Showing posts with label Global Warming. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Global Warming. Show all posts

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Les Visible Nails It Again

Les Visible
Smoking Mirrors
Fri, 14 Dec 2007 15:18 EST

In a meeting with Khomenei Putin stated that an attack on Iran should be viewed as an attack on Russia. No wonder then that Zionista shill Amanpour did her little sleaze piece on him...Putin...dark Czar...fixed election....whispers of murder....Putin this... Putin that. Good thing they don't get up to that sort of thing in the USA. We be squeaky clean.

See, this is what happens when you play the game of Risk on the big board. This is what happens when you try to take over the world. The other players move accordingly. Russia moves. China moves. No one ever takes over the world. They just ruin other people's lives trying. Sometimes I think Diderot was right - "There won't be any peace until the last politician is strangled with the entrails of the last priest." Close enough to what he said... I think.

It's all coming clear now; the footsie with North Korea... we'll be heading for Taiwan directly... bombs in Lebanon... bombs in Algeria... Al Qaeda this... Al Qaeda that. Someone want to tell me how this global terror network operates? Someone want to tell me how Bin Laden, who's been dead for years, manages to orchestrate all this surgical mayhem with no evidence of anything except some extremely suspect phone call from somewhere, "Yeah, we did it." from our plush caves in Pakistan. Someone want to tell me why people who know better keep talking about Bin Laden? Al Qaeda sounds like Starbucks. They're a lot more effective and organized than they can possibly be.

Bin Laden never said he did 9/11, in fact, he said he didn't do it. FACT; ...go to the videotape. No... not those videotapes, long proven to be frauds. There isn't any Al Qaeda in the way it's presented but... you know that. It's impressive how someone gets the whole world to believe this bullshit.

Oh, but are they angry out there in fascist land. The Likudniks are frothing at the mouth because they haven't quite been able to elbow the Americans into attacking Iran for them. You get a little cocky after you've pulled off sucking America into all those bogus wars and then find out the horse got hobbled by some honest people at the NIE. It sure is convenient about that assassination in Lebanon. Cut to: sold out mouthpieces sticking microphones in front of everyone they can find and asking, "Do you think Syria was behind this?" Of course, what they mean is Iran.

Here are some things we know - and if we don't know them then we are, stupid, don't want to know, don't care or are involved; 911 was an inside job. Both of the last two presidential elections were fixed. Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 and neither did Bin Laden. Iran has nothing to do with nuclear weapons. A small group of powerful individuals is behind the surgical use of terrorism that is designed for the purpose of social control. Organized religion is in on the scam. Corporations are backing the efforts with their front men in various world governments. The media reports what they tell them to.

I could add to this. I could dissect it... so could you. There is also a small group of individuals that know what this other small group is up to. We are all over the world. We all know the same things. When we speak about them, other people in our group of 'the informed' all know what each other are talking about.

Meanwhile... there is something that worries me. It doesn't worry me the way you might be concerned about something bad happening - sure, there's some of that, but I know the difference between what I can affect and what I have no control over. No... it worries me the way a tongue worries a troubled tooth. It pulls at my attention in the back of my mind and I try to grasp what it is but I haven't been able to. What it is, is... how come people can't see what's happening? It's right there. It keeps happening. Surely by now the public should know that they are being lied to. Surely the fantastic inconsistencies of 9/11 should have a place in the human mind right next to the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny. Surely we should all be seeing that every time some newscaster's lips are moving that they are lying. You can see the news being shaped; Syria this, Iran that... Putin bad... Chavez... bad. Surely you should be able to see. I can clearly see that American leaders are slandering, stealing and killing to support a lifestyle that is over the border of sense and reason, while actively reducing that lifestyle for everyone but the wealthy, and that it's going to break down.

It's not just America, it is in many places. But America is the most defiant about their privilege to have more than anyone at everyone's expense, including their own, and America has the guns. We have become the bad guys. We torture and engineer terror attacks in order to react against them and set policies that guarantee our right to protect ourselves against enemies we have created for this purpose.

So... here's the thing. We know that they put things in the soft drinks that make you fat and rot your teeth and god knows what else. We know that really strange things are going on at every level. We know there are all these experiments... all these new crowd control weapons... all these studies and tell me... is it something in the water? Are they doing subliminal work on TV... in the movies... on the radio? It's a simple procedure. Is it some kind of a ray that operates through cellphones? Is it microwave?

