Showing posts with label Add-ons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Add-ons. Show all posts
Oct 28, 2009
Lijit is a company that i know very well since it was a widget that was used over at at a time and i covered some news on it. Lijit also happens to be a Blogger developer partner and they got a specially designed for Blogger version of their search gadget. The best way to describe lijit on layman terms is that it is a advanced  contextual for blogs with a social angle. It is also a Ad Network for blogs, something you can read about on another post later on.

The lijit Search Gadget For Blogger has been around for a little while but it is now also a featured gadget in the Blogger Gadgets Catalog that you can find when you click “Add A Gadget” in the layout tab of your Blogger Blog Dashboard.


Lijit says that you can set up your Lijit account directly from the Blogger Gadget if you are not registered and that it will look this way:


But i found that with a failed attempt at least in the 3 browsers and at the two resolutions i also checked, i got this instead:

But you still do can set it up directly. By entering your Blog name as username so Google takes care of doing the account for you.

Once you see the success message, you hit save and the element will be added into your blog like this (you can of course return to your layout tab and move it wherever you want it to appear too):


After you have done this you need to wait from 1 to 3 minutes and refresh your browser so you will see this:


Now you need to set what E-mail and Password you want for your Lijit account and click the “Register Now” button. Once you do it will start loading your gadget:


Then you will have to wait another 1 minute for it to show this:


Now refresh your blog again and it will be there in its default look:


When a user does a search with the lijit search gadget, it will show up in a Lightbox unless you customize it to be implemented differently:


This is the basic functionality of the lijit search gadget. But it got a lot more that you will need to find about and enable from the  lijit website. Overall if you are considering using the Lijit Search Gadget For Blogger, it is because you are going to replace the Google Blog Search with it.  You can have both if you want but depending on your template and the browser, broadband line and pc your readers visit your blog in, that will add from 3 up to 15 seconds of total load time for your blog. If you only conserve one of them, then you will not add that extra time. And the best recommendation i can give is that your blog should never take more than 10 seconds to load so it gets visited as often as possible. Blogs that take 10 seconds to load or less will always be 3 times more visited or generate more page views than those that take over 10 seconds to load.

In the Lijit website you can customize the gadget overall look, functionality and implementation mode you want to show in your blog:


As you can see from the screenshots it also can serve as a multi purpose gadget, that includes a Recent Readers Map and Recent Readers Location List. Lijit also offers analytics so it can serve as a way to track visitors plus all the activity that gets done in the lijit gadget. The other big value of the gadget is if you got a blog network or you promote your blog in Social Sharing Networks, Social Networks, Social Messaging Networks you frequent or got a alternative commenting system. You can also connect that content into the Lijit Gadget. Here they show with how many providers beyond being able to add RSS feeds (when you got a blog network) they support:


I like the lijit search gadget, i think it a good addition if you want your blog not only have extensive search, but make it more social and networked. Even then, it is not always recommended to do this depending on your habits, blog subject, etc. So it is up to you to decide that.

I would have liked that the Gadget worked better, played nicer with IE8, was customizable from the Blogger Gadget Dashboard. But if you were wondering about other Blog Search options; This is one of the two main alternatives worth a look.


Lijit    <—Homepage
Lijit Feature List    <—Search Feature Guide


Dec 18, 2006

I already know that most don´t use Picasa, but if you do and if you haven´t entered in a while because they never have something interesting, the you might wanna know that you don´t need a workaround anymore to post a simple picasa albums widget into your blog if you don´t want to.

Because now you got the option to grab the embedable code from your web album page:


In the case of v2.0 it is just a matter of drop t in you sidebar or in a post, simple as that.


Drop it into a Post if you want, and if you want to have it in your sidebar, just add it asa Html/js page element and it will work perfectly.

Picasa Web Albums


Umm, i just checked it again.. it appears that unsurprisingly,it a piece of crap.
so, please use the one that Phydeux3 did here

Jun 20, 2006
Ok, today we have another UserScript by Aditya, but this time it not a work prevention script, this time is a sanity saviour because this script will save you from going nuts when for some reason or other your Blogger account crash and you end up not being able to save a post you have been working on for hours.

With this GreaseMonkey UserScript you post will be saved every 30 characters written, in a semi fashion of what gmail does and what the new word 2007 does; providing you the security of being able to take as much time as you need to make your post speak soundly enough for you to publish it.

So go and grab the Autosave Last Blogger Post at and check it out.

Jun 16, 2006
Ok, this is a continuation from the GM Categorization Helper UserScript Post

I have nagged Aditya to Release it as a Fx extension too. so here you can download the extension or allow it for direct install.

Delicious Tag Reference Adder v0.1

Jun 15, 2006
Tagging your blog huh? You have several posts and you are just tagging your blog... I could see myself working for more than one day tagging my posts.

Not anymore, at most it will be done in a day and that makes me very happy :) Becuase a Slacker like me should not be put to work more that strictly needed.

So Aditya thought about it, reflected upon it, asked me what would be cool and he cooked up one tasty solution in the form of a Greasemonkey UserScript you can grab here

With this userscript you can enter your blog and go and create a new post. When you do so, this script will ask for your Delicious Username, and will load a column bar with the tags you have in your account, place the cursor where you want them and they will get written down with one click. Presto, Slacker Style!

This userscript will also do some extra naughty things for you if you are using The Hybrid Link or Johan´s Blogger/ publisher and categorizer helper script and for final funtionality it will add cuteness to your HTML field when you create a new post.

So, go visit Aditya and see what he has to say about this:

Categorizing Helper Greasemonkey Script

The script will be added even more work prevention features becuase as I said, "Aditya, I demand satisfaction...!" ;)

Who says that I am not a good influence to the young crowd?

Lijit Ad Wijit



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