Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Share your Giveaways!

I'm trying something new and if I get enough response I will keep doing it. If you want some linky love and have a giveaway going on at your blog, then leave the name of the giveaway and the link in Mr Linky below. Enter as many giveaways as you would like. Tell all your friends too! Also, don't forget to enter the Proactive Parenting giveaway below!

New Entry Form

In case you haven't noticed, I added a fancy schmancy entry form for my giveaways. You can find it right below this post in the Proactive Parenting giveaway. I'm trying it out so we'll see how it goes. So far it seems like a good thing- it helps the person entering so that they don't have to leave multiple comments and all the info entered goes right into a spread sheet for my viewing pleasure! That way your email address remains private. Happy Entering!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Proactive Parenting Review and Giveaway

I have been really searching hard in myself lately trying to figure out how to change the way I parent. It has been a real struggle for to change bad habits and feelings as I parent. I know I am not a bad mom but there are several days when that's all I feel defines me. I have read so many parenting books and the majority seem to contradict themselves. While I feel that there are some great points and truths in most of these books, I always find something that I don't agree with.

I was so thrilled when I was contacted by the people at Proactive Parenting. Proactive Parenting has a series of down loadable seminars that teach a parent effective ways to help your child and help the parent! I was given all of the seminars to try out and loved what I learned. They couldn't have come at a better time.

Here is a breakdown of the seminars that I listened to:
1) Correcting Toddlers- A great introduction on how to effectively discipline a younger toddler, including an alternative to time out.

2) Correcting Preschoolers- Gives another alternative to time out that is age appropriate for the older toddler and works with the developmental level that they are at.
3) Power Struggles, I Already Told You No!- this seminar made me realize the importance of how you are and how you speak to your child create an emotional foundation that your child will pass on to their children. Teaches great ways to correct without getting emotional and losing your temper.

4) Interrupting- This seminar taught me so many ideas on step by step ways to get your child to not interrupt you while you are talking.

5)Siblings, You Always Take His Side- how to show that you don't take sides and how to avoid time out when your children argue. A GREAT way to settle misunderstandings between siblings!

6) Whining, Potty Mouth, We Don't Talk Like That in This House- This was an eye opener on how children imitate their parents. This seminar teaches the Try Again method. (it really worked for me!)

7) Listening, Please Just Listen and Go Do It!- This seminar helps with getting your child to stop running in the house, to stay in bed, and to take care of their messes.

8) Self Control, Are You Allowed to Do That?- Keeping your children safe without lectures, time out, or threats. Uses the Go Nowhere Method and reminds the parent to be proactive vs being reactive.

9) Yelling, The Only Way to Get You To Listen- Makes you realize that yelling does not correct the behavior

10) Quiet, I Need You to Stop Talking for 1 Minute- I really need this seminar as I have two boys who non stop tell me what they are thinking!

I am so thankful for these seminars. They put in perspective of how my children are feeling and thinking as I am trying to correct their behavior. I love that Proactive Parenting uses Cause and Effect approaches to their techniques. I am taking a Lifespan Developmental Psychology class right now and their were perspectives used that I have been learning in my class. For example, Jean Piaget's approach to Cause and Effect and how a child's brain is not developed enough until age 7 to comprehend completely what happens when they behave a certain way. As I have tried implementing these techniques into my parenting and trying to teach my husband as well, I have realized how it is definitely a process and takes a mindful and patient, persist parent to get the results they are looking for.

Proactive Parenting has made me realize that if I really try to think about how my child feels and recognize my feelings in the moment, I am able to be more effective in my parenting. Proactive Parenting teaches the difference between discipline vs punishment and which is better for a child. It also uses "right here, right now" methods so that a child is corrected in the moment which is crucial for the child to learn rather than later.

I highly recommend these seminars to anyone who is looking to better their relationship with their child through a step by step approach to parenting. I sincerely hope that if you are questioning what you should do with how you are parent, that you would give Proactive Parenting a try.
Giveaway ends April 16th 11:59 pm
EDITED: I have had some confusion about the entry process for this giveaway. I tried using Google Docs and I think people don't quite get it.I have changed it back to the original way and have added the entries that were on my Google spreadsheet. So here are the new rules for entering:
Please go to the Proactive Parenting website and let me know which seminar you would like to try or have someone you know try.
For additional entries please leave a separte comment for each of the following:
  • If you subscribe to my blog via email
  • If you subscribe via feedburner
  • If you follow my blog
  • If you tweet about this and leave me the link
  • If you post about this on your blog and leave me the link.