Let's use Global Warming as an example. Everybody has a theory. Forget all that... it's happening - that we know. It's happening. Maybe it's a natural cycle. So maybe it's a natural cycle that people are turning into quivering Jello Pudding-bots and religious hystericals. Maybe it's natural that people are getting much stupider than they were a few years ago. Maybe it's natural that they don't react and protest as you might expect them to and on and on... or maybe it's 'enemy action'.

Look... everything didn't get this frightening, dangerous, tacky and banal all on its own. This is intentional. The (some call it) music and all the ridiculous entertainments didn't just happen. Someone made them happen. Why make it happen that way? Why is there a common moral code that most people tried to live by, and most agree upon, that now comes up against an FDA approved cultural trend which wars against everything that is commonly acceptable? The result is schizophrenia on a national scale. There must be some reason for this. We're not being improved by it.

Sane and intelligent discourse has disappeared from the airwaves. It is acceptable to shout down and mock everyone who disagrees with the madness. Forget about telling the truth. It's acceptable to do anything and to such a degree that even a rube should see after awhile that something is rotting in the sun.

Is it just a natural de-evolution as the culture declines? Billions of people can't be united in agreement that what is happening is good. There are definite solutions to many problems. Even I know what a lot of these solutions are and that's not my field. Common sense tells me how things should be. Surely millions can see as well. So, tell me... is there some kind of 'stupid ray'? How come the education system stopped teaching people how to think? I see all of these connections. It's like when you keep finding clues everywhere you look. There's a whole effort afoot to deceive and manipulate the public so, logically, aren't they doing other things too?

I keep trying to find the answer but the answer isn't there. These collective pathologies must have a source. How can people be so stupid? How can they swallow unbelievable lies?

I'm saying these things because I want people to think about them. I know it's fuel for my small cadre of detractors but I enjoy the way it sets flames shooting off of their heads when I force them to think about this. I must admit to some satisfaction when the spittle and invective fly; not here but in other locations. Think of it as tough love. Sure, I'm crazy but I know for a fact that I'm not as crazy as most everyone else. I know better than to step in or buy into what is definitely shit, mixed with lies and mystery meat. I know better than to eat it just because somebody served it to me warm. I guess what I want to know is, "Do you want flies with that?"

Even a five year old 'used to' know enough to say, "yuck, that's gross..."

Friday, March 23, 2007

Al Gore: Useful Idiot to the Climate Change Agenda

With the Inconvenient Truth dog-and-pony show making the A-list lecture circuit, you gotta wonder why a situation that has been developing for at least 50 years (heck I remember hearing about this in 1965)is suddenly, well, cool? When the PTB start allowing the plebs to hear some bad news, it's for sure not out of concern for the great unwashed. That's you and me by the way.

Part 1 today. Stay tuned for Part 2. All from the due diligence of Signs of the Times, the best news service on the web.

Blue Ibis

Climate Change Swindlers and the Political Agenda

Laura Knight-Jadczyk
Signs Of The Times
Wed, 14 Mar 2007 07:15 EDT


What is the truth about Climate Change?

Some time ago I wrote about Climate Change as being probably the most pressing problem facing humanity today. It is so pressing that I am convinced that possibly 90% of the human race - over 6 billion people - could be at risk of certain death in the very near future - like within ten years - if this matter is not addressed adequately and appropriately very, very soon by our "glorious leaders" who seem to have little on their mind other than blowing up innocent people.

But then, that war-mongering has a hidden agenda behind it: to grab and hold resources.

But rest assured that the intent is not to grab and hold those resources for you and me; it is to get them for the "elite," that 6% of humanity that is on the top of the heap and intends to stay there regardless of the fact that those genes should never be passed on.

Well, the Climate Change Confusion factor is heating up.

Channel 4 recently broadcast a special on the "Climate Change Swindle," that was intended to "expose the myths about climate change that have been promulgated in order to hoodwink the world into accepting the man-made theory of global warming."

As far as it went, this special wasn't too bad. However, it didn't really tell the whole story which is that, yes, Climate Change is real and a serious threat, but not for the reasons given.

As it happens, one of the experts included in the presentation has now announced that he was badly mis-quoted, or quoted out of context, and he is back-pedaling like mad.

Keep in mind that this is really just a distraction, something to keep the masses busy so that they don't see the real agenda: that it is intended that they should be "left out in the cold" because they didn't act to get rid of corrupt leaders in time to do anything to prepare for what is coming.

To make the point, let's look at this little debacle a bit more closely.

