Monday, February 24, 2014

It's About Time...

I'm considering blogging again. Considering. It. This decision may take time.

There are many social media platforms out there. Do I need to commit to any particular one? I do email, facebook, Google+, facebook, Twitter (still a newbie), and did I say facebook? I'm on facebook too much. I want to connect with friends and family online, but sometimes virtual interactions don't hold as much value as real-face-to-face or phone-to-ear conversations. I'm still unsure. I'd like to also use my blog as maybe a way of preserving family moments, but once they have gone out into cyber space do they lose value for our family and just become facts and figures for all to see? I'm wondering how I can delicately preserve my memories while sharing them so others can share in the good and bad times with me. I've been working on my photography skills as a way to help preserve memories. I'm kind of thinking that writing is another great way to preserve memories and if I can really capture the feeling and emotion of a memory it will be more than just a fact or figure.




@nicolesclasses #nicolesclasses


  1. I left all social media except for blogger about a year ago. I also dropped my cell phone. Facebook and texting was eating up my life. I had to take control back. It has been one of the best decisions of my life. I take the time to make connections with those who really matter to me. I have more undivided attention for my girls. I don't feel that pull to check updates every few seconds. It's been so freeing. I love blogging because I can make a blog book every year. I also keep a journal at home of the more sacred experiences in our life. Anyway, I've been meaning to do a post on this subject. Hopefully soon! Just thought I would share my journey in the social media world. Good luck to you!

  2. I don't know you Katelyn but I've been wondering about doing that. Leaving most social media...I'm very interested in your experience! Mrs. Osborn, :) I'd love to see more from you!
