Showing posts with label ISIS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ISIS. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

ISIS crisis

I saw on Newsmax the other morning that we need a president to destroy ISIS. I can say for sure that you don’t have one now. Have you people just realized that now? What has been done to them so far it seems like a show that the USA has put on for itself.  Was the president trying to destroy them or just pretending he was? Because so far, using the excuse that Americans were tired of war and didn’t want more of it is a flimsy excuse. But he's waging a so called war as if he doesn't really want anyone to notice.  By that I mean it is so halfhearted an effort as to be a joke. If troops would have been put on the ground this ISIS would not exist anymore. That would have been a good decision, putting troops on the ground. I’m sure that the citizens would have been grateful for that decision. Now those killers and murderers are more or less free to do anything, even  invade the USA as soon as they have figured that they have enough people to attack and spread their damn garbage that’s supposed to be what their religion demands.

I honestly don’t think they do it out of dedication to their religion but rather just as a sporting events. If they get killed they are quite happy because they died as martyrs. Otherwise they can kill, rape and destroy all they want.  Well they can die for their cause that they believe is true but the big boss the only Creator and the real God will have a surprise for them when the time comes for them to be judged. The laws given to Moses for our conduct towards others were meant for everyone and those people are breaking every one of them.

By the way, as for virgins waiting for them to me that was just some ones imagination just like the lies that are told by the Catholic religion.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Fake war on ISIS

Via InfoWars, comes the opinion that the war on ISIS is a fake war. I tend to believe it, but watch the video and make up your own mind

Thursday, April 7, 2016

ISIS Sympathizers.

Can anyone tell me what those damn sympathizers of Isis are doing in America and Canada? In the USA it's Obama and in Canada it's Justin Trudeau. In the USA the excuse for not putting boots on the ground to combat ISIS is because Obama says he wants to stop all wars. In Canada Trudeau says we can’t afford it but he can afford to give billions to countries that could care less about us.

While reading Facebook I saw a video of a woman stating that God had sent Obama to punish the USA for what it’s turned out to be. That was not her exact words but it means just what she claimed. She could be right and she could be wrong. But if she's right, did God gave us Canadians Trudeau? Are we just as bad as the USA? I would say the lady that made that statement must have woken up from having a bad nightmare.

Well, all I have to say to this kind of garbage if what was prophesied in the scripture of Revelations for no later than the 1st of January 2017 (as some claim) there will not be any cancellation of the election and there will not be any Obama and a lot of other people, including me.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Massacre of children

When I checked Facebook the other morning I went to my page and what I saw on the picture I found hard to believe what I was seeing. Sadists, killers and murderers and whatever else you want to call those assholes in ISIS. 200 school children being shot in Paris France. Now what could those school kids could have done to have their life terminated by a bunch of ISIS thugs?

Those so called humans are protected by some politicians who refuse to believe this is already a war declared by ISIS. I believe that some politicians have convinced themselves that if they leave ISIS alone ISIS will not attack us. All I can say to this is if those so called humans can slaughter kids like they have done in Paris France will not attack anyone because of their belief than you people can put that political correctness garbage where the sun don’t shine and sit on it just to make sure it doesn’t come out.

Those ISIS 'people' are proving sneaky by having some of their people infiltrate the refugees that go into different countries. And when there are enough of them then they get organized and attack innocent people. It doesn’t matter if the people being killed are children, adults or disabled. Why? Because they use Allah as an excuse to commit their atrocities. I believe on one of my rants I had a video that shows what is happening in Europe.

Good reading and have a good day.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

The radical killers.

ISIS. After reading and seeing videos of what those killers and rapers of woman and girls have done and are doing since some people will not follow their version of religion, it proves to me that its’ only a cover up for their sort of sport - which is to kill and torture.

Now today I opened this. You can read it and decide for yourselves. Here's an excerpt:
At least 18,802 civilians have been killed in Iraq in ISIS-linked violence in under two years, a United Nations report said Tuesday — with millions of others forced from their homes and thousands more held as slaves.

...ISIS continues to commit "systematic and widespread violence and abuses of international human rights law and humanitarian law," it said, adding that some of those act amount "crimes against humanity, and possibly genocide."
A terrible tragedy caused by some terrible people. animals.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Where is the leadership?