Expert in oceanography quoted in Channel 4's debunking of Global Warming says he was 'seriously misrepresented'

It was the television programme that set out to show that most of the world's climate scientists are misleading us when they say humanity is heating up the Earth by emitting carbon dioxide. And The Great Global Warming Swindle, screened by Channel 4 on Thursday night, convinced many viewers that it is indeed untrue that the gas is to blame for global warming.

But now the programme - and the channel - is facing a serious challenge to its own credibility after one of the most distinguished scientists that it featured said his views had been "grossly distorted" by the film, and made it clear that he believed human pollution did warm the climate.

Comment: This sentence right here is the first "twist." If the reader will go to Professor Wunsch's website and read his actual comments, they will discover that he did NOT say the "human pollution did warm the climate" in the sense that this writer is trying to convey - as if that was all there was to it.

What Dr. Wunsch actually said will be discussed further on.

Professor Carl Wunsch, professor of physical oceanography at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology said he had been "completely misrepresented" by the programme, and "totally misled" on its content. He added that he is considering making a formal complaint.

A Channel 4 spokesman said: "The film was a polemic that drew together the well-documented views of a number of respected scientists to reach the same conclusions. This is a controversial film but we feel that it is important that all sides of the debate are aired. If one of the contributors has concerns about his contribution we will look into that."

Any complaint would provoke a crisis at Channel 4, now recovering from the Jade Goody Big Brother storm. It had to make a rare public apology after the Independent Television Commission convicted previous programmes on environmental issues by the same film-maker, Martin Durkin, of similar offences - and is already facing questions on why it accepted another programme from him.

The commission found that the editing of interviews with four contributors to a series called Against Nature had "distorted or misrepresented their known views".

Professor Wunsch said: "I am angry because they completely misrepresented me. My views were distorted by the context in which they placed them. I was misled as to what it was going to be about. I was told about six months ago that this was to be a programme about how complicated it is to understand what is going on. If they had told me even the title of the programme, I would have absolutely refused to be on it. I am the one who has been swindled."

Comment: Here we see the professor's point: that it is not so simple as being ALL human caused, nor is it totally non-human caused. His point is how COMPLICATED the subject is.

When told what the commission had found, he said: "That is what happened to me." He said he believes it is "an almost inescapable conclusion" that "if man adds excess CO2 to the atmosphere, the climate will warm".

Comment: Notice here that Prof. Wunsch is not saying that human caused CO2 is the major factor.

He went on: "The movie was terrible propaganda. It is characteristic of propaganda that you take an area where there is legitimate dispute and you claim straight out that people who disagree with you are swindlers. That is what the film does in any area where some things are subject to argument."

Comment: Notice that Prof. Wunsch is here saying that there IS legitimate dispute about what causes global warming.

Mr Durkin last night said that Professor Wunsch was "most certainly not duped into appearing into the programme" and that it "had not in any way misrepresented what he said".

Before the programme was shown, the IoS asked Channel 4 why it had commissioned another film from Mr Durkin and, further, whether it was making any special checks on its accuracy.

A spokesman said the programme made by Mr Durkin for which it had had to apologise was a decade old, adding: "We treat Martin as any other film-maker."

Comment: Now we come to the propaganda and damage control:

The cold, hard facts about global warming

What do most scientists believe caused global warming?

Comment: Notice how the question is phrased: using the terms "most" and "believe." The word "most" is quite misleading, though "believe" is pretty much right on; has nothing to do with facts and data.

The vast majority are convinced it is human emissions of carbon dioxide.

Comment: In fact, this is NOT true. It is an out and out lie.

It was established scientifically 180 years ago - and has never been seriously disputed - that natural levels of the gas given off by decaying vegetation and the oceans help to keep the Earth warm; without it, and other natural greenhouse gases, the planet would be some 20C colder and we would freeze.

Comment: So far, so good. But here comes the twist:

Adding even the so far relatively small amounts from human activities makes us warmer.

Comment: This is where we find the major dispute. It is clear that the amount of CO2 emissions that are produced by human beings in our time do not anywhere come close to the volumes of CO2 emissions that have been produced at other periods of history that did NOT result in Global Warming. So the human factor is very much in question.

Has the world warmed before?

Yes, and big warmings over prehistoric times were not started by increasing CO2 levels; changes in solar activity are more likely.

Comment: Another twist. There is clear evidence of other warmings that were definitely related to increasing CO2 levels that were precipitated by solar activity and OTHER causes. It is disingenuous to suggest that other warmings were not related to rising CO2 levels.

