Showing posts with label warning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label warning. Show all posts

Monday, May 16, 2016

You are asking for it, if you ask me

Hey you lazy people who have no respect for other people’s property, listen up! You have been warned, but the poop is still coming from your dogs and landing by my house. Couldn't you just pick it up? I went out this morning and I saw just as much poop as I picked up yesterday.

Now it’s time for revenge. I know for a fact that what I’m going to do is going to affect one or more of you. If I hear that someone got caught by my revenge trap, I will really get a big laugh out of it.

I have to point out, I love dogs. I’ve owned dogs all my adult life so far, so I wouldn’t do anything to hurt a dog of someone else.

Here is my warning. Every morning and night I’m going to put a chunk of fresh meat on my lawn. There will be something in the meat that will not hurt the dogs but it will give them a little bit of diarrhea. Won't that be a surprise for you to get up in the morning with a nice big mess to clean up? Especially if you have a nice big carpet in your living room with the mess on it. The only thing I hope is that you’re mature enough not to blame the dog because you’re the one that would have brought that on by being disrespectful of other peoples’ property.

So my warning is clean up your act or take a chance of a big mess.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Unbelievable. [Warning: Graphic content]

I need to repeat that - this is graphic content, involving animal cruelty.

While surfing the internet to read the news from all over the world I opened this site and I simply couldn’t believe the video that was showing about how cruel some sadistic people could be to animals. The people responsible for this kind of cruelty should be made to suffer the same circumstances. These are rotten sadistic people.

Show this to Democrats in the USA and they might think twice about how downtrodden and deserving of support against Israel these people in Gaza are. They are monsters. 

The Australians will probably think twice about sending cattle there now.

That is my short rant of the day as the video shown on that site discouraged me from reading anymore news for today.

Saturday, November 1, 2014


I'd rather take the cancer. Maybe.
If you have a weak stomach or a vivid imagination do not read this post as it is exactly what the title means. While reading the news this morning I opened this. Apparently smelling farts (excuse my language) prevents cancer? Really? Couldn't there be a better way to prevent cancer? Isn't there a better way to prevent cancer worth studying? There must be.

Maybe this is a joke site or post. Maybe it's valid. But I fear for our generation as it is now with all the garbage that is put into our food (including what some of the fertilizers are made from). I can just imagine what the future generations will be ingesting or inhaling. Now a group of scientists have found something new to add to the garbage that we ingest without knowing.

I always thought that what came out of the lower part of humans or animals was garbage but according to what those scientist have discovered the smell of (farts I hate that word. Same for the word barf instead of vomit.) Now I can just hear the big applause from the big Pharmaceutical comp. “Saying here is something we can put in an aerosol bottle and sell as a puffer but we will have to have another name for fart. This stuff prevents cancer so we should get a good price for it.”

Friday, September 6, 2013

The enemy should know.

Yes this world has really evolved. It's even gotten to the point of telling the enemy when they are going to be attacked and from where and what they are going to be attacked with. I suppose next we will hear the enemy has been invited for dinner before the war starts, just in case either one survive the attack. This wouldn’t surprise me at the rate of what is supposed to be confidential; is showing up all over the media. 
We had an example of this not too long ago, when it was reported that the Jihadist were going to attack American embassies. They were more or less told that it was known what they were up to because it was in the news. The result was that they cancelled their plan of attack.  Great - lives were saved I guess. Temporarily.  But now there is little chance to find out when they are going to do it next. This kind of talk by leaking information that should not be leaked has endangered the lives of the workers in those embassies.  No one really knows if their planned attacks were cancelled or just postponed.
See you on Wednesday at 4:32 p.m.

Another example is Syria. It was all over the news that if it were attacked, it would be attacked by tomahawk missiles fired from the ships that are already in position. Isn’t that nice for these military strategist to tell the enemy what to expect?
Another thing I can’t understand. Once it was known that there was chemical weapons in Syria, why couldn’t the nations get together and make plans as to what they were going to do if some of those chemicals were used instead of waiting to the last minute to start making plans on what to do if they were used?
Now some has been used and men, woman and children have been killed. And more are being killed every day while the officials from different nations meet to see what they are going to do about this chemical usage and which nation is going to join in to attack Syria.
By the time they figure it out, they should just email all of their attack plans to the Syrian military before they start.
That’s my rant of the day.
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