Showing posts with label Christian History. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christian History. Show all posts

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Weekly Wrap up! HOD

Week 23:
We made it through our 23rd week of this school year! I finished reading  "The Railway Children" to Buster last week, and this week we have been reading "If You Traveled West In a Covered Wagon". Buster finished Escape North thus week, and started reading a book about Martin Luther King Jr. We will finish it on Monday. Buster really enjoys reading books about true events, and they bring on some excellent conversations. Sweetpea got really excited about her math book this week, and did a ton of pages in it. She also did much better listening, and reading this week. For Tot School we had fun with Farm animals, and I will post pictures of that separate. On Wednesday night we went to church and heard from Aaron Auer who acting as Jason Lee is trying to revive Oregon's Christian heritage. Here is his website. The girls had fun in their class learning about Hannah, and Samuel. Buster and Sweetpea are both doing swim lessons again, and today Buster started Basketball. Last night Buster and Sweetpea had fun at cousin E's 10th birthday sleepover. Happy Birthday E! Next week I'm planning to start taking the kids to a co-op on Thursday afternoons. They will be studying the Oregon trail for a few months.

The girls made this on Sunday! I bought it on clearence.
Buster has been reading before bed, and he loves his book holder from Aunt B!
Buster made a canoe out of homemaid clay! We were learning about French settlers this week.

Buster's handwriting is really improving!
Sweetpea doing math!
Sweetpea was learning about Jesus healing the blind, and the importance of sight!

Buster learned about clouds!
Sweetpea painted a tree after learning about Zacchaeus!
Watercolor painting outside!
We got some new pets from a lady at my husbands work!
Sweetpea looks crazy for stick bugs!
For more weekly wrap ups visit

Friday, November 19, 2010

Weekly Wrap Up! HOD

Week 18:
We are now half way through our curriculum for the year! Buster finished unit 17 of Beyond Little Hearts. He also read Prairie School, and started AAS level 2. Sweetpea has had a transformation, and is finally excited about school again. One evening this week I told Buster to find a book and read it, and he read a book called Dolphins to me. Sweetpea got inspired by that and drug out some Bob books we have and read them all to me. She has since then read them to me several times, and I need to get her some more easy reading books. She is listening really well during her storytime now, and we had fun reading about the Christmas story in her Bible this week. She has made it through 11 units in Little Hearts. Next week we are taking a break from regular studies and I post a list of some things we hope to do Here. We will also be working on OCC shoeboxes this weekend, and if you want more info about that look Here! I finally took a picture of our finished house project. Well almost finished, we still need to finish some trim work, but it is too wet and cold.

Here are the after shots!

Buttercup playing with our new Thanksgiving set!
Sweetpea really got into her math book this week!
Buddy being big! Here is my post about his birthday!
Warming up, and listening to sissy read!
Watching a Christmas movie! Daddy has been working late this week, so we have been having late afternoon movie time after school!
We had some cousins over for playtime today!
My husband and I rearranged the kids room last night so we could add a second bunk bed! Thanks to some friends of ours who gave us the bed and mattresses.

Check Here for more wrap ups!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Weekly Wrap Up!

Week 15 and 16:
We have had a couple of crazy weeks around here, and I did not get around to a weekly wrap up last week. Instead I'm combining the last two weeks into one post. School is going well, and Buster is really getting into his reading time. Today he actually read two days worth of Buffalo Bill and the Pony Express just because he didn't want to stop. He has been practicing multiples of 3, and has them all memorized. Buster will be finishing All About Spelling level 1 next week, and is making some progress with his spelling. Sweetpea turned 5 on the 31st, and is doing better with school. I have been doing my best to tweak our learning time to her needs, and it is working. I have loads of pictures to share with you all:

Guess who turned 5!
The kids were pretending this was a canoe!
Buster made a St. George's cross flag. The flag flown by English ships such as the Mayflower.
Look who's walking!

All that walking wore him out!

Math time! We are doing a ton of hands on work!
Guess who will be 1 on the 9th!
Sweetpea had a Peter Pan party on Sunday!

Our latest cake creation!

Little fairies!

Pinata time!
The party guests!
We made shadows on Monday!

We carved pumpkins

Pretending to be crows feeding Elijah!
Buster made his own ice cream!
Sweetpea loves her new skirt from grandma!
It is perfect for spinning!
Buttercup had to model to!

Stay tuned for buddies party pictures!

For more weekly wrap ups visit