The Floral collection by Nails Inc. is one of the new Nails Inc. collections that just released this Spring. There are 4 polishes in this collection that each consist of flower shaped glitter in various color combinations. At the time of typing this post, these polishes are now available in store and online at Sephora. If you are not in the United States, the Nails Inc. website has these polishes listed, although it says they are currently unavailable.
base coat, 2 coats My Turn by Sinful Colors, 1 coat Daisy Lane, no top coat
This is Daisy Lane. An adorable name for an adorable polish! Featuring white, pink, and red flower glitter with small white glitter, and light pink micro glitter in a clear base.
base coat, 2 coats My Turn by Sinful Colors, 1 coat Daisy Lane, no top coat
Below is Floral Street Mews. The clear base holds a multitude of glitters. Besides the white and blue flower shaped glitter particles, there are 5 different sizes of glitter pieces. There are orange and white micro glitter pieces, followed by slightly larger white and light pink glitter glitter pieces (that I will refer to as "small" glitter pieces). Next up from the small glitter is the medium sized hexagonal glitter in light pink and white. Following that in size are larger glitter pieces that are hexagonal in shape that only appear to come in white. The largest size of hexagonal glitter pieces (that I would consider the "extra large" pieces of glitter in comparison to all the other sizes) come in white and the same blue hue as the flowers.
base coat, 2 coats My Turn by Sinful Colors, 1 coat Floral Street Mews, no top coat
Because Floral Street Mews has so many different sizes of glitter and in differing color combinations, this one looks a bit more "exciting" to the eyes, when painted on top of a bland black or white (or gray, as done below), even though all the glitter within this polish is pastel in tone.
base coat, 2 coats My Turn by Sinful Colors, 1 coat Floral Street Mews, no top coat
Below is the last polish I picked up from this collection: Richmond Gardens. Upon first inspection, the glitter colors in this polish appear to be a turquoise-blue, a light green, and a white, but that isn't completely correct.
base coat, 2 coats My Turn by Sinful Colors, 1 coat Richmond Gardens, no top coat
The smallest glitter (the "micro" glitter) is yellow/chartreuse in color (it looks very much like a green-leaning yellow). The larger sized glitter (which I will again refer to as "small" to differentiate from the other sizes of glitter), is either a turquoise-blue or light pink. The hexagonal medium sized glitter comes in a plethora of colors, including that same yellow/chartreuse color seen with the micro glitter, light green, turquoise-blue, and light pink. The medium sized glitter is the largest glitter in this polish besides the flower glitter (which is giant by comparison). There is, in fact, no white glitter in this polish (the photos make the pink glitter look white).
base coat, 2 coats My Turn by Sinful Colors, 1 coat Richmond Gardens, no top coat
I would consider the glitter in all of these polishes to be matte glitter, even though it almost has a pearlized finish (as seen especially in Daisy Lane with the white glitter particles), but I attribute that to the clear, shiny base that the glitter sits in.
Instructions on how to apply (or how to not have to fish the flower shaped glitter pieces out with an orange stick or tweezers):
1) After you apply your requisite base color (or no color if that may be the case), have a piece of scrap paper near you.
2) When you first open the polish bottle, dip the brush into the center of the opening (without brushing it against the sides of the bottle, taking off excess glitter), and begin brushing the glitter on the brush onto the scrap paper. It is likely that all of this glitter will be of the micro, small, medium, large, or extra large variety, and will not be a flower. The flower pieces are heavier and so they tend to sink just a bit in the clear base.
3) Repeat the process in step 2, continuing to dip the brush into the center of the opening, working to not scrape off the excess glitter that would just cling to your brush the next time you put it back into the bottle.
4) After repeating step 2 (and 3) a few times, you should eventually get a flower glitter piece to appear. Warning: once you have had one flower-shaped glitter piece cling to your brush, your are likely to have a bunch of flowers cling to the brush at the same time. This is when you can dab those flowers from the brush on multiple fingernails, without having to reinsert the brush into the bottle to get more flowers.
5) If you have come to the part where each time you pull out the brush you get multiple flowers, now you just have to work at getting the right amount of other glitter pieces you want on to your nails!
And there you have it!
If you think the flower shaped glitter looks familiar, you may be thinking of the newly released Formula X for Sephora Cherry Blossom Top Coat. I am almost certain that the flower glitter in the Cherry Blossom Top Coat is the same shape as the flower glitter in these Nails Inc. polishes. The only differences I see between the two are the price (the Nails Inc. are $11US and the Formula X is $12.50US), and the color variations that are available in the Nails Inc. polishes (that are not available in the Formula X, which is only pink in color).
So, what do you think of these polishes?