Jul 19, 2006

A very simple curiosity, the option to have a animated feedroll in your sidebar or to carry as a badge anywhere else.

However, i can think of others ways to use it.

But first, have a go at it, as it is in here:

Powered by

Jul 15, 2006
A quick note to point to no to the new Uber SlackerScript (extra work prevention userscript) That Singapolyma has merged up into one for the use of anyone that wants to have a go at it.

GM SlackerScript Intall Link

For all the details and history of how it came to be visit his Blog

A voting system with the same principles as Bumpbox that worked on Blogger were something i was recently thinking in, and well, the first one of it´s kind that works Blogger seems to be this, more important is that it not only offers the option for the kind of vote button you want like shown here:

but that it offers the css file for the Vote Button to whoever want to grab it and hosting it elsewhere to have your own look specifications.

This service offers a specific version for wordpress and a custom version to modifcate that is the one that works with Blogger of course.

So, i took the time to make you and aready adjusted custom version that works with Blogger, that really only needs the Blogger $tags$ to work:


Copy the code below

<script type="text/javascript">
link_url = "<$BlogItemPermalinkURL$>";
title= "<$BlogItemTitle$>";
site_url = "<$BlogURL$>";
type = "box";
customcss = "none";
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.bumpbox.com/beta/bbxbeta.js"></script>


Go to Settings - Template and then look for the place where you want it to appear, (in this case it would be recomended for it be at the post footer)

Paste the code there and that´s it.


In this case the only Bad/Good thing is that to vote the user has to have a account in Bumpbox.


This is Good because that way people cannnot abuse that easy of the system and having an account in bumpbox will also give them a My Bumps list holding everything that they gave their good mark for, like in Digg and other Systems like it being able to track those items.


This is Bad because that way if they are not signed in they will have to sign in there.


An added perk for using Bumpbox is that everytime someone Bump a post whenever that be, it appears in the general Bumpbox Board giving you some posible extra traffic.

So the only shortcoming i see for the system is that the service work in the behalf of the user only, and it works in a public way for the Blog Bumpbox user.

Wich means that the Bumpbox user that has a blog cannot opt for a RSS feed, for remote checking and to have the option to play with it, for example, to have a lastes bumped items.

This also means that for the moment you cannot think right now of having a widget for doing the same from the Bumpbox Service.

But this observations are really just nitpicking about it because this is easy to fix, if they get a claim this blog into the system that will get you added features and tools.


This is a Blogger Testblog with Bumpbox enabled:

Blumpbox Blogger Blog


Ease Of Use: 10.0
Reliability: 9.0
Features: 8.0

Score: 9.0


Jul 12, 2006
There are two Blogs that have without question the best Native Search display there is, Aditya and me of course.

Well,Aditya has upgraded his Native Search leaving even mine to shame with a additional feature you will not find in that google ajax search google is letting everyone play with.

And that is Suggestions, wich means that when you start typing in the form it will show the most popular results in the page, and not only that, everytime you choose one of the items that are suggested, that word will get higher in the list of the popular choices, samewise if you type another word and that word gets searched more often it will replace a word in the list with that new hot keyword.

it is not that cool or what?

It sure is, and another reason why there is always a way to keep a step ahead of google.

Now, why am talking about this if it seems Aditya is not going to release it?, well, Aditya is a softie, and he sure loves comments, so if you go to his post and tell him to release it, he will comply, so go and suggest it to him...

Jul 10, 2006
Aditya points out the question about how Blogger upgrades will affect The hacks, mods and methods from today and the ones that still don´t get to be.

Becuase a lot of creativity is put at work when thinking about categories that is still the number one feature that blogger lacks and cannot provide at this time becuase not having enough server power at the disposal of the blogger platform so it can get upgraded as it should. the Blogger System it is now in constant upgrading and tweaking, some features come and go without no one noticing them, and other are still waiting their moment.

One of the next Blogger features that has been hold forever is the dreaded Send SMS for the blogger navbar, and also a button that has been put off and taken off of the blogger navbar is one that said simply "go" and i really didn´t had a clue what that was about.

Other features include a hinted design tweak of the internal Blogger look that we know,

One that is now in beta testing is the Rss feed for Blogger and i see it has got better but it is still not usable as the main feed just as it is.

But in the end there is always stuff to make up, stuff to do, i know because i have only seen 20 of almost a 100 concept i have in my head come to reality, so, yeah there is always stuff to make.

I can only imagine the better for the platform this year, and i am surely expect it to continue to be as flexible as it is, becuase if at some moment Blogger becomes strict, then the spirit of what Bloggerhas been from the start would just dry.

