Happy Fall! And a big hello to all of you lovelies that are stopping by for our Fall Fest Party that us 3 girls are hosting! (Casey Leigh, Much Love Illy , Danielle )
Fall, I think, is truly my favorite time of the year. I love the crisp bite in the air and the array of colors on the trees, which I swear are the color pallets of my heart. One of my most treasured fall moments is when I walk through a barrage of leaves falling. It feels like the trees are throwing a party for me. It's like magical nature confetti. ;)
Changing seasons can also be an excuse to get your friends together and have a party (and I love throwing parities!). It's a more recent discovery of mine, but I LOVE it. I think I'm rather addicted actually. However, being a mom of a toddler means that my time can be disheveled, leaving me a very small window of time to do all the things I want to do. This little party was super cheap, super fast and easy. Sure, homemade from scratch pie tarts and baked goodies are FABULOUS, but...there's no way in heck that is realistic for me as an everyday or even weekly thing. Lately, I'm lucky if my hair gets washed and the dishes get cleaned. Ha! I'm not going to let my lack of Martha Stewart finesse stop me from enjoying lovely hearts and making things pretty.
I look forward to exploring all of the amazing blogs that are linking up today and this weekend! I hope you enjoy my little snippets and ideas. Have the loveliest of days and I pray this is the happiest fall season you've ever had!
I found the cutest mini bread loaves pan and couldn't wait to try it out. |
I bough some old, mix-matched silverware at the thrift store, then spray painted the handles. Cheap, sweet and recycled. The caramel sauce recipe I got from here. I've always been scared to try to make something like that, but it was SO easy and only took 10 min, promise. |
Honey Crisp apples are THE BEST, hands down! They make for the perfect caramel apple ice-cream bowl. |
Forest boy and I made a fall crown out of fake leaves that we spray painted and then hot glued to twine. My little woodland adventurer sprite. |
Friday OCTOBER 28th
We are often asked how to grow your blog. Here's your chance!!!!
You will link up on any ONE hostess' site 1,2,3,4. Our links will be interlinked. Your post will be displayed on all our sites. Then want to mingle? Party hop?
1. Write a post about anything Fall, Halloween, Recipes, Costumes or just introduce yourself!
2. Go to the links on any of the host pages beginning Friday, October 28th and link up.
3. a requirement: you must visit each of the 4 hosts sites!
4.Make new friends!! Increase YOUR readers!!!
2. Go to the links on any of the host pages beginning Friday, October 28th and link up.
3. a requirement: you must visit each of the 4 hosts sites!
4.Make new friends!! Increase YOUR readers!!!