Showing posts with label Poetry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poetry. Show all posts

Friday, May 21, 2021

Rubaiyat Salah Jahin | Salah Jahin, Ali al-Haggar, Sayed Makawy (1988, Egypt, FLAC rip)

This cassette is not listed on Discogs, but there does exist a poor-quality YouTube video that I'll leave it to you to find if you really want to.

This is a remarkable recording, from 1988, of a collaboration between long-time friends composer Sayed Makawy and poet and cartoonist Salah Jahin (or a tribute by the composer to his then recently deceased friend). It is not the first time Makawy had scored Jahin's poetry; Discogs lists this cassette, with the same title (which I think translates as The Poetry of Salah Jahin). 

However, the main difference between that one (pictured directly above) and the cassette I'm sharing today (pictured at the top of this post) is that the latter features the singing voice of Ali al Haggar in addition to whomever is reciting Salah Jahin's poetry (perhaps Jahin himself, although the poet died in 1986, two years before this release).

Al Haggar is an interesting choice. His voice has a smooth, mid- to high-range huskiness that, to my ear, at least, is more than a little reminiscent of Abdel Halim Hafez--the one famous singer that composer Sayed Makawy famously never worked with.

I've never heard an album quite like this. Clearly Egyptian in orchestration and composition, there are distinct touches that make it unique. Plus, more obviously, it toggles rather aggressively back and forth between passages of recited and sung poetry--something I've only ever heard before in recordings of Persian poetry, and even there, there was only one vocalist. This is clearly two, one for each mode.

Link to FLAC files in comments.

Friday, August 9, 2013

NY Comics Symposium: On Comics+Poetry

Alexander Rothman, Bianca Stone, Paul Tunis and I discuss the poetics of comics and comics poetry at The Rumpus Net.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Sharon Mesmer | On Flarf

Sharon Mesmer's Putting Down My Burger To Kick In the Door: An Appreciation of Flarf. Her husband, New Yorker cartoonist David Borchart, drew the image above.

Monday, May 20, 2013

From Maximus to Flarf

Paraphrasing something I once heard fellow former SFer Karen Finley say during a performance in San Francisco ... I had to move to New York City to get into the Bay Guardian.

Monday, April 29, 2013


"The point of this sort of criticism isn’t — or shouldn’t necessarily be — to convince us of a single interpretation, but rather to invite us to consider ones we had either never thought about or dismissed long ago. Nearly all the essays [in this book] confront the reader with more questions about pop’s past and present than anyone could seriously engage in a lifetime."

My review of POP WHEN THE WORLD FALLS APART just went live at the LA Review of Books.

In other news, at 6:30 this evening I'll be reading at the New York launch of POSTMODERN AMERICAN POETRY: A NORTON ANTHOLOGY, details below:

The New School
Wollman Hall
65 West 11th Street (between 5 + 6 Aves
Subway: F, M to 14th St; L to Sixth Ave

Readings by Eileen Myles, Caroline Knox, Marjorie Welish, Charles Bernstein, Bob Perelman, John Yau, Cole Swensen, Joan Retallack, Kenneth Goldsmith, Peter Gizzi, Sharon Mesmer, Edwin Torres, Elaine Equi, Rob Fitterman, Drew Gardner, Lisa Jarnot, Noelle Kocot, Katie Degentesh, Nada Gordon, Gary Sullivan, and Elizabeth Willis

If you're a visitor of the Bodega and you come to this reading, please introduce yourself!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Ernst Herbeck | Podcast

Less than a year after publication, my book of translations of Austrian schizophrenic poet, Ernst Herbeck, has officially sold out

Don't cry! You can grab a free podcast of me reading some of Herbeck's work here.

Read recent reviews of the book in Critical Flame and Bomb.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Gary Sullivan | White Like Me

Three new poems, first posted to the Flarflist, by yours truly, here.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Verse, Stripped | Exhibit

This show, which I believe was curated by Katherine Litwin, just opened in Chicago at the venerable Poetry Foundation. It includes the original artwork of a few of my poetry comics, along with that of fellow travelers Sommer Browning, Bianca Stone, and Paul K. Tunis. Books by Kenneth Koch and (my all-time biggest hero) Joe Brainard will also be on view. My fellow cartoonist and occasional hangout pal Matt Madden will be giving a talk on the intersection of poetry and comics on August 1, the day after my 50th birthday. And, yes, I plan to be there for Matt's talk (as do the other artists), so say hi if you're there.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Ernst Herbeck | Everyone Has a Mouth

I've been translating the work of the Austrian schizophrenic poet Ernst Herbeck on and off since first discovering his poetry in 2003 ... and the first collection of these translations is being published by the great Ugly Duckling Presse on June 1 of this year. That's an image of the cover, the text of which I think was letter-pressed, above.

Read more about the book here. A sample poem:
Timeless Writing.

The earth, the volcano and the humming
of the bee are the timeless writing
also migratory birds. The vibration of

Thursday, April 19, 2012

I'll be reading Friday April 20 in D.C.


P. Inman, Gary Sullivan, and Meg Ronan
@ Arts1830: 1830 14th Street NW
Friday, April 20, 7:30PM

P. Inman's most recent book is Ad finitum, published in 2008 by the British press if p then q. When considered at all, he is considered by most to be a "Language poet," although some claim that his poetry isn't language at all, but pre-linguistic. He has two forthcoming books due to come out later this year & in 2013: Per se (Burning Deck) & Written (1976-2012) (if p then q).

Gary Sullivan is the author of several books of poetry, prose, plays and comics. Forthcoming titles include Everyone Has a Mouth, translations of the work of Ernst Herbeck, due out from Ugly Duckling Presse this summer, and an as-yet-untitled collected book of comics due out from Make Now Press next winter. 

Meg Ronan's poems can be found in West Wind Review, SpringGun, Shampoo Poetry, Cricket Online Review, Interim, and other lovely journals. She teaches, sells things, and gives tarot readings in & around the DC metro area.

Arts@1830 is located near St. X, Bar Pilar, Black Cat, etc. on 14th Street NW. Admission to the reading is free. Light refreshment will be provided. The evening's raffle items will include gift certificates to Bridge Street Books, Baked & Wired, St. X, & Bar Pilar, along with a variety of fashionable Ruthless Grip Poetry gear. All raffle funds go directly to the poets.