Levels of the gas started rising some 800 years into the warming, but then probably reinforced it, making it bigger and longer. Temperature and CO2 are interdependent; when one goes up the other follows. This time it is different because vast amounts of the gas are being artificially put into the atmosphere by humans.

Comment: So, they clarify here, just to cover their behinds, but that doesn't excuse the preceding twist. As it happens, the current "global warming" spell is following this same pattern. Nothing new here.

What about more recent history?

There was a warm period in Europe in the Middle Ages, again probably caused by solar activity, but it does not seem to have been a worldwide phenomenon, although records are scanty.

Comment: What a load of horse hockey! How easy it is to say "it doesn't appear to have been worldwide" when the records are scanty. And again notice that the cycle was related to the Sun. But NOW, of course, the determination has been made to blame it on strictly human activity no matter what, and that is what this writer seems to be doing.

So is the sun responsible now?

Some sceptics say so and probably it played the major role until quite recently. But over the past three decades, solar activity has scarcely risen, while temperatures have shot up - a fact disguised in the film. What has gone up is CO2 and even top sceptic Nigel Lawson admits it is "highly likely" that the gas has "played a significant part" in global warming this century.

Comment: Notice how cleverly the writer says "Some sceptics say so" instead of saying "many EXPERTS say so" and "probably it played a major role until quite recently." What a load of hooey.

There are quite a few experts - and considerable data to back it up - who are saying that the solar activity HAS increased. To back this up, it is pointed out that nearly every other planet in our solar system is ALSO experiencing Global Warming.

So, who is swindling who?

Now, let's look at Prof. Wunsch's actual comments:

Partial Response to the London Channel 4 Film "The Great Global Warming Swindle"
Carl Wunsch 11 March 2007

I believe that climate change is real, a major threat, and almost surely has a major human-induced component.

Comment: Notice here that Prof. Wunsch says, very carefully, that Climate Change (notice he doesn't even use the term "Global Warming,") "almost surely" - that is to say, it's not a fact established by any hard data - "has a major human-induced component." That is to say, there is a lot more to Climate Change than human activity, though he BELIEVES that component might be major - "almost surely." ALMOST.

But I have tried to stay out of the "climate wars" because all nuance tends to be lost, and the distinction between what we know firmly, as scientists, and what we suspect is happening, is so difficult to maintain in the presence of rhetorical excess.

Comment: Here Prof. Wunsch is making the very careful point that what scientists know firmly and what they suspect are two very different things. And indeed, the rhetoric in the media, driven by political agendas, is quite excessive, particularly relating to the human element relating to "Global Warming."

In the long run, our credibility as scientists rests on being very careful of, and protective of, our authority and expertise.

Comment: We see here that Prof. Wunsch's primary concern is his reputation among mainstream scientists. That should give us some warning...

The science of climate change remains incomplete.

You can say that again! But the rhetoric in the media, including the above article from the UK Independent debunking the debunking of Global Warming is just another case in point.

Some elements are based so firmly on well-understood principles, or on such clear observational records, that most scientists would agree that they are almost surely true (adding CO2 to the atmosphere is dangerous; sea level will continue to rise,...).

Comment: Notice his qualification: "most" scientists. Not all scientists. And in fact, quite often it is the scientist who goes against the "textus receptus" of the standard theory who is right.

Other elements remain more uncertain, but we as scientists in our roles as informed citizens believe society should be deeply concerned about their possibility: a mid-western US megadrought in 100 years; melting of a large part of the Greenland ice sheet, among many other examples.

Comment: Notice that he precedes the remarks about the possibilities of a megadrought in 100 years and the melting of the Greenland ice sheet with "Other elements remain more uncertain..." Next we get to the nitty gritty of his position, the one he has taken to preserve his reputation among his fellow scientists as well as the scientific thought police:

Increased Hurricane activity is also part of "Global Warming." Hurricanes are huge machines that exchange heat and cold in our environment. An increase in heat can lead to a sudden cooling via violent storms, as the fossil record shows...

I am on record in a number of places as complaining about the over-dramatization and unwarranted extrapolation of scientific facts.

Comment: But didn't he just say that there were possibilities that were uncertain, but that he felt that, as a scientist, there should be concern about them? Doesn't he think it is possible that extrapolating "a mid-western US megadrought in 100 years; melting of a large part of the Greenland ice sheet" from the condition of Global Warming is perhaps unwarranted, especially considering the fact that the RECORD shows that every period of Global Warming was followed by a sudden and rapid Global Cooling? An Ice Age? What's wrong with THOSE facts, that specific data that is, as the good professor points out, "based so firmly on well-understood principles, or on such clear observational records"??