What I would like to know is where is the leadership, that would include leading a coalition to put boots on the ground, to eliminate ISIS? As I see it, at this time, those people are free to do whatever they want - killings, torture, shooting at everything that moves including not only adults but also children. To me it just appears that most nations of the world are in agreement with them because all they are doing at this time is more or less giving them a slap on the wrist. Sure the bombing impedes their freedom of travel but it seems that they can still get to where they want to go. So these bombings might slow them down but people are still getting killed and tortured and cities are being taken over by them.

Bombs can be dropped, but they are not made to chase people to blow them up so to think that just bombing them will finally eliminate them is foolish. It might impede them, slow them down but, it won't eliminate them. Anyone or any nation that doesn’t want to do anything but bomb them are in dreamland because according to reports this group is getting bigger every day.

If anyone thinks that those people are doing this because Allah wants them to do it, then you better start thinking again. Those people are doing this to satisfy their own warped mind just to kill and torture. They are  using their religion to cover the fact that it’s a sporting event for them. If anyone doesn’t want to do whatever is needed to eliminate them it’s because they are in the same frame of mind as them. And anyone that would try and protect them by just bombing them is a hypocrite and would like them to conquer the world to declare their caliphate and declare Sharia law to be the only law in the world. Those people are so intent on killing that they will also kill their own members. Either you are against them or you are for them - it's that simple.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

No boots on the ground. Why?

From what I read about ISIS, the only way that these killers can be stopped is by putting boots on the ground in Iraq and Syria. When I hear that people are tired with war, I think it makes no sense. Yes, I understand why they might be tired of war, but when it comes to jihadists like ISIS people should understand the need to put boots on the ground. It`s the only way their aggression can be stopped. I’m sure that if the USA would put troops on the ground the members of the coalition would be willing to do so also.

As it stands now, Obama doesn’t want to put Americans troops on the ground. He also leaves the southern border wide open meaning all kinds of riff raff can come into the USA (including jihadists). As it stands now Iran has had ships in American waters. There is so much opportunity for jihadists infiltrate the USA. To me the border being open and the threats from ISIS seem to be an invitation to the jihadist to come in and make themselves at home to do anything they want.

It appears to me that the security of the nation comes last in all the problems that exist in the eyes of the current American administration. Some ISIS people have been stopped at the border according to a reporter who has spoken to one of the border patrol officers.

I don’t think the American people would mind troops on the ground to end the existence of ISIS because I don’t think that any of them would want to be beheaded (which seems to be ISIS’S favorite sport).

It appears that the leader of the USA doesn’t listen to the people when he wants to ignore the Constitution and make his own laws. Apparently he listens to the people about not wanting to go to war against the terrorists why?

This is my rant of the day and my opinions as I see it.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Why not really go after ISIS?

Why is the world not going out full blast to get all these torturers and killers of innocent people including even children? So far as I can see those killers and I mean the worst ones ISIS or ISIL use God as an excuse to do what they are doing. They are killers and torturers and a bunch of sadists. They have to use someone as an excuse to do what they are doing so they figure that God would be a good excuse.

I really wish that former president Bush was still in power. A lot of people didn’t like some of the things that he did, but at least if there was an injustice somewhere that had the potential of affecting the USA, he was not afraid to go after those killers of innocent people. He was a president of the USA. Now the USA doesn’t have one. Now there is no fear from those killers because they realize that the USA will not go after them full blast. From what I can see for now what is being done to ISIL is just a slap on the wrist and a show of something that doesn’t mean anything.

I am not a person that likes violence but to see what is happening to innocent people especially kids being killed and tortured for reasons because of a belief that these radicals have been brought up to believe, using God as an excuse, is bull.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

No boots on the ground. Why not?

From what I have read about ISIS, it seems that the only way that these killers will be stopped is by putting boots on the ground in Syria, Iraq or wherever they go. When I hear that people are tired of war, I figure this way of thinking is bull. Yes, I understand tha they might be tired of war but the war is not going to get tired of coming to them. Sometimes you just don't have a choice if you want to be in a war. What if people said that during WWII? We'd probably be speaking German today. When it comes to Jihadists like ISIS, people should be willing to put boots on the ground. I’m sure that if the USA would put troops on the ground the members of the coalition would be willing to do so too.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Was this done purposely?

Be prepared to be surprised. I am about to cut president Obama some slack.

Some people tend to criticize without waiting to see what is really going to happen. The speech that was given by Obama in regards to ISIS does deserve a little bit of time. Myself, I don’t like him because he doesn’t seem to know too much about the strategy of war. And I have criticized his approach to a number of things, including ISIS.