I am also extending the giveaway deadline to April 21st 11:59pm

More Ecostore Stuff

Here is some more info on Ecostore:
AskMalcolm_9sm greenmom Meet Malcom Rands - "Ecoman" and founder of Ecostoreusa.com! Coming to the U.S. touring Meijer stores in honor of Earth Month!

If you are in the area where they will be- then mark your calendar! Also here is a great article that mentions us wonderful mom bloggers and Ecostore USA!

Not Me Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
This week you can post your Not Me Monday here
1) I did not pray for baby Stellan ALL week.
2) I did not cry every time I did
3) I did not cry every time I looked at my boys after reading Stellan's updates
4) I did not step in pea in the bathroom the other day
5) I did not watch my sick son run around in circles for a full minute freaking out
only to stop in the middle of the living room naked and pea ALL OVER
6) I did not cry from laughing so hard when he did this
7) I did not become overwhelmed with posting giveaways
8) I did not totally rock an 'A' on my chemistry exam
9) I did not let my sick boy watch a gazillion hours of tv ( I would NEVER do that)
10)I did not watch Twilight 2 x's this week (would have been more but Cody wouldn't let me)

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Eleven Shoes Review and Giveaway

It's official- spring is here and so is the new line at Eleven shoes! I was so excited to share the new shoes with you. How stinkin' cute are these Capers? What I love about Eleven shoes is the style is always so modern but functional as well. As always their shoes have cushioned insoles, padded collars, and easy on/off Velcro to make it easy for your little one to put their shoes on themselves.
I know that my son Ki looks very GQ with his new shoes. I also love that they are very easy to keep clean since he is always getting into some sort of dirt while outside.
If you would like to win a pair of fabulous Eleven shoes of your choice, then please go to their site and leave me a comment with your favorite.
For additional entries please leave me a separate comment for each of the following:
  • If you subscribe to this blog via email
  • If you subscribe via feedburner
  • If you follow this blog
  • If you tweet about this and leave me the link
  • If you post about this on your blog and leave me the link

Giveaway ends April 15th 11:59 pm

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Youcanmakethis.com Giveaway

Have you heard about this cool site yet? Youcanmakethis.com offers the neatest instructions to make the cutest stuff! Here is some info:

http://www.youcanmakethis.com/ was created by a mom who wanted to provide downloadable instructions on how to make just about anything from children's boutique clothing and jewelry, to handbags, home decor and more. What makes the site unique is that these instructions are written by everyday moms who have an expertise in an area. They are written in a way that makes you feel you have a friend sitting right next to you, telling you what to do next. They all have detailed instructions and step-by-step full-color photos so even the most "craft-challenged" person can make these items for their homes and families.

I was given the opportunity to try the Oh So Chic Apron and while I haven't made it yet, I went over the instructions and was really impressed with how easy it seems. The instructions were broken down step by step and was simple enough that even I could probably follow it! I think I will be using it to make aprons as gifts for Christmas this year.

If you'd like to try out some products for free, you can sign up for their FREE newsletter. After sign-up, you'll receive a link to your email inbox asking you to confirm subscription. Simply click on that link, and you'll receive all of these product instructions pictured here, plus an online video and digital scrapbooking frames. http://www.youcanmakethis.com/ycmt-newsletter.htm

Also, the generous people at youcanmakethis.com are giving a lucky winner $50 bundle of do it yourself instructions! To enter please visit the site and tell me something that you would want to make.

For additional entries please leave a separate comment for each of the following:

  • If you subscribe to my blog via email

  • If you subscribe to my blog via feedburner

  • If you follow my blog

  • If you tweet about this and leave me the link

  • If you post about this on your blog and leave me the link

Giveaway ends April 14th 11:59 pm

Shelf Reliance Winner

Can you tell I have a sick little guy? I'm so bored I keep posting! I really do love picking winners for the giveaways. By the way in case you were wondering I use random.org. Today the number picked was 106 Motherhood is Thankless! Congrats! I will be emailing you shortly.

Ballas Hough Band Part 3

Ok, I think by now you have figured out I like this cd! I found this video on Youtube that has one of my favorite songs from the cd. It's the acoustic version. You can purchase the cd at amazon.com, target.com, bestbuy.com, walmart.com, and cduniverse.com. Hope you enjoy the song!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Fill Me In Friday

Before I was married I felt like I had no free time. I worked full time, went to school full time, tried to keep up a social and dating life, and church. How on earth did I do it? Yet I still always managed to find time to relax and center myself. I LOVE to read, and always was able to make reading a priority. I would read every chance I got, no matter how tired I was.

