Showing posts with label Dietitians. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dietitians. Show all posts

Monday, May 5, 2014

The evils of aspartame

Aspartame. Why is this garbage of product still allowed to be used in our foods and drinks? My son is 47 years old and whenever he ingests any product that has this garbage of Aspartame in it, he gets really bad migraines. That is too coincidental to be a coincidence.

I was watching the video below on how dangerous this product is to our health. I would refer you to this site for more about aspartame.

I wrote a post not too long ago where I talked about how money was worth more to some people than our health. After seeing this video and other videos on what is used in our food, I must say greed has taken over the mentality of our food producers and pharmaceutical products.

Every day you read about dietitians that tell you, to stay healthy you should eat this or that. I would say to those dieticians, before you advise people on what to eat to stay healthy you should do a good investigation as to the product that you people tell us to eat and not eat. After you have done some good research, you might be surprised as to what you’re telling us is good to eat.

Why are there so many people getting sick these days? Even people that follow some of these diets in order to stay healthy, end up with poor health and in hospitals. The reason is the garbage that is included in the foods and also in the medicines that we are not told about.

That’s my rant of the day. You want to stay healthy? Eat what you want as your diet and you just might be healthier than if you eat what you are told to eat.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

No one knows the truth about food

No one knows the truth, the whole truth, about what is done to the food that we ingest every day. This is the same for the producers of pharmaceutical products. Some of it is known but not all of it. Not enough of it is known.

In today’s world, no one can be believed when they talk about the product's they are selling. That's because business is business and to them it doesn't matter what is added to some of their products, just as long as they taste or look good and they can’t be sued for the garbage that was added. That's the extent to which a business cares about what it makes. Health-wise, who cares? Just as long as the customer likes it, and buys it, the side effects only matter so long as they don't get in trouble for it. So businesses add things - preservatives, colouring, other additives, all in the name of cost, convenience or appeal. Maximizing the money that can be made out of selling them is the main purpose of the business.

Now I`m not saying that businesses making money is wrong, but to expect them to care about your health is just not realistic. Not unless it becomes financially important for them to do so.

Now here come the dietitians. They tell you what is good for you and what you should eat.  They tell you  to watch out for certain kinds of fat and this and that, and it never ends.  It would be impossible to eat  exactly what you’re told to eat as a diet.  Even if it were possible, what is considered good  changes every time a new study comes out.  Imagine how much food you would waste trying to keep up with that ever-changing list of do`s and don`ts.  These dietitians might have good intentions in telling us what and what not to eat to have good health, but at the same time, they should be a little more focused.  They should try to find out exactly what has been added or taken out of certain foods before advising people on what to eat and what not to eat. Try and find out what kind of pesticides were used on some certain fruits and vegetables, because some of them are porous and will absorb pesticides which you can’t wash off.

I don`t have an answer on a perfect solution, but I do have my rant of the day about something that needs fixing.

Monday, August 20, 2012


Dietitians, do they know what they are talking about? Do they do any research before they advise people on what kind of food to eat and not to eat? Sometimes I wonder.

Here is an example of what I’m talking about. While reading Fox News a couple of days ago, I noticed a little warning about eggs. Do you remember on radio and TV they used to advertise that eating eggs for breakfast was good for your health, because of the vitamins and protein etc.?  

“Eggs are typically considered a ‘superfood,’ full of protein, vitamins and fatty acids.”  However, a new study suggests the cholesterol in egg yolks is almost as dangerous as smoking cigarettes, Fox 31 Denver reported..

Now we could be in trouble, because to align eggs with smoking is very bad.  Some health groups like to exaggerate, and they might petition the government to ban the selling of eggs with the yoke in them.  It would not surprise me at all, because some stupid people will do, say or try anything, just to get their name on the media.

Here is another example of what I’m talking about with respect to dieticians. You will see some advertisements that says things like "Here are five foods not to eat for a flat stomach."  The first picture that’s shown is a banana but they will not tell you that a banana is good for the heart because of the content of potassium (which is good for the heart). So they only give you a partial picture.  And it also seems that today the only thing people worry about is obesity. If you over eat and drink lots of liquid and saturate your food with salt, prepare for a bigger stomach and health problems. I learned that, but the hard way.  Meanwhile dietitians say so much, that it's pretty much impossible to tell the fact from fiction.

That’s my rant or what ever you want to call it for today.
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