Putting the "FUN" back in funeral"
Band Menbers: Evil Presly and Willy B.
Influences:Misfits, Ramones, Specials, Elvis Presley

“in-de-pend-ence n. 1 the state or quality of being independent; freedom from the influence, control or determination of another or others 2 [Now Rare] an income sufficient for a livelihood” - Webster’s New World Dictionary (Third College Edition)

The band started in the early nineties. They were discovered by Joey Ramone of the Ramones whilst opening a show for them, during their "Acid Eaters" tour.
Joey later managed the band, and continued to be their manager, mentor, and friend until his death in 2001. Before he died, Joey produced the album Back from the Grave, along with his friend Daniel Rey.
In 2005, the band was involved in a serious van crash in England while touring with The Dangerfields. Willy B, who was riding in front, broke his arm in several places and the remaining dates were canceled. Within weeks, however, they were back on the road in their native South Carolina.

Punk-ska-n-surf with Evil Elvis singing of horror! You got hear this, it’s wild . - Joey Ramone / Ramones

Album: Stalker (EP)
Year: 1997
Quality: mp3 - V0 (VBR)
Covers: No
1. Little Blue
2. You Mean the World to Me
3. Stalker
4. Fire and Ice
5. Two Headed Monster Woman
6. I am the Victim
7. Your World
8. Under My Wheels
Y’see, no matter how far things spiderweb and branch out, it’s always gonna come back to one thing: scary. Scary, scary, and - since we’re already talking about it - scary.
Hearsay has it that the only thing scarier to sprout from the muck and mire of South Carolina’s swampland than guitarist Willy B is his partner-in-grime Evil Presly. Whereas Mr. B has that gentlemanly Southern smarm and a drawl that simply drips with “git th’ shovel”, Mr. Presly - a leather ‘n leopard wrapped mass of mange, canines and charisma that’s charmed the pants off more than one chimpanzee - is a brash, one-man avalanche. Put simply, put the two together on a stage, in a van or bar tab and somebody’s gonna end up hurt and bawlin’.
In the early 1990’s, the pair joined forces, vowing to destroy the boggy boredom and stereotypical sasquatchshit that was plaguing their local music scene. With an unhealthy devotion to horror films and frighteningly diverse musical tastes in tow, the Demonic Duo decided that the best way to pay tribute to their heroes - Conway Twitty, Iron Maiden, Etta James, The Specials and the Ramones among them - were to hammer them all into a shaker (no stirring, thank you) and serve the whole steaming and quickly-congealing mess over ice. A few years of doing so laid waste to not only a few band members, but a handful of demo recordings, compilation appearances and scads of hellish live shows as well, culminating into a deal with indie label Rockduster Records and the release of The Independents’ debut, IN FOR THE KILL. Extensive touring for IFTK resulted in shows with Voodoo Glow Skulls and Blink 182, as well as blossoming a friendship between Evil and Ramones bassist CJ Ramone. A few opening dates of the Ramones ACID EATERS tour followed, ending with The Independents being taken under the motherly leather wing of Joey Ramone, who volunteered to manage and produce the band.
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La ley estipula que puedes hacer una copia de seguridad de tus discos originales por lo tanto si no dispones de ese original deberas borrar el archivo despues de 24 horas, no nos hacemos responsables de la mala utilizacion de dichos archivos. No apoyamos la pirateria, no pretendemos perjudicar a nadie con lo aqui expuesto,nos gusta la musica, por eso te pido que apoyes a tus bandas favoritas, compra sus discos, asiste a sus conciertos, participa ...
The law stipulates that you can make a backup of your original abums so if you do not have that you should delete the original file after 24 hours, we are not responsible for the misuse of those files. We do not support piracy, we do not intend to harm anyone exposed to it here, we like the music, that's why I ask you to support your favorite bands, buy their CDs, attend their concerts, participates ...

File Size: 41MB

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Bonkers - Bonk Rock

Lappeenranta 53, Etelä-Karjala -Finland#

Genre: Psychobilly/Punkabilly/Ska

Band Members : Juuso A.K.A UDO - Vocals, Mikko "Gwen" Kiven - Upright Bass, O-P "P-O" Ooppeli - Guitars & Vocals, Janne "Steven" Ruokone - Guitars, Janne "Noksu" Nokelaine - Drums

Bonkers play a power-packed mix of Psychobilly, Ska & Punk Rock. Frantic, hard-edged and full of energy - a band who cross the boundaries of three music genres with great results.
Bonkers - Bonk Rock -2000 [mp3 256kbps]
1. Menace To Society
2. Switchblade Twist
3. Beerking
4. Dancelesson
5. Thorns In My Flesh
6. Hey Girl!!!!!!
7. S.T.U.P.I.D
8. Cruisin`
9. U Gotta Problem??
10. Against The Stream
11. John Doe
12. Shaggasaurus
It`s a hot album with lots of Skanka-Punkabilly stuff!