Thus the notion that the Gulf Stream would or could "shut off' or that with global warming Britain would go into a "new ice age" are either scientifically impossible or so unlikely as to threaten our credibility as a scientific discipline if we proclaim their reality.

And here, Prof. Wunsch demonstrates that he is either not a real scientist, considering all the data, or he is more driven by his concern for his reputation among the politically controlled scientific community than he is concerned with a real threat to humanity. Theres is certainly evidence that the Gulf Stream has shut off before, and there is evidence of sudden glacial rebound associated with this.

They also are huge distractions from more immediate and realistic threats.

Comment: Are they? Sudden Glacial Rebound seems rather immediate and realistically threatening to me and a lot of other experts.

The rest of Prof. Wunsch's complaint focus mainly on trying to get himself out of hot water with the mainstream scientific community. And here we come to just how the good Professor can be an agent for political agendas without even intending it or being conscious of it.

Yesterday we carried an interesting article, How The Media and Establishment Brainwash The Public. We carried this article not because we "believe" in "creationism," but because the example of how things work is very simple and important.

Anyway, I am going to paraphrase a bit of that article for the present purpose:

There are two broad categories of theories about Climate Change: first, are those who think that Climate Change is caused by human activity. Second, are those who think that Climate Change is natural and cyclical and the cycle can be known by examination of the historical data. There are actually several different camps (i.e. different theories) within each group, and there are hybrid groups (i.e. hybrid theories), but let us assume there are only two simple groups.

To visualize the two different camps, suppose there is a large field and there is a fence that bisects the field and you are standing at one end of the fence looking down the fence. On the right side of this fence are the Human Caused Global Warming advocates (the people who make up the "establishment" and are ruled by the politics of the day because that is how they get their funding) and on the left side of this fence are the Natural cycle advocates (the people who disagree with the "establishment" point of view).

You have the choice of siding with the establishment or the renegades. In some cases this choice could affect your job. For example, if you taught biology in a public high school, and you taught Natural Cycles in your classroom, you might lose your job.

If you are only looking for the benefits, and a promotion, then there is no question as to what theory you will teach. The Human Caused Global Warming side of the fence has virtually all the benefits.

Suppose you want to know the truth (as best as you are capable of honestly determining as an "open-minded" person) - is Human Caused Global Warming (HCGW) or Natural Cycle Climate Change (NCCC) correct based on the evidence currently available?

Suppose that you decide to start your decision making journey by talking first with the HCGW crowd; because everything you have heard in school is that HCGW has been proven to be true. So you head to the right side of the fence and start talking to an HCGW advocate.

Suppose this person tells you all the reasons why Global Warming is caused by human activity. He might go into "well-understood principles", or claimed "clear observational records" and claims that "that most scientists would agree that adding CO2 to the atmosphere is dangerous; sea level will continue to rise, and so on.

After this conversation, you start to walk away, but the person stops you. Then this same HCGW advocate starts telling you all of the things that are wrong with the NCCC crowd. He tells you one theory after another of the NCCC group, such as their nonsense about the Gulf Stream etc, and why each theory cannot be true and what a bunch of goons they are.

After this conversation, you now feel that you understand both the HCGW's and the NCCC's theories of Climate Change. You decide it is not necessary to go to the left side of the fence and talk to a NCCC representative because you already think you understand their views and why their views are wrong.

This is A Common Mistake

If you made such a decision, you would be making a common mistake: you have heard both sides of the issue, but from only one person on one side of the fence. You have really only heard how the people on one side of the fence feel about the issues. But you haven't heard the arguments of the NCCC, from a NCCC expert, nor have you heard why the NCCC advocates think that the HCGW's are wrong.

There are actually four categories of the two sides (these are the four things you need to hear to make an informed decision):

1) pro-HCGW (from the HCGW side),
2) anti-NCCC (from the HCGW side),
3) pro-NCCC (from the NCCC side),
4) anti-HCGW (from the NCCC side).

In other words, from the right side of the fence you have heard the pro-Human Caused Global Warming arguments and also from the right side of the fence you have heard all of the anti-Natural Cycle Climate Change arguments. But note that you have not heard the pro-Natural Cycle Climate Change arguments, from a Natural Cycle Climate Change expert, nor have you heard the anti-Human Caused Global Warming arguments, from a Natural Cycle Climate Change expert. You have only heard two of the four categories because you have only heard from one person who is on one side of the fence.