Fast forward to now- I have all the time in the world! Well not really but I do feel like as much as I do in a day I really do nothing. I take care of the boys but my house is still a mess. I have school but it's online and I can spread out my assignments usually. So where does my time go for reading? Blogging is a huge time waster. I love it but a little too much. Then there is shopping. Whenever we have to go to the store it's an all day event since we don't live near a real grocery store. Then there is tv. Too many shows on my DVR to catch up on. So I have decided I need to make room for reading.

I know that is how I truly get to feel relaxed and rejuventated. So today, post on your blog about how you relax, or don't relax but wish you did. I would love to see what makes you happy! Then link your post to Mr. Linky below. Have a great weekend!(photo from flickr)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Ecostore Review and Giveaway

Oh My Land! I am really impressed. I am so impressed with Ecostore USA that I am actually going to brag about my laundry. Who does that? Well I do. Ecostore USA is a company that has eco friendly, plant based cleaning products as well as body and baby care. I was sent a package of items, which used eco friendly packaging to ship to me as well. Here is what I got to try:

  • Baby Moisturizer- My son Ki has had ezema since he was a baby and it is so hard to find a moisturizer that helps him. This stuff is so awesome! It is thick and I don't have to keep reapplying it throughout the day. It also smells heavenly with its Jojoba and Shea nut butters.

  • Baby Sleepytime Bath- It contains oil of lavander and makes my whole bathroom smell wonderful. I used this for bath time with the boys before bed and really think it helped calm the boys.

  • Antibacterial Citrus Spray Cleaner- This stuff rocks too. My son Ki is sick right now and I have been wiping the table and counters with this to kill the germs. It is a great cleaner and I like how it is natural and antibacterial too. Normally I spray the whole house with Lysol spray and kill our lungs with it. Not any more!

  • Laundry Liquid- This stuff smells so good too (do you notice a pattern here?) It's concentrated so you only need to use a little bit and it also works as a stain remover.

  • Pure Oxygen Whitener- I saved the best for last. This was my favorite to try. I had a pile of whites I was getting ready to thow away. I soaked them in this whitener and had the best results! My clothes were soooooo white! They are no chemicals and works just as good as bleach. I will never buy bleach again! I told you I would be talking about my laundry.

I am so smitten with Ecostore USA. They have so many other products to try that are a great replacement to all the chemicals that might be in our home. Now you can also find them at Meijer stores. I wish I didn't live in the middle of nowhere so that I could go to the store and buy them, but at least I can still order online! Guess what the fabulous people at Ecostore USA are going to do? They are giving one lucky winner the entire set that I received! How awesome is that? So here is what you do: Go to their site and leave me a comment telling me about a product you would like to try.

For additonal entries please leave a separate comment for each of the following:

  • If you subscribe to this blog via email
  • If you subscribe to this blog via feedburner
  • If you follow this blog
  • If you tweet about this and leave me the link
  • If you post about this on your blog and leave me the link

Giveaway ends April 12th 11:59 pm

Abella Galleries Necklace Review and Giveaway

Is it possible that this necklace can make me look as exotic as the model in this picture? Well, if it can't (I'm not sure if any necklace can do that for me) I don't care because I sure feel like it when I wear the Deep Sea Oval necklace from Abella Galleries.

Elizabeth Rowland was inspired to start Abella Galleries when she was traveling in Beijing. The beautiful turquoise and white stone jewelry is just a taste of what's to come. Elizabeth is also planning on expanding with colored freshwater pearls, sterling silver designs, as well as elegant bridal jewelry by working with other designers.

I love the necklace I was sent because it is so unique and different then the rest of my jewelry. I usually buy my jewelry from Walmart and Target and only of it's on clearance. Now I love cheap jewelry but I hate how shortly it lasts me. Most of the time the metal changes colors, or breaks. I love that this necklace is high quality. I can tell the materials are going to last for a really long time. It looks great with a beautiful white blouse or even can dress up a regular white cotton tee and a pair of jeans. Another great thing is that you can pick between an 18 inch or 35 inch length necklace. They look great pairing the different lengths and styles together.

Thanks to the very generous Elizabeth, you can win a necklace from Abella Galleries of your choice! I know! So cool!

