like most ideas i have, this heart cushion came from nowhere and by the time I had finished, a progression i'm itching to try has sparked off as a consequence.
the other night i needed a quick fix sewing project...y'know the type when everyone else in the house is busy or amusing themselves and you are itching to sew and know that you can pinch an extra bit of time?
the thangles were out and being cut before i was really sure what i was doing.
not long later and the heart was forming and in no time at all it was pieced, quilted and sewn into a zippered cushion.
so gratifying!
as i said before, this has now got me thinking about a project along a similar vein and with the help of the arrival of some ordered fabric, it shouldn't be too long before this idea is realised.
just need to make sure everyone is happy for me to ignore them for a little while again so I can sneak off and try it...
what have you managed to sneak off to do lately?