Do you really know both sides of the issue?

No you don't!

You only know one side of the issue and two of the four categories. Until you go to the left side of the fence and hear about the pro-Natural Cycle Climate Change views, from a NCCC EXPERT, and you hear the anti-Human Caused Global Warming views, from an NCCC Expert, you don't have a basis for making an objective decision.

Comment: And what is at the root of it all?

A media that is controlled by political elements for a definite and specific agenda, and it ain't in your best interests, nor has it ever been.

Take that to the bank.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

There is No More Sand to Hide Your Head In

Blizzards, hurricanes, tornados windstorms and floods have washed it all away. What will you DO about it?
Blue Ibis
SOTT Focus

Wake The World Up Campaign

Signs of the Times editorial staff
Signs of the Times
Thu, 25 Jan 2007 09:40 EST

How many of you have seen the movie "The Day After Tomorrow?" If you haven't, the thesis of the movie is that Global warming causes large areas of the Arctic to melt, so that the northern Atlantic ocean is diluted by large amounts of fresh water which changes the density of the water layers causing a disruption of the Thermohaline current.. This then leads to a rapid and unnatural cooling of the northern hemisphere which triggers a series of anomalies, eventually leading to a massive "global superstorm" system consisting of three gigantic hurricane-like superstorms, which suck up heat and drop the super-cold upper atmospheric air down onto the planet resulting in an "instant Ice age."

This idea is nothing new and it didn't really originate with Art Bell and Whitley Strieber. A NASA report from 2004 tells us "Andrew Marshall, a veteran Defense Department planner, recently released an unclassified report detailing how a shift in ocean currents in the near future could compromise national security."

In a 2003 report, Robert Gagosian cites "rapidly advancing evidence [from, e.g., tree rings and ice cores] that Earth's climate has shifted abruptly and dramatically in the past." For example, as the world warmed at the end of the last ice age about 13,000 years ago, melting ice sheets appear to have triggered a sudden halt in the Conveyor, throwing the world back into a 1,300 year period of ice-age-like conditions called the "Younger Dryas." It is also now known that the Gulf Stream weakened in 'Little Ice Age'

On 6 December 2005 Michael Schlesinger, a professor of atmospheric sciences at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, leading a research team, said "The shutdown of the thermohaline circulation has been characterized as a high-consequence, low-probability event. Our analysis, including the uncertainties in the problem, indicates it is a high-consequence, high-probability event." See also: Failing ocean current raises fears of mini ice age.

There is another danger that comes with Global Warming: release of huge amount of methane from the methane clathrates buried in the arctic seabed, and even from other subterranean sources as the earth struggles to shift around and balance itself. Methane can contribute to Global Warming, but it is a highly unstable gas. Mostly it just stinks and can kill. Consider a September, 2006 report Methane gas leak kills miners in Ukraine which says:

Emergency Situations spokesman Ihor Krol said "an unexpected eruption of a coal and gas mixture" - later identified as methane - occurred early this morning at a depth of 3,500ft ... Methane probably emitted from rocks..."
We learn from further research that a high number of mining accidents are the result of methane pockets either igniting or poisoning miners.

In short, if big bubbles of methane gas are released from the ground, if a flock of birds happen to be in the area, they could very easily die and fall to the ground within a few minutes.

Now, of course, methane itself is odorless, but it is a byproduct of organic decomposition and, as a consequence, is often associated with hydrogen sulfide, a "rotten egg" smell. If you can smell it, the level is probably unsafe.

Of course, there is a tremendous dispute about this with a whole raft of critics (some of them scientists with questionable loyalties) pooh-poohing the idea and continuing along the line of "it's all Global Warming" and if we concentrate on cutting emissions, over time, things will stabilize."

Not very likely.

Why do we think so?

Last month, for almost a week, the Gulf Stream ceased to flow northward to Europe. Go here: ... and scroll down to "Animations of the Gulf Stream velocities are here".

Click, and when the page loads, select "Last 26 weeks (Jan 23 21 bytes)" and observe. After the images load and the animation plays, you will see a short period of about a week between Dec 11th and 19th when the Gulf Stream actually stopped flowing toward Europe and flowed back South without completing its normal circuit.