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Niño Zombi

The Graveyard, Distrito Federal -México#

Genre: Scary Ska
"Zombie Punxka"

Band Members : DaN Zombie - 6 Strings, Horror Vocals & Brain/Flesh Eating, Ben Zombie - 4 Strings,Horror Vocals & Brain/Flesh Eating, Cheko Zombie - Dead Trumpet,Backup Vocals & Brain/Flesh Eating, Criz Zombie - Lonely T-bone,Backup Vocals & Brain/Flesh Eating, Derek Matchet - Tour Drummer
: Punkrock(70's,80's,90's),Hardcore(oldschool),Ska(RockSteady,Reggae,2tone,3rd wave),Crack Rock Steady Beat, Jazz Horn Playes, Zombie Movies, B-Movies, D.I.Y.,Society,Musical Fashion,Life Zombies,music in general and many more...
Sounds Like : Zombie Shit!!!.....NO Latin, NO MexSka,NO PopPunk,NO Worldbeat

What do you get if you mix: Punk/Ska/Hardcore beats,a trumpet ,a trombone, a Zombie Movie, a B-Movie, D.I.Y. beliefs ,English,Spanish, anti-society/anti-fashion thoughts and the energy of 5 guys playing instruments?

well, you get:

Niño Zombi!!!

One of the most hardworking D.I.Y. bands around, and one of the first to play true PunkSka in Mexico City. They have created their own unique style- "Zombie PunXka"- which musically involves punk, hardcore, ska, horns, and lyrics about society in general combined with walking zombies from the movies. A zombie doesn't realize he's dead, much like society doesn't realize what zombies they have become.

Niño Zombi's goal as a band has always been to promote this genre, and help alleviate the bullshit that has been created by fake "Punkska" bands in Mexico City, while doing it all on their own terms.

Que Obtienes si mezclas: Ritmos Punk/Hardcore/Ska,una trompeta,un trombon,una pelicula de Zombies, una pelicula serie B, Ideales D.I.Y.,Ingles, Espanol, pensamientos en contra de la sociedad y la moda y la energia de 5 sujetos tocando instrumentos?

bueno,la respuesta es:

Niño Zombi!!!

Una de las bandas independientes mas trabajadoras y de los primeros en tocar VERDADERO PunkSka en el D.F.

Durante 4 anos de vida han ido creando un estilo unico y propio: "Zombie PunXka" el cual envuelve Punk,Hardcore,Ska y Metales con letras acerca de la Sociedad en general relacionadas con los Zombies de las Peliculas...Un Zombie no sabe que esta muerto...La Sociedad esta muerta en el Sistema.

Su meta como banda siempre ha sido difundir lo que realmente es este genero y contribuir a que en Mexico(principalmente D.F.) se elimine la mala vision que se le ha formado gracias a ciertas bandas que dicen tocar skapunk pero lo que hacen es tocar worldbeat o convertirse en punk por que ahora esta de moda y a cierta moda musical que hoy en dia nos ataca y demostrar que las cosas se pueden hacer por uno mismo. Gracias a ellos, al poco publico que ya existia y al que se intereso ahora existe una pequena pero verdadera Escena PunkSka en el D.F. la cual no existia cuando empezaron.
Niño Zombi - Zombie Army -2007
01.Mexska is Dead
02.Zombie Army
03.Unos cuantos
04.Fashion Victim
05.We all must die
06.I Wanna be a Potshot Rocker
07.Bitter Song
08.Nunca dejes de Pensar
Niño Zombi - Sembrando El Terror -2007
1 Zombie Horror Show
2 D.I.Y.Click to listen to this song
3 When I Grow Up
4 Uno Entre Mas
5 Adiccion Al Percodan
6 Proteccion Ciudadana
7 This Life Is Hard (Featuring "Stza Crack")
8 Juan Topo
9 The Crack Rock Steady Seven Mexico Theme Song (Featuring "Stza Crack")
10 Niño Lisiado
11 We Don't Mind
Niño Zombi - Los Zombis Que Aterrorizaban Nuestra Ciudad (Demo) -2004
01 Boca sucia
02 Sociedad
03 D.I.Y
04 40 Años
05 Ese pobre niño (Timmy)

