Showing posts with label McCain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label McCain. Show all posts

Monday, August 25, 2014

Mr. McCain.

UPDATE:  Link was broken, it is now fixed.

Do you think that making this kind of statement will make any difference to Mr. Obama?  I would say if you Americans had a president that was less interested in playing golf and more interested in  looking at what he was doing to the nation, then maybe the type of statement McCain made might have an impact. Then Obama might listen and start doing the job of leading the nation, instead of weakening it.  Then he might be a leader of a nation that used to be feared and/or respected all over the world as the leading nation that it used to be.

Now it seems to say “come on over and do whatever you want, we welcome anyone and it makes no difference who you are or what you stand for” Now because of this kind of attitude, this nation that used to be looked up as a great nation has been degraded to almost nothing. As long as this president is in charge of the country, what used to be a great nation could eventually cease to exist. According to every bit of news that I can read and what this president is doing and not doing I would say this man should never have been elected. Of course it seems that if you can talk the ears off people and tell them what they want to hear and convince them everything is fine and dandy, you’re elected. Folks that’s all the liberals (another name for them is Democrats) need to get elected.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Not getting too many comments.

I'm just not getting to many comments on my posts. Surely what I write can’t be bad enough that I don’t get too many comments? Well here is something I hope will get me some comments and I expect if I do some will be bad, and maybe some will be good ones.

What I would like to see next election get elected if she decides to run and that would be Sarah Palin and as vice President John McCain. This lady I’ve listened to many of her speeches and I will admit that when she emphasizes something in her speeches she has a screeching voice but, that’s beside the point.

When Palin decides to give a speech what she says comes from the heart and not only from the lips; as she tells it as it is and there are no two ways about it. She shows herself to be a real American and I really think that she could be a great leader. I agree she would be new at this, but she seems to have more knowledge of the Constitution and doesn’t seem like the kind of person that would ignore certain parts of the Constitution to satisfy her ego (like Obama, the supposed to be leader).

Besides she did serve as a governor, so she would have a good start not only politically but also with the experience of governing. True, I did read that there was some kind of disagreement while she was serving as governor but from what I read and it was absolutely nothing as bad as what is going on with the present administration.

Mr. McCain seems to be another American at heart. I think he would be good as vice president but he’s the type that would seem to be short on diplomacy; a certain amount of diplomacy would be needed to help America get back on track. I think if there was a president that could hold him back because he is a military man and might be too much in a hurry to use diplomacy and cast it aside - that could cause serious problems.

What the USA needs now is a good leader and to bring back the USA to the reputation that it had tit for tat on the killers of Americans and to make sure that these Jihadist are not protected by diplomacy, like it is at this time.

Those are my opinions of the day.

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