Here are still images from the event:




Now, keeping those dates in mind, let's look at some headlines selected from the SOTT Weather Archive from the days during and after the temporary reversal of the Thermohaline current:

14 Dec 2006 Duck die-off in Idaho sparks fears
19 Dec 2006 Lewiston residents unnerved by dead crows
21 Dec 2006 Colorado reels under blizzard
26 Dec 2006 Christmas storm brings devastation
02 Jan 2007 Sections of Colo. Remain Buried in Snow
03 Jan 2007 Cherry Blossoms Bloom In Brooklyn
03 Jan 2007 Record snowfall buries Anchorage
04 Jan 2007 Warm winter wreaks havoc
04 Jan 2007 Scientists Say 2007 May Be Warmest Yet
05 Jan 2007 2 dead after strong storms, tornadoes rip through southern Louisiana
08 Jan 2007 Gas-like odour blankets Manhattan
08 Jan 2007 Ducks die en mass in Vietnam's southern province
08 Jan 2007 Dead birds shut down Austin
08 Jan 2007 Outgassing: The environmental "surge" you're not hearing anything about.
08 Jan 2007 NY gas smell shuts trains, forces evacuations
08 Jan 2007 Wacky warm weather throws birds and bees off balance
09 Jan 2007 Warm December Pushes 2006 to Record Year
10 Jan 2007 Are the dead porpoises on Scottish beaches more evidence of global warming?
10 Jan 2007 Freak tornado-like storm hits Barbados
12 Jan 2007 Storm Warnings Across UK
13 Jan 2007 Icy Weather Hits U.S. Midwest
13 Jan 2007 Record Cold, Snow in Southern California!
13 Jan 2007 Smelly Outgassing in Louisiana
13 Jan 2007 Staten Island: More Bad Smells - Outgassing?
14 Jan 2007 Powerful storm dumps ice and rain on central U.S
14 Jan 2007 Ice Storm lashes much of U.S. - 20 dead
15 Jan 2007 Near Hurricane Force Storm Batters Baltic States - 2nd time in 2 years for "once in a lifetime event"
17 Jan 2007 Schwarzenegger Seeks Disaster Aid For Freeze Ruined Crops
17 Jan 2007 Ice plays havoc with U.S. power grid
17 Jan 2007 Thousands Shiver As Storm Death Toll Hits 51
17 Jan 2007 Big freeze hits $1bn crop
17 Jan 2007 Wildfires Burn in Southern Australia
17 Jan 2007 Scores killed, crops devastated in harsh US winter weather
17 Jan 2007 Warm Spell in Russia Wakes Up the Bears
17 Jan 2007 Storms forecast to batter UK
18 Jan 2007 Snow in Malibu!!!
18 Jan 2007 Severe storms batter northwestern Europe
18 Jan 2007 Travel in Europe Disrupted by Wild Storm
19 Jan 2007 Hurricane Force Winds rip into eastern Europe
19 Jan 2007 Storm kills 27 in northern Europe
19 Jan 2007 Germany Limps Back To Life After Storm Claims 10 Lives - Wind Gusts Up to 202 KPH
19 Jan 2007 Killer of 29, Kyrill Hurricane Approaches Russia - "The Day After Tomorrow?"
19 Jan 2007 Experts Can't Find Source Of Mysterious NYC Odor
19 Jan 2007 Okla., Mo., and Texas Brace for Storm
19 Jan 2007 Icy Storm Blamed for 65 Deaths in U.S.
19 Jan 2007 Germans Told to Stay Indoors as Hurricane Nears
20 Jan 2007 Europe counts cost of storms as stricken freighter is beached
20 Jan 2007 New winter storm stalks Southern Plains
21 Jan 2007 Snow Storm Rolls Across Plains; 8 Dead
25 Jan 2007 Getting Colder in U.S. Northeast - Polar Plunge Underway
25 Jan 2007 Anchorage Hit with Twice Normal Snowfall

The 64,000 $ question: Is there a connection between the reversal of the Gulf Stream in December and the numerous reports of birds falling dead from the sky and the wild and deadly weather during the first half of January?

The next question is: Does this small example suggest what might happen if the now highly unstable Gulf Stream finally and completely stops flowing North to Europe?

Meanwhile, on Jan 23rd, President Bush told the American Congress "we must confront the serious challenge of global climate change". However, the main thrust of his speech was to ask that Congress and the American People give his war escalation plan yet another chance.