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Tiefenrausch - Enfant Terrible

I found this in a german forum


Genre: Scary Ska

Bands Members: vocals: Ludwig Westarp, guitar: Dennis Krickau, bass: Janus Schmitz, keys: Christoph Kilian, drums: Tim Knapp, sax: Sara, trumpet: Benjamin Reber, trombone: David Bronke

TIEFENRAUSCH gr..ndeten sich 1997 im Schatten des Berliner Fernsehturms. Die sechs Mitglieder der Urformation kannten sich aus Schule und Bekanntenkreis. Zu den musikalischen Einfl..ssen z..hlten vor allem MADNESS und TON STEINE SCHERBEN. Also war schnell klar wohin die Reise gehen sollte. Aus England importierte man die Offbeats und die eing..ngigen Melodien, und in Sachen Songinhalte diente Rio Reiser als Inspirationsquelle. Das Ergebnis war ein Mix aus Ska und Punk mit deutschsprachigen Texten.

In den folgenden Jahren wurden TIEFENRAUSCH zum Hans Dampf in allen Gassen der Hauptstadt. Mit ihrer energiegeladenen Performance, den treibenden Ska-Beats und den euphorisierenden Bl..sers..tzen verwandelten sie jede Location in k..rzester Zeit in einen Hexenkessel. Folgerichtig teilte man bald die B..hne mit Ska-Gr....en wie den BUSTERS oder PANTHEON ROCOCO aus Mexiko. Aber auch auf dem Anwesen der TON STEINE SCHERBEN in Fresenhagen waren die Skapunker gern gesehene G..ste.

2003 lie..en sich TIEFENRAUSCH auch von einigen Umbesetzungsturbulenzen nicht aus der Bahn werfen und ver..ffentlichten in Eigenregie das Deb..talbum "Roboterrevolution". Im Jahr darauf erschien der zweite Longplayer "Heut' ist alles so perfekt" bei Skaro-Records. Hierf..r war die Bl..sersektion der Band aufgestockt worden, da man sich musikalisch noch mehr in Richtung Two Tone entwickelt hatte. Thematisch ist auf beiden Alben ein breites Spektrum abgedeckt. Gesellschaftspolitisches findet genauso seinen Platz wie Alltagsgeschichten und Imbissbudenromanzen. Allen St..cken ist aber gemein, dass sie schnell im Ohr h..ngen bleiben und unverz..glich in die Beine fahren. Bei der Suche nach einem Vertrieb f..r die Tontr..ger gelangte man zu Buschfunk. 2005 erschien dann das Album "Live im Tr..nenpalast".

Ab 2004 ging es immer steiler bergauf mit TIEFENRAUSCH. Absolutes Highlight war die Record-Release-Party zu "Heut' ist alles so perfekt". Anl..sslich dieses Ereignisses fanden sich etwa 2500 ausgelassen feiernde Konzertbesucher in der Berliner Columbia-Halle ein.

Tiefenrausch - Enfant Terrible

1. unsere liebe
2. enfant terrible
3. liebestod
4. königin winter
5. rotes tier
6. fünffingerrabatt
7. hausbesetzer
8. rattenfänger
9. der pate
10. spiegelschrankterroristin
11. ska-vampir
12. vampira
13. olsen-bande
14. heute nacht

No se puede mostrar la imagen “” porque contiene errores.

Name: Tiefenrausch - Enfant Terrible
Genre: Ska
Year: 2006
Size: 59MB
Bitrate: >500kbits
Upper: laberflash
Direct Download:

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Hola a tod@s... ante tanta injusticia y MALTRATO, TORTURA y ABERRACIONES que se comenten contra los animales, pedimos que colaboreis FIRMANDO en los enlaces contra distintas causas por las que luchamos y creemos que vale la pena involucrarse! de ante mano deciros a todos aquellos que colaboreis GRACIAS, aunque penseis que los gobiernos no hacen caso de los foros y las peticiones sociales CREERNOS los votos les influyen demasiado en sus decisiones...


  • Pide a Ucrania que pare la cremación de perros y gatos vivos por el Mundial Fútbol 2012
  • Evitemos la creación de un centro de experimentación animal en Lugo
  • Firma para acabar con la tragedia de muchos de los galgos utilizados para la caza.
  • Dile a la ONU que termine con la cacería de elefantes:
  • Sacrificio de perros y gatos por la comunidad de madrid:
muchas gracias!!