What are you afraid of? How can your fears hold you back?
These questions become very important as you make choices about life and who you want to be in the world. Fear keeps many of us from pursuing dreams.
Super Reader Girl just posted an interview where I discuss how terrifying it was to actually pursue my dream of becoming a writer. But if I'd never taken that risk I wouldn't have any of the joy I'm experiencing now with Nightshade's publication.Last week after BEA I did something else scary. Trapeze.
The Penguin offices in SoHo overlook the
Trapeze School New York. When Editor Jill pointed the school out to me and I said "wow, I'd like to try that," she said "next time you're in town we'll go!"Editor Jill keeps her promises.
Trapeze is scary. You have a little bit of practice.
But up on the platform you can see all the way to the Statue of Liberty.
Fortunately Abby is up there to reassure you -
when you stretch your arm outand then both arms.
The hardest part is right here, when you're leaning forward, toes over the edge of the platform and your heart is pounding.
And that's when you have to jump. Yes, jump. Even though your blood is shrieking "no, no, no, no, no!" fueled by millenia of survival instincts.
But if you don't jump, you can't fly.
And flying is worth the risk.
You just have to believe in yourself.
And if you're like Editor Jill you can even fly upside down. Go Jill!! (I couldn't quite get the upside down, but next time I will!)
And remember there are people cheering you on - here's our teacher, Evan.
If you don't leap you'll never soar. And you need to remember that it's okay to fall. Everyone ends up in the net, but that doesn't mean you won't fly again.
It's June - a new month, leading us to summer. And it's time for a new giveaway. At BEA I had the joy of meeting so many amazing readers and writers all aspiring to wonderful dreams.
The characters in Nightshade face a number of their deepest fears to overcome obstacles. To win a signed Nightshade ARC leave a comment below describing something you'd like to try but are afraid to (like trapeze!) be it bungee jumping, writing a story, climbing a mountain.
The winner will be drawn randomly on Friday!