Now, even though Senator Jim Webb (D-VA) responded to this nonsensical speech in a very appropriate way, telling Bush that "The majority of the nation no longer supports the way this war is being fought; nor does the majority of our military, nor does the majority of Congress," Senator Webb himself is probably not aware of the truly great danger that may be looming over all of us, rich and poor, in every country of the world. Just as Nero fiddled while Rome burned, the leaders of our world are acting as though they have unlimited time to play their political games.
The question is, will any of us survive the threat to our civilization that is inherent in a Global Warming that can turn into an Ice Age in an instant while Bush and other world leaders engage in endless arguments about wars and economics? The real enemy is not "over there," it is "out there," in terms of changes to our environment that we all need to understand as fast as possible. And here we mean, all people. When the Sword falls, the billionaire oil tycoons will suffer just as much, if not more, than the Third World subsistence farmer.

We desperately need to reach these people and inform them so that all of humanity can act together as one to bring this senseless war-mongering to a halt and work together to solve our mutual problems that threaten to destroy us more completely than any nuclear bomb ever could.

But here's the problem: through the distortion and outright censoring of events in America and the world, the US media, in concert with the Bush government, are denying the American people access to knowledge and awareness that would allow them to play a pivotal role in their own future and that of their children. How many Americans truly know how many of their fellow citizens are totally opposed to the actions of the Bush government? If you read the US media you would have no idea whatsoever. If you read the international press however, you get a much better idea. Consider the following images from the front page of a French regional paper for 25th January 2007:

The text reads: "America Says 'No'

Increasingly isolated, George Bush has asked congress for 'another chance'. Less than one third of Americans are inclined to trust him. (click on image for large version)

The text reads:

"America against Bush. An ever increasing number of opponents of the Iraq war" (Click on image for large version).

The primary goal of the Signs of the Times news website and forum is to provide accurate data on current events to all those that seek it.

But we need your help. We exist only on the internet. That means that the information we have to share is available to less than 17% of the planet's population; even less when you consider net censorship.

Together, we can change this and we can DO things. That's why we've launched a our new Signs of The Times Interactive Website and why we have plans on the table to expand our activities to include a new line-up of Podcast discussions (with exciting new guests) and most important of all: distribution of free, informative printed matter all over the world!

It's an exciting idea! If the newspapers won't print the truth, we will! And if people can't afford access, we will GIVE it to them! It'll be a major, ongoing campaign. And to ensure we have the resources to keep the pressure on, we're asking ALL our readers to contribute at least $15 a month. Since our last subscription drive, 188 people have signed on! But we still need 1145 more contributors! With over 10,000 readers per day, and 1427 people receiving SOTT in their email-box daily, there is no reason why we cannot achieve this modest goal. Can you chip in $15 a month? It's easy--we bill your credit card each month, and you can cancel any time. Click here:

Subscribe to Signs!

Initially, we're planning a sustained campaign of distribution of educational materials via the same processes that are used in political campaigns; only in this case, it will not be a campaign to elect anyone; it will be a campaign to wake up and stop the madness before we are all wiped off the face of the Earth forever. These materials will make people aware of SOTT and will give them further information about how to either find SOTT on the web, or how to sign up for the new, weekly printed SOTT that is in the pipeline.

We have volunteers around the world just waiting for the materials to be printed and shipped to them so that they can begin the distribution process. using our successful Signs Of The Times website as a backbone. We'll use mail-out flyers, posters, stickers, book-marks, and web productions to inform the people of just what danger we are all in while our so-called leaders bicker over killing more people. If they don't stop that wrangling now, and attend to the business at hand, there won't be anybody to bomb anyway.

This is the moment. Look at the Gulf Stream. Remember the movie "The Day After Tomorrow." Consider what happened within two weeks of a one week reversal of the Gulf Stream. It may not be that bad or that fast, but we can see from what we have already experienced that it will certainly be bad enough. Getting the information out to as many people as possible is going to require concentrated effort and funding. Once the people are fully aware of what is really going on, it is our belief that they will, en masse, do what is right and demand, in tones that cannot be refused, that our leaders take care of the most important business on our planet: preparing us for a massive, shift in climate that undoubtedly will happen much, much, much faster than anyone currently thinks possible.

But that's not going to happen unless we have the support.

That is the plan - flood the world with information - the Whole World! But it will require ongoing funding. Can you help with $15 per month? (You can cancel easily any time.) Click here to contribute:

Subscribe to Signs!

Every dollar, every flyer, poster, sticker, book, newsletter, we distribute together could save lives - perhaps the life of someone you love.

Together, we can wake the world up.

Together, we will wake up the world.

Thank you.

Laura, Ark, Joe, Scott, Henry, Jason, Anna, Amy, Juliana, and the rest of the SOTT team.

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