Well, I didn't write a What I'm lovin' post this week. I decided to just enjoy the last few days of my son's spring break and spend that time with him. So instead I thought I would share a favorite spring past project from a few years ago that will probably be new to many of you!
First off, rip off the sticker and wash it out.
I took my metal cutters (only thing that would cut it) and cut off the top where the lid screws on. I was going to sand this to be a cleaner edge, but I got lazy and figured it wouldn't be that noticeable.
Next step came my primer. I used what I had on hand which was a kilz oil based primer. I coated it a few times. After that I got my blue paint sample I had for a spring sign I made, I then painted a few coats on. It still felt like it needed something so into the craft room I went hunting.
Next up I needed vase filler and decided to go Mathew Mead style with blossom branches. I went out the backdoor about 2 steps on the patio and found my branch with several twigs to use!
I broke off a few of the small branches and went inside to find some blossoms.
I had this stem as a leftover to a floral arrangement I made. I thought it would be perfect so off came the blossoms. Just a light tug brought them off their stems.
I just glued them on randomly 1 by 1 with hot glue. Most of them fit onto the new spring buds from the fallen branch so they were quite secure.
Super Easy and I love the final product all put together and Spring-y! I loved this so much I used it for a table centerpiece for a church function and one lady even asked if she could take it home!
Crafty Tuesday link party is still open...come on over and link up!
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