Showing posts with label Aminomopop. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aminomopop. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Finally Got the Holy Grail; Who Cares if they're Re-Sale?

It's hard to believe some one-inch plastic or rubber or kryptonite little red shoes could make my day, but that's just what these red and white scalloped mary janes did on Friday. And I think I was still grinning on Saturday and Sunday

As they once came on a Kayla Barbie that is very scarce, even on Ebay, and as no one seems to want to part with them, I thought I'd never own a pair. In their heyday, they went for as high as $75 on Ebay. They're practically impossible to copy; I've not seen a decent painted imitation. But luckily for me, I saw a pair listed on Plastic Paradise at a very reasonable price. And I didn't even see them until day two of their listing. Still can't believe I got them!

Like the shoes, nearly everything else above is secondhand, or re-sale, including all the dolls except my blonde Star Dancer, Lilly. Virginia, the redhead with the shoes, came from Australia, and her felted jacket and darling dress came from two different PP sales. Daisy, Lilly and Charlotte are wearing, for the most part, all second-hand fashions, also from PP. From left, an Aminomopop coat, knitted hat, Mochi Mochi pants, top and purse and then granny-square crocheted skirt are all "used." The rest of the trio's items are from Ebay or Etsy

And, what can I say about Alice's incredible Marie Antoinette-like gown? This was made in Ohio by "My Own Little World," traveled to who knows where and ended up in the Netherlands, where I bought it on PP. Back to the states it came. It is much more divine in person than the picture shows. Hooray for Blythe owners who re-use, re-purpose, re-style and re-sell.