Showing posts with label religion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label religion. Show all posts

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Father or Fathers?

Here is a word that seems to me is being used improperly. We call our dad 'father' most of the time but actually he should be called dad. Whenever anyone talks to a priest he is referred to as 'father'. Well all I have to say on this subject is that neither should be called father. Even the Pope is not entitled to be called father but rather 'his Excellency'. We only have one Father and that is the Creator, our Heavenly Father whom we call God. Anyone else doesn’t deserve to be call father.

This also brings me to the topic of religions. To my knowledge there were only 4 prophets who started our major religions therefore there should only be 4 religions. Now we have all kinds of religions and all kinds of cults. Not only that but we also have more than one God whom whom people believe in. And every one of those false religions and cults all have their way of praying to their particular God. I don’t think that there is one human in this world that can tell me exactly what the true religion is.

I blame all this mix up not only on man but the way the Bible was written. Like I mentioned before the Bible was re-written in different languages and some words that could not be translated a word was used that could have changed the meaning of the phrase or the whole paragraph. Now that is why two people can read the same paragraph and come to a different conclusion on its meaning. With all this misunderstanding of the way the Bible was written, to me was the results of all those religions and cults and more than one God.

I believe the only Bible that seems to be different than the others is the Bible called the King James Version. One thing we can be sure of the true God the creator is for good and the one called Lucifer is for evil. I have faith in God the Creator and Jesus the son of God. I would say just have faith and do as the Ten Commandments say and your afterlife should be a happy one. May God bless you.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Following the news on America (Part 1)

For the past couple of years I have been following the news, any news, with specific respect to the USA. When I read the news on one site I go to different sites to see if other sites are reporting the same thing. I also want to see what they have to say about what I just read about on other sites. They don't all agree of course. By doing this I soon found out that most of them can’t be believed as to the way the same news is reported. I guess the only thing a person can do is believe half of what is reported and leave the balance aside until when maybe something else gets reported that would confirm or deny what was reported in the first place.

One thing I do believe is the reporting as to how much people are turning against their faith. Especially the faith of the Catholic religion, often turning to other religions or cults. The denying that there is a God or anything else that would represent the Holy Trinity is more common than it seems it has ever been. I must also mention while I'm on the topic, that a lot of phonies say they believe in this and that just to make other people think that they are pious people.

Talking about phony people and then news from the USA, I must mention Obama. But I'll mention that in Part 2.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Too much emphasis on religion.

I realize I talk about religion a lot. So it might seem ironic that I'm saying there's too much emphasis on it. But what I mean by too much emphasis on religion, is that the results become hateful because of some people being pushed too much and too far by beliefs from religious fanatics. I understand that in some religions it state to go out and spread the word of God but it doesn’t say to aggravate people so much as to make them lose faith. I think that’s what has happen and is still happening not only in the USA but all over the world. With some fanatics that know the Ten Commandments and live their lives according to what is written in them cannot stand to see anyone going against anyone of them. So fanatics will start preaching to them as to how they are breaking a certain commandment and will not stop doing so.

Here’s what I mean. I was reading this site where a baker refused to bake a cake with decoration for a gay couple and he refused to do so because of his beliefs. Now all this baker had to do and because it disagreed with his beliefs was to bake the cake and keep his mouth shut. But now a big deal was made because he refused and it became news for all to see. Now did this baker think that he would turn out to be gay if he baked that cake? It’s this kind of thing that would be enough to change some peoples mind about beliefs or discouraging people of little faith to give it all up.

Have a good day.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The Religion of Islam.

Regarding the religion of Islam, a lot of people profess it to be a religion of peace. I will admit that it might have been a religion of peace at one time.  That is, until the radicals who now infect that religion decided to make it a religion that would give you the impression that you must 'follow our Sharia law and pray to our God like we tell you to do or else you are an infidel and deserve to die'. That religion has been turned into a dictatorship.  Law by lawless radicals is how it appears to be to those of us outside the religion. 

According to what I was taught there is only one God and that God is the one that created everything that wasn’t man made. To me different gods are the imagination of man. Now radicals who treat woman as if they were not humans but exist just as someone to please man and they have no freedom except to be slaves of men. That doesn't seem to be very religious.  Sometimes I wonder if this is happening because Jesus never had a woman as a disciple. Do they think that Jesus did not trust a woman to be one of His disciples? If so is that why Muslim woman are treated like slaves?