The speech he made sounded as if he was giving ISIS his plans for attacking them. On the surface, that seems pretty dumb. I will ask this though - was it to throw them off on what he really intends to do? If that was, it backfired because these sadists would start hiding among the civilians and move their equipment into schools and around the most populated areas because they would know that a coalition would not bomb a school or hospital or where there was heavy traffic of civilians.

If I was to give a speech like He did, I would make sure that what I would say would be all lies because I would already have a plan B (which was actually my plan A). It would be contrary to what I said when I had given such a speech. That is why I call people brainless for criticizing him without waiting to see if that was exactly what he intended to do.

Maybe that was part of his plan that would get the people in an uproar and would be more convincing to those killers. In the meantime he could deploy troops and go in with guerrilla warfare tactics. They would not be ready for that kind of battle. He could have had spotters (or drones) to indicate where most of those killers would be at and hit them hard. And whether they be any Westerners or not, blast them because if Westerners are among those people that would mean they are with them than they deserve the same treatment kill them all.

So, maybe Obama will surprise us. Maybe he does have a secret plan, or his generals do. If so, then he'll deserve credit for the deception for once. But in the end, he may disappoint us because his plan was pathetic. All I'm saying is that it's too early to tell at this point. If we are going to be disappointed in him for mishandling ISIS, there will be plenty of time to do that down the road.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

ISIS crisis

In all the news that I've read on different sites, the most dangerous threat to the world is ISIS. I would say those people (if you want to call them that), will have to be eliminated for the good of the whole world. Those types of people can’t be "degraded" enough militarily to be manageable. They are simply killers of what they consider to be infidels.  Anyone that doesn’t follow Sharia law must be converted or eliminated in their eyes. If they are degraded, they will simply try to regrow themselves like a cancer and come back in a decade's time and try again.  Their beliefs won't change. 

How many versions of the Quran are there? I have one here which I got out of curiosity.  It doesn’t suggest killings and torture in it. Now according to the Quran that I have, I would say Islam is a religion of peace.

I don’t know where those Jihadists have got their hands on a Quran that tells them to go out and kill the infidels to please Allah. And I can’t believe how some people are joining up with that kind of sick people especially when they were not brought up in that way of believing. For instance Western Europeans. They convert to Islam and then become killers and torturers. Why?  That makes no sense.

Coming back to ISIS, as long as they are just bombed day and night it will not do the job of eliminating them. How many would be recruited to replace them? According to the news reports, they are getting bigger and bigger all the time and by defeating their enemies that had American made weapons, they managed to get their hands on them. So now they are better equipped.

The world should wake up and declare guerrilla warfare on them. That is the only way that they could be defeated but not to get on TV. And announce it beforehand so that the Jihadist will know what is coming their way. I am sure if this was to happen they would be eliminated and sent to hell where they belong - every last one of them. Then leave troops behind long enough to get maybe someone that tries to make an ISIS comeback and start it all over again. Iraq is a good example of pulling all the troops out too soon. It gave those Jihadists time to grow an get better organized.

If those people are left unchecked they will finally get what they want and they might even be luckier if they get their hands on nuclear weapons. Than they will eliminate the whole world including themselves because according to their beliefs, life is cheap - even their own.

Friday, September 12, 2014

The groups of Jihadists.

The group ISIS must be happy to hear that no troops would be put on the ground to combat them. Only bombings are a concern. Of course they can keep away from that by not having meetings in the open and sheltering among civilian populations. With troops on the ground, it would be like guerrilla warfare in Iraq and Syria. From what I've read, these people will hire anyone, in which case most of them would not have been well trained in that kind of warfare.

I agree. Send soldiers instead.
The Americans have already shown that they can fight this kind of war. If the American soldiers were put on the ground I believe ISIS would become a Jihadist group of the past. So that would be my solution. Go in heavy and wipe them out.

I would also suggest that any sympathizers of ISIS that are known they should be picked up and locked up for life. The country they originated from should not matter as to the apprehension of those sympathizers. That's true even if they are from the Western world. The USA and Canada should deport all sympathizers of any Jihadist groups.

Some people might think I’m a war monger but I’m really not. What I can’t see are people wanting to immigrate to a different country because they are not happy with the country they come from. And yet, they expect the country that they chose to live in change the laws for them to reflect what they just left. I say if they are not happy with the way things are in the country that they chose, there’s nothing stopping them from going back to whichever country they came from.

That’s my rant of the day. Have a good day.
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