To enter please visit Abella Galleries and tell me which necklace you would choose.

For additional entries please leave me a separate comment for each of the following:
  • If you subscribe to this blog by email
  • If you subscribe to this blog by feedburner
  • If you follow this blog
  • If you tweet about this giveaway and leave me the link
  • If you post about this on your blog and leave me the link

Giveaway ends April 9th 11:59 pm PLEASE REMEMBER TO INCLUDE YOUR EMAIL if it is not in your profile.

Ballas Hough Band Part 2

So I have already mentioned the new Ballas Hough Band cd, but I haven't mentioned my favorite songs! I really do like all the songs but my top 3 are Closer (which has a little more of an edge to it then some of the others), Birthday (because it is a little saucy:), and Longing For which is just sweet.

What I didn'tr realize is that the band wrote most of the songs! I always like that. The first song on the cd, "Do It For You" was actually co-written by the new American Idol judge Kara DioGuardi. I was surprised that the songs are actually good- as everyone else has been saying "who knew they could sing and dance?"

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Sweet Wee Bairn Giveaway

I have a story to share. When my second son Jackson was born we took him home and then the day after we took him home I had to take him to the emergency room for jaundice. After a few days in the hospital he was fine but our experience in the ER was not. There was not a single room for us because the ER was swamped. Not enough dr's too. I had to sit next to a bunch of sick people in a hallway (one of them was puking). Being a frazzled mom I forgot to bring a blanket so that I could nurse Jackson. I asked for a blanket from the hospital so that I could nurse him since I had no privacy. They gave me one but it did not work. It kept falling down all over the place. I'm not sure how many people saw me but I don't want to know. Not only that but I was trying to cover my son from all the germs surrounding him.

If only I had a nursing cover! Things would have been a lot better. Sweet Wee Bairn has the sweetest styles to choose from with great designers in fabric, my personal favorite, Amy Butler.
The nursing covers have a special neckline so that your baby can breath and maintain eye contact while you are nursing. I was very happy with the nursing cover Sweet Wee Bairn sent me. Not only is the fabric high quality and so cute, but the durability of the cover is perfect. The nursing covers are machine washable and made in the USA. The prices are very reasonable as well. If you are in the market for a nursing cover, I highly recommend checking out Sweet Wee Bairn at http://www.nursingcovershop.com/. They also carry other items for baby as well ( I am in love with the diaper bags) and shipping for the nursing covers start at just $2!!!!!
If you would like to win a nursing cover of your own, please go to their site , http://www.nursingcovershop.com/ and tell me which style you would choose. Please leave your email in the comment as well.
For additional entries please leave a separate comment for each of the following:
  • If you subscribe to this blog via email
  • If you subscribe to this blog via Feedburner
  • If you follow this blog
  • If you tweet about this and leave me the link
  • If you post about this on your blog and leave me the link

Giveaway ends April 5th at 11:59 pm

More Winners

Fairytale Brownie Winner
Congrats to Peg42!
Green Pea Sling Winner
is Trixpixel!
don't feek bad if you didn't win- I will be having more giveaways soon!

Look What I Am Totally Going To Win!

The power of positive thinking right? Over at Dad Blogs they are giving away a Three Ring Adventure by Kids Creations. I would love for my boys to have this! Our summers are so boring here in our small town. This would be a great escape for them-and me! They are also giving away a Canon PowerShot SD1100 Digital Elph so that you can take a pic of the finished product! I really hope I win!

IMPORTANT: If you head over could you please, please, please sign up for the Dad Blogs? If you do please let me know so I can get extra entries. If I win I will buy you something pretty ( I promise)!

Some Random Things

Here are some random things around the blog world that I wanted to share:

  • A great homemaking website thefamilyhomestead.com this site has alot of things to offer but I just included a link to the healthy recipes. One cool thing I read was to soak your brown rice in yogurt to get your family to eat it....
  • My niece Sunni, saw this site on the news promotionalcodes.com it has tons of codes for online as well as printable coupons for groceries.
  • Here is where I buy bulk organic food storage from time to time azurestandard.com
  • Over at Keeper of the Home she shares a great idea called Quiet Time Bins. I am def. going to be making these to occupy Ki during his quiet time in his room while his brother sleeps. By the way- I love this blog!
  • My friend started a blog about all things positive. Anything that is good in the world can be found here. If you wanna check it out or share anything good go here http://lifesjustlovely.wordpress.com/
  • Lastly, on a more serious not, if you are the praying type, could you please go to my charming kids and pray for her family and most importantly her son. Her four month old son is in very critical condition from a heart problem. You can read about it here.