Jul 7, 2006
Blogger has updated the code running in the Admin Dashboard and now everyone can enjoy a more stable and fast admin Dashboard along a Comment Control for each post where you can erase,edit and manage every comment in the blog.

And here are the self explanatory pictures of it:


2.- Comment Window:


But it seems that i can only see it from the computer at work, maybe because of some changes i made to my Blogger account (don`t ask) recently.

Here is the description of it:

There is a new comments link that is just at the right of the delete link in the edit post section of the posting tab, when clicked,it will give you the comment window (opens in the same tab/window) for that post and there will be a "X" red pointer and a Pencil as the edit icon at the side of it in each of the comments of that post.

And that is it. now, who wants to know about the other 4 confirmed changes to blogger i know about? =D

*Updated 08/07/06: Now with photos

(yeah, i knew that last line would put this blog and my mail going on, hehehe)

*Updated 11/07/06: Note

The comment control is no more, i don´t see it anymore.. and i really was left weird out of it because after looking at jasper userscript, and i noticed there were exactly the same and began having doubts, i mean i had not intalled or seen it before but how about it somehow the broswer catched it recenly while iwere using others userscripts? i am using flock at the moment.

so unless it returns i have decided to only link at jasper

Bloggeratto has reached v0.2 with not that much differences from v0.1 and here it is the changelog:

Bloggeratto v0.2


- Some Bug fixes
- Removal of Gaby De Wylde Categories v1
- Re-Adjustment of the blog.
- Deactivation of Commenters Photos
- Deactivation Of Quoting System

New Features:

- Cocoment integration
- Asynchonic Comment Form
- Recently Updated post list, ( that uses the Blogger Rss feed)
- Custom Yutter Reader Counter

however since i did´t put the list of the v0.1 here it is:

Bloggeratto v0.1


- General Script Stability
- Adjustment of GDW categories v1
- General Adjustment of the blog


- Native Blogger search
- Multi-Purpose [TAG]
- Peek-a-Boo Hovering Blogger Nabvar
- Video [tag] for Comments
- Quoting System
- Ghostbar
- Commenters Photos
- Comment Numbering
- Comment Author Highlighting

And finally how it opened to public as Zero

Bloggeratto v.0.01


Bloggeratto Minimatik

( modification of a Thur template that is based in the blogger minima, even if the actual designer still deny it)


- GDW Categories v1
- In-line Peek-a-boo Comments
- In-line Peek-a-boo Backlinks
- In-line Peek-a-boo Comment Form
- Comments Image [tag]
- Expandable Post Zone Script


I will Add the complete list inside the Blogger Template statement later on so, it can bee seen what is inside the Blog every month.

In future posts refering to Bloggeratto version status, of course i will only refer to the version in question.

On the Road to v0.3

I am loking forward to v0.3 becuase that one will have lots of changes again:

-New Categories
-Tag Index
-New Comment funtions
-New Template Skin
-New Logo
-New general Features.

So, stay tuned

Well, i recived some mail asking where the hell i was. the thing is that my health was not OK the last 10 days so i were a little M.I.A on the Blogging scene because of it, it is sad becuase i have lots of stuff that i am holding because i have them in my notes.

It is also sad becuase it takes me out of my self marked schedule for the blog i wanted to keep when i started it.

But since i have to work in the day, it can get hard to do.

However i have done a lot of thinking and i have been distracting myself translating the rest of the post that i need so the spanish version of this blog can be in synch with this blog at all times

So, sorry about the hiatus but that is how life is.

But i am in no way letting go of this Blogger Craziness.

Thanks for the ones who sended me a e-mail.

I have recived some e-mails about where & when the Bloggeratto side-proyect i talked about a month ago is, and the answer is: I will release it a soon as i can and it will be worthy the wait i hope. and i already have planned the next 2 proyects after that one.

Jul 3, 2006
Well, it seem Efendi Kwok is aboard this Blogger Monkeying we love so much here in Bloggeratto, so as he is a good lad and i consider him a friend i am glad to see he is at it already, great to know.

Anyway Efendi has cooked up a clever and simple Hack to be used if you want to have as the title of the post says: Scrolling Prev/Next Button Links.

When pressed it will just do a scroll transition from post to post very smoothly adjusting to the lenght of the post.

If the post is short the transition will be moderately fast and if the post is long the transition will be fast. you get the idea.

The hack is implemented using a Effect library that weights as little as this very post.

So go give Efendi a Visit at that Post .

Lijit Ad Wijit



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