There is only one God and he’s the one that I have faith in and these days you have to have faith with all that is going on because of lies that are being told just to scare people into believing things. Like I said, there is only one God but certain religions or cults would want to make you believe that they have their own God and their own way of praying to him and if you do not agree, you are an infidel and deserve to die. The true God said “committing murder is an unforgiving sin” so that would mean that when you die your soul would be incinerated and never to exist again.

What about the killing of all the kids in a school reported not too long ago?  Over 100 of them were apparently killed. Is that what radicals think Sharia law is all about? What about kids having their head chopped off because they wouldn’t convert to Islam? What about a 14 year old being thrown off a 4 story building because of being a Christian? What about the slaughter of Christians and the burning of churches? Now is anyone still going to tell me that Islam is a religion of peace? Now the good Muslims are not trusted because of the monsters of radicals in their midst and yet the good Muslims don’t seem to be doing anything to try and prove that Islam is a religion of peace. By the good Muslims not doing anything to stop these radicals, to me it seems that they more or less agree with those radicals or they just don’t want to get mixed up in it even though some Muslims are killed as if they were infidels.

In closing there is only one God but some people have different ways of praying to him. Radicals think that they have a God of their own and their way of praying to him is the only way any other way you are considered as an infidel and don’t deserve to live.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Freedom of religion.

I believe in freedom of religion providing there are no mutilations of the human body or any violence whatsoever. Anyone who would immigrate to this country that believes in this kind of violence should stay in whatever country they originated from. I am a Canadian. I was born here and I follow the laws of my country. I can’t understand why the government of this country allows immigrants to do what we Canadians are not allowed to do. By this I mean under the guise of religious freedom.

I was listening to my favorite radio station (C.F.R.A. - the Lowell Green talk show). The talk show was about the mutilation of a woman's vagina. This is kind of sickening to hear and anyone here in Canada who would do this kind of barbaric thing should be sentenced to at least 10 years in the penitentiary.

This kind of barbaric act is the result of  multiculturism that was brought in by a certain Prime Minister who left this world a long time ago. I guess at that time, he did not realize that he was giving our country away along with some of our laws.

Yes, we Canadians are good people and even the government will ignore when some of these immigrants do what is not allowed in this country under normal circumstances. And they get away with it. I have no problems with anyone that wants to immigrate here but so long as they leave their barbaric practices wherever they are from. Obviously not all immigrants do these sorts of things. Most probably don't. But the kind of culture that some immigrants practice is not needed here.  So if they insist on following that kind of culture then they should be exempt from becoming legal immigrants here and sent back to whichever country they want to leave. This is Canada and we don’t cater to any kind of torture or any sadistic behavior in any religion or cult.

I would gladly vote for any party that would do away with this multiculturalism garbage and take our country back and restore it to its rightful owners - us Canadians.

That’s my beef for today.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

All about beliefs [Part 1 of 2]

When browsing through different internet sites this morning, I happened to see this article about Atheists pushing their agenda. 
American Atheists, which celebrated its 50th anniversary last year, has started 2014 with an aggressive push, filing a legal challenge to the Ten Commandments displayed on Oklahoma state capitol grounds and taking out billboards in Utah targeting the Mormon faith.

The group is increasingly being joined by other atheist organizations in challenging public displays of religion and demanding equal access for their viewpoint.

For example, administrators with the University of Wisconsin-Extension this month ordered that all 137 of its Gideon Bibles be removed from guest rooms at the campus Lowell Center, after a group composed of "freethinkers: atheists, agnostics, and skeptics of any pedigree" questioned their presence.

The Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) said that since the school was partially funded by public dollars, the placement of the Bibles in visitors' nightstands violated the Constitution because it could be interpreted as a government sponsorship of religion.
 Reading this article, I felt compelled to write what I’m going to write about a couple subjects, one of which I think might offend some people.

First of all, I agree that anything that would suggest any kind of faith should not be on government properties. Government should not be in a position to promote any kind of religion. The government is for the people and many citizens have their own beliefs about the different preaching as to what is and what is not and how the world was created. People have different beliefs about how it all started and the creation of the human species. All these different beliefs in the West at least, derive mostly from different interpretations of the Bible, because of the way it was written.

