posted on: Thursday, January 2, 2014

My dear friend and favorite lifestyle photographer, Melinda (Wild Scout Photography) came over to our home, bright and early one morning this past fall and captured one of our simple, ordinary mornings for us. This is my favorite treasure of pictures from this year. So many little things have changed, since these were taken. Small memories that I might have forgotten are frozen in time. The messes, the smirks, the sweetness, the tears, are all still and perfect for my heart to remember. 

There are more photos from our shoot to be seen on her blog HERE.   Literally, every single picture she posts and every word she writes moves my soul.  If you want your heart to feel alive, go visit her blog and enjoy wandering through all of her beauty. 

When I'm in the thick of ordinary, the beauty of it can be forgotten or brushed off as stressful or meaningless.  Simple and calm can seem boring. Especially, if I let my eyes filter everything through the lens of comparison with the world that I think I see others living.  

But, like magic, when I step outside of my moments into the cherishing of them,  I'm brought wonder. When I gaze at the ordinary through eyes that one day, decades down the road, will be looking back, remembering and wishing, beauty rushes in. If I love with the heart that I know will  be longing  for all of these things, later when age and life have found me wiser,  surrounded with the kindred friendship of my adult children, I will smile more and worry less. Put into perspective, the routine and everyday is a golden treasure.

Ordinary, when cherished, can be a wonderland, my place of joy that brings with it, the simple and the rare gift of contentment.




posted on: Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014. Hello new friend. This year, no rules to break, no goals to fail, just a sincere desire to enjoy the good, hope through the trials and expect beauty in every circumstance. This year I want to truly live from my truest heart and soul and know love deeper and stronger. I look forward to growing older, learning from these coming 365 days, embracing seasons as they evolve and slip away into memories. 

Happy New Year.


tree farm.

posted on: Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The chilly air, on this late afternoon in early December, some winter sunshine, a Christmas tree farm and sweet friends, made up a perfect day of memories for us this year.

Life with little souls, is an extra special experience during the holidays. And sharing that wonder with people who have the same heart as you is priceless. We all eventually found ourselves lost in the rows of trees, searching for just the right one. Forest Kael kept calling out at the top of his voice for his buddies, Dash and Ollie. They'd find each other and be off again, avoiding tree stumps, begging for the right to hold the saws and talking like big boys about who knows what. They ran throughout the groves with sticks, laughing and scheming.  Marshmallows were roasted, hot chocolate was sipped and the wild, happy squeals from these little rascals were like Christmas bells to our ears.

It was a golden day to my heart. Memories made and stored away in my treasure box to be brought out for loving, on another day. 

Penland Tree Farms / Nature's Sway Sling /