Showing posts with label Blog tutorials. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blog tutorials. Show all posts

May 18, 2012

Centering the header in Blogger

With some new blogger template the header is not centered, but it's very simple to correct.

Go to Design > Advanced > Add CSS > Paste the code below to Add custom CSS:

.header-outer {

You can adjust the pixel width, depending the size of your header. Try different widths until the header is centered. Lower pixel width moves the header left, larger to right. With the template and the header I've used in this blog, 50 px width looks right.

May 10, 2012

Instructions for uploading the background image part 2

Ok, on the previous post I gave the instructions for uploading the background image, adjusting the widths and choosing the layout. Now we go to advanced...this so exciting...I love this part.

May 9, 2012

Instructions for uploading the background image part 1

With new blogger templates it's much better to uploaded backgrounds, instead of using the background codes in gadgets. I know, this might sound surprising, because I made so long long backgrounds to use with codes. I'm going to add the new backgrounds the way, that you can copy and save to image straight onto your computer, but meanwhile and with the older backgrounds this is what you can do:

You can find the the instructions to upload the background to your blog, instead of adding background code with gadget, by clicking "read more". You can make this change and still use the same background you have chosen. This needs only a little bit effort, but the result is worthy.

Dec 9, 2011

One way of fixing the shrunken background....

Thank you guys for helping (the previous post) with this shrunken background problem, here is a of linkfor the solution:

But I have also fixed all the background codes, so the easiest way of fixing the background problem is to remove the old code and replace it with the fixed code.

Oct 6, 2011

Thank you guys and cure for disturbing logo

Oh my, thank you guys, talking about responses! I can´t complain anymore that I don´t have ideas for the backgrounds! I am overwhelmed and flattered. And now it´s my turn to do something, first new background is ready to post...

And about disturbing logo, with Blogger newer templates, the logo doesn´t know where to go, I don´t know why, but anyways, it´s very easy problem to solve. Just move the gadget with the background code from the top to the end of the side bar. The code takes up the position where the gadget is placed. Hopefully this was clear enough explanation. Forgive my lousy English. ;)

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