Now some politicians have made it their business to change some of the laws that are in the Bible. For instance, marriage should be between man and woman only. Some politicians have changed this law into marriage within the same sex which is now allowed in some countries. Changing how a society operates is one thing, but telling people of a certain faith that they must alter their faith is as unfair as putting something of a particular faith on government property.  It is suggestive of a certain way as being more right than others.

Incest. Now this is the one that will offend some people. For this part I’m only writing about what is preached by most Christian religion. Most preachers talk at some point about how the human species was created. Apparently God picked up some dust and blew oxygen on it and man was created. He then took a rib from Adam and created a woman and called her Eve.

Now Adam and Eve lived in a place called the Garden of Eden and they had 2 kids. Specifically, they had 2 boys named Cain and Abel. Now if Adam and Eve only had 2 boys where do the other women come from?  To me it would mean that Eve had to have more than 2 boys but was not impregnated by Adam. And that is where the incest comes in and it’s also the reason why the preachers preach that we are brothers and sisters and that’s why man has made it a law prohibiting incest (which is a good law). As the only law that is in the Bible in fact is a commandment that says “thou shall not covet thy neighbor’s wife.

What I’m getting at, is that it doesn’t matter whom a person marries and you have intercourse you are committing a crime called incest, because according to the Bible we are all brothers and sisters.

There is a belief by a lot of people that kids born out of incest that there would be something wrong with them either mentally or physically. I didn’t believe that before but to see and read and hear what is going around in this world these days I am inclined to believe it.

Either that, or this is one of those interpreting the Bible problems I mentioned above.

Stay tuned for Part 2 of All About Beliefs

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Why all the killings?

Some people ask "Why all the killings?" Here's my answer to this type of question. Since the beginning of recorded history, people have been killing each other for some reason or another.  According to the Bible, the killing of another human being started with Cain and Abel. Now I’m not going to go any further with this  analogy since I don’t recall if it was Cain that slew Abel or vice versa. I do remember it was because of a voice that one of them heard to kill the brother to show his faith.
I read this book called Bible History.  If what was presented in it are true facts, then a large percentage of all of the killings happening today are in what we now consider third world countries. I guess that would mean that those people that were born back in Biblical times, would have been raised in the beliefs and the laws that existed in those days and those beliefs and customs have since been handed down from generation to generation.
The results of those laws are still shown today by the killings and discrimination of different beliefs in praising God. I guess that’s why we say these people are still living and following the laws of the dark ages. Most of the younger generation in many countries still believe in those archaic laws. It's not necessarily their fault - they don’t know any different.  They were raised to believe in those laws and have never had a chance to live in countries that have laws that are different from what they were raised to believe in.
Some that have immigrated to other countries and are still having problems adapting to laws that are completely different from what they were raised to believe in. This is why some immigrants from those countries still get in trouble with the justice departments of whatever country they immigrated to become residents or citizens.
To my knowledge this is my answer to a question asked by one of my readers (Why all the killings in the third world countries?). I do hope my answer was satisfactory to your question. Thank you for asking.
Have a great day.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Religious Fanatics.

When we were young most of us are taught to believe there is just one God. As we grow older, we find that some of these fanatics would have you believe that there is more than one God.
I don’t know any more than anyone else, but to me there is only one God. The only difference I see is that there is only supposed to be four religions. To me anymore so called religion are cults and that’s what they should be called.
Now man thinking they are smarter than the ones that came out with four religions, decided that it wasn’t enough. So they created more and with different ways to pray to the God that they believed in and to be faithful too. Most of these religions and cults and go so far as ignoring the tablets of the Ten Commandments given to Moses.
Now with all these religions, and different ways to have faith in one God, some people would believe that there is more than one God, and are willing to kill and torture, because of some fanatics that came out with their own writings on how to show faith in what they believe their God would want (including such barbaric acts as torture and beheadings). 
That’s my beef for today.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


My beef today is with the amount of gods that we have according to the religions of today. Apparently, we have a god for humans (and different versions of God too), and gods to protect the forests. I was brought up to think that there was only one God and that God was a loving God and a forgiving God.

These days, with all the religions and cults, we have like I mentioned before, gods for almost everything that any group can come up with. And most of those groups do not even touch the Ten Commandments that is mentioned in the Bible.

