Showing posts with label sketch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sketch. Show all posts

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Today was different than yesterday.

I had a good day today. Kind of a lazy Sunday. Sarah and I went to visit her mom and grandmother. Visiting with Mom was nice - we were greeted with a variety of food. Ravioli, Meat Loaf, Salad, Gravy, Sweet Potatoes, and Cherry Pie. Not generally what I think of when I consider lunch, but I really enjoyed it and now we have left overs for the week. Hooray for food. We visited her grandma next. She is eighty years old - got back from a funeral before we visited with her. Funerals are an odd social function for the elderly I have decided. Hearing them talk about it was about like me and Sarah talking about coffee with friends. I found it really comforting. She is a neat lady with some down to earth advice - "Do what you want to do and when you want to." It gave me a nice little warm feeling that I'm doing the right thing.

Tommarrow is the first day of my new job. Hopefully things go as well as I would like them to.

One drawing and a creepy painting today.. I did the painting at around 3 am the other night. I've been drinking too much tea.

I'm excited at yet another new projects! Its everything that I talked about in a previous post on what I would like to animate. Zombies are on hold for now. I'm going to push to get the new animation out in 3 weeks. Here is the scene - Guy on screen and his lady dashes in from off screen; the guy scoops up his lady and they twirl and then kiss. Then he carries her off screen. Acting, weight, physical action, and two characters interacting. No real props or setting but I'm not worried. Oooohh.. I can model out clothing for the characters. And I can make the scene a period piece and figure out a nice background. I'm thinking a west end New York sort of setting.. the clothing.. no idea. Long dresses without any sort of cloth simulation would be killer. Unless the woman is in equestrian gear, when did women start wearing pants or jeans? Late 50's / Early 60's ?? Time to watch Audrey Hepburn movies (good idea - thanks sweetie!).

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Chores Ahoy

Lots to do around the house today.. and hmm.. I haven't been doing much of it yet. So I'm going to write this and get started. Right now. After this. In a minute.

Daily Sketches.. bam

Friday, February 29, 2008

Daily Sketch

Today did not go as planned :O. The good news is that I got my preemptive promotion!! Hired by the same company twice in a week.. wizard :D. (On that note, go see Juno..great movie.) I got absolutely no work done on photorealistic texturing or modeling for that matter. I did however, go on a job interview, get hired (again), get my car back from the shop and registered, found my scanner, and drew a picture to scan and paint. Go me. Daily sketch upload is the order for the weekend. We'll see how it goes once I start my new job.

Congratulations to my brother Drew on getting your learning permit to drive. Thanks for making me feel old.. er. Good job though really.

I also corrected a few editing mistakes in my demo reel - Thank you Thad for the suggestions.