Do you have any cool sites or blogs to share? Leave me a comment if you want to.....

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Wild Dill Winner

The winner for the Wild Dill puzzle is Betty C

Here are your random numbers:166
Timestamp: 2009-03-23 05:45:40 UTC

I will be drawing for the Fairytale Brownies this week- it is just taking me awhile to go through all the entries! Note to self: If you ever want to start your own business- think brownies!

Flor Review

I have just received the chance to review an amazing product. A 5x7 rug from Flor. I know rugs may seem like not a new thing, but the rugs at Flor are. Flor rugs are unique, beautifully designed tiles that can be put together to form a rug. Flor is eco-friendly and easy to move where you want it to go. Once you receive you tiles, you can put them together easily with Flor's special Flordots. They are stickers that hold the tiles together and they stick to the tiles rather than the floor.
What I find so appealing about the tiles is that they are easy to clean. If one of the tiles becomes dirty or gets a spill, you simply remove the tile and take it to the sink to wash off, rather than the whole rug. If the stain is really stubborn, you can just go online and order another tile- instead of buying a whole new rug! There are so many different design choices that there is something for everyone. You can even mix and match!
I got to try the Home Team in Tackle and love the difference the colors and lines in the rug make in my room. I always see expensive rugs in magazines and now I have one that is not only practical but affordable! For more information on Flor, please visit their site here.

Ballas Hough Band Part 1

As I mentioned before I have had the wonderful opportunity to review the debut album of the Ballas Hough Band. In case you haven't heard about them, they are the dancers from Dancing with the Stars- Derek Hough and Mark Ballas. They formed a band and just released their album. Their style is a type of pop, but every song is so unique and different it's hard to put it in a specific category. I really liked the cd the more and more I listened to it. I especially put it on everyday to get me motivated to clean, since it's so energizing! The boys love to dance to it too.
Below is just a sample of the many great songs that are on the cd. I will be sharing more about the cd later in the week!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Fill Me In Friday

Today I thought I would just share how my birthday is going. My husband, Cody is giving me a surprise party. Yeah, I know, my mother in law ( bless her heart ) spilled the beans yesterday. So they are out right now getting the cake and ice cream. My morning started out with the boys giving me birthday loves (hugs and kisses) and morning phone calls from my family. It's days like this that make it hard living so hard from family and friends. My mom sent me a beautiful bouquet of roses, and Cody gave me a group of gifts. They were all pink! I closed my eyes, held open my hands and the boys would put a gift in my hand.

The first was a pink foot scrubber, then some super soft socks from Bath and Body Works- pink as well, followed by a pink body loofa, and then the grand finale, pink earrings and matching necklace. I love being spoiled! My aunt sent me a great book on living green and my Grandparents renewed my annual AAA membership. My grandma gets it for me every birthday and I am so thankful for the peace of mind! Oh and how could I forget- my mom also got me the newly released Directors Notebook to Twilight! It is sooooooo fun! I still have one more present in the mail from my dad and stepmom that should be here anyday now.

I am so thankful that my family and friends have remembered me on this day. I am also thankful to Heavenly Father for putting me on this earth and for giving me so much loving people.

Ok so enough about me- how about you? When is your birthday and what is the best birthday present you have received? Leave me the link to your post on Mr Linky below.

And thank you to all blog friends who have been sending me such sweet messages!

Tickle Me Plant Giveaway

If you haven't seen these by now- then you are missing out. Tickle Me Plants are the coolest thing since sliced bread! We received our recently and planted a couple of days ago. It hasn't poked it's little head out of the soil yet, but it should in a few days. The boys ask to check on it a couple of times a day.

The Tickle Me Plant grows in about a week and around about a month, the leaves will move when you touch it! It also produces pink flowers. It is a mystery as to why and how it moves. What I love about it so far is that it can be grown indoors- which is very important during the winter.

Click here and go to the video section to see the plant in action!

The folks at Tickle Me Plant have given me one Tickle Me Plant party favor to giveaway. Please leave me a comment telling me who you would give this to if you won.

For additional entries, please leave me a separate comment for each of the following:

  • If you subscribe to my blog via email

  • If you subscribe to my blog via feedburner

  • If you follow my blog

  • If you tweet about this and leave me the link