Then we have all the different rules that they want people to follow in order to belong to these groups, and some of these laws do not even reflect the wishes of a forgiving God. For example take the cutting off of a human’s body part or stoning another person to death or murdering another person by different means because of some laws relating to a certain religion by fanatics who use this kind of thinking just to torture or kill someone. Or even to kill in the name of honor.

Because of some of these laws woman are treated as the lowest class of citizens in some countries. In fact not too long ago even in civilized countries they were not allowed to vote or do things men were allowed to do. Even today in the Catholic religion a woman has to be covered up if she chooses to be a nun. The only thing they can show are there hands and face. It used to be when a woman went to church she had to have some kind of a netting over her face and the head had to be covered. I don’t know if their heads have to be covered these days. I don’t know if things have changed but I remember that a woman was not allowed to be ordained as a priest in the Catholic religion. I don't think that has changed.

Now I don’t know if I should ask, but is it because Jesus never had woman as a disciple? And is this why woman are being treated like slaves in some countries? Or do some people think that God was ignoring women and this would give some people the idea that God didn't trust a woman and therefore a woman should not be treated as equal to men?  It's another thing that bothers me. Women shouldn't be treated as second class citizens.

On a side note I  have another question.  Don’t ask me where it says this in the Bible, but isn't there a passage where it says that all your love should be for God only? But there is also a passage that says if you have sex without love to a woman it’s considered to be lust and that’s what the Catholics teach. Those seem to be contradictory to me.

That is my little rant of the day.

                   Have a good day

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Root of the problem

In the western world the root of most problems seems to be money.  But in the third world countries it's religion.
I was just reading Fox News and I happened to notice an article about this family in Egypt (a mother and her seven children) who were sentenced to fifteen years in prison for converting from Islam to Christianity.
Not too long ago, I read in the news that some people wanted to bring this law into Canada. I would say that if you have faith in what you believe in that’s fine. But to bring this kind of law into Canada I would say there would not be any more politeness from us Canadians. I am sure that this would cause a big problem. Some Canadian laws have been changed to accommodate different cultures but going to the extent of bringing that kind of religion would be a little too much.  If it was brought in here then this country would become just as bad as the third world countries.  Canada would be Christians against Islam just like in many Middle Eastern countries. This country is not a killing field of innocent people because of their belief.  We would be justified in resisting it.
Sharia law can stay where it is - where fanatics can kill innocent people and raise their fist in the air and say God is great. Can you imagine not only the mother but also the kids in Egypt in prison? What a bunch of crazies to treat people that way.
That’s my little rant of the day.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Alien Space Cathedral

To have faith in the Creator these days, your faith better be established in your brain like a block of steel, because what you can see in the news as to what some people come out with is unbelievable.

The post title above is exactly what was reported by Fox News in a link to an AOL news section that  I read the other morning. 
In the New Mexico desert lies an allegedly secret Scientology installation that includes a huge message for extraterrestrials -- a crop circle-type design that can only easily be seen from high above the ground.
Apparently this can only be seen from high above in the desert in of New Mexico. If these drawings in the desert do exist why was it just written about now? Or could this be a hoax like the crop circles that were supposed to have been done in England a couple of years ago by aliens which was eventually proven to be a hoax? Could this Alien Space Cathedral be just some ones imagination to attract more attention to this type of faith?

What these religions or cults come out with is laughable and yet some people really do believe in this kind of thing but will not believe in the Creator of all things that can’t be seen. With all of these false statements going around trying to make people believe in the kind of faith that they believe in, it's no wonder that some people have lost faith in the true religion but at the same time the question could be what is the true religion? And that is the reason why I say, we don’t know what the true religion is so to be save believe and live by the Ten Commandments.

That is my rant of the day.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Israel, rockets and Hamas

Here is a good example of the destruction and killings that religion can be blamed for. The Israelites are being persecuted for their faith. Now we all know that we can’t trust the media for telling us the truth, but when they come out with videos that shows what goes on, then it can’t be denied.

These people are being bombarded with rockets day and night. Now they decided to defend themselves by hitting back to try to stop Hamas from targeting them. They are being blamed for killing civilians but if Hamas hide behind civilians like Israel claims, then those civilians could be part of Hamas, or followers of Hamas.  able to defend itself.Even if they are innocent, non-Hamas people, they are shielding Hamas - willingly or not.  Israel has to be able to defend itself.

Videos have been shown of some people (civilians) cheering Hamas on as they were firing rockets towards Israel. What really gets me is Israel is getting blamed for retaliation against Hamas while Hamas are using kids and woman as their reason for wanting Israel to stop What is Israel supposed to do? Just run for cover and let the rockets come? And if any kids or the woman in Israel get killed I guess they don’t matter is that it?

Thursday, September 13, 2012

What I was told as a kid

On one of my older post, I mentioned that when I was a young kid just starting school, I was enrolled in a Catholic school.  I also mention this priest always around and he used to tell us passages from the Bible. I remember one passage that he quoted “ When the end of the world is near, more and more people will deny God.” I’m beginning to think he spoke the truth.

With all the problems going on in this world these days, the killings, the refusal by many of having anything that represents any kind of religion, or any prayers in some institutions, Christian being looked upon like woman are in third world countries, and atheist gaining more and more popularity, I think he spoke the truth.


Since the one above is a small one I will add this other short one.

I was reading comments where some people were commenting on a story that the Sun newspaper ran  regarding the Quebec election about some people not being able to vote because their names were not on the list.

Sure enough as expected, comments such as “ Quebec province is corrupt and they must have English names and that’s why they weren't allowed to vote.” The person that said that, I can honestly say, he doesn't know what he’s talking about, because my next door neighbor is French with a French name and he was refused because his name was not on the list.

I must say, there are things that are screwed up in this province, just like Ontario,  and corruption just like Ontario. All I can say to these misinformed commenters is get your facts straight before commenting on some things.

That’s it for today.

Have a good day

Friday, August 31, 2012

On Religion

What is going on with Canada and the United States?

These two countries for some reason, seem to have turned against religion all of a sudden. Maybe it's been slowly happening, but it seems more sudden to me.  Did I miss it when the Messiah came down from Heaven and committed some kind of a crime? That would explain why there has been a marginalization of religion lately. Or is there just too much talk about the topic of religion?  Or maybe it is used in politics too often.  I don't know, but religion just seems to be a bad word, a bad idea nowadays.

Have we as Canadians and Americans turned into nations of unbelievers without faith? If this is so then we have a big problem.  If we don’t have faith in the good Lord then what do we have faith in? Ourselves?  I personally don't have a lot of faith in people (i.e. ourselves).  We generally don't have a great track record.  In North America we've had a better track record than most of the rest of the world as far as civility and decency.  But, we had religion helping us along.

I do think there are still a lot of people that believe in the good Lord, and I am one of them.

I have as my personal saying "a person without faith, is a person that is lost". Whatever is written in the Bible (e.g. the Ten Commandments), a person without faith does not believe in conducting themselves according to those ideas.  That person is a candidate for incineration once deceased. That’s my way of thinking.

And that's my rant today.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Beautification - I don’t know if this is the right spelling of the word but it's when the Pope declares a person a Saint.  So why do I want to talk about that?

Football saints are called saints too.
Something puzzles me about saints.  I  remember when I was a kid, we were always told that a Saintly person is perfect.  In other words without sin and/or did not do anything that would be against Jesus' teachings.  The other thing I recall is that you could pray to that saint to obtain favours.  But this happens only once the person has passed away.

What I’m wondering is how do they know if that person is like what they say?  How does he or she qualify for sainthood? It's only because the Pope says they are a saint that they become one.  Do they follow that person around 24 hrs a day, even when that person is sleeping?  That person could be putting on a good front when with other people but inside be just as bad as the next person. The actions when they are alone, the thoughts that they have, could be all different then what everyone else sees from that person. This doesn’t make any sense to me. If any catholic priest reads this and can explain it to me I would really be interested. Mind you I’m not being sarcastic just curious because I can’t see any sense in that.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Sissy Boy

I was reading the about Anderson Cooper's report on this boy being born a “sissy” and the treatment that failed him miserably.  It reminded me of what I had written, about another blog that I sometimes read. Ironically, the it's also on CNN - it's about religion. On that blog they claimed that when God created man that had the genitalia of both man and woman then changed his mind and separated the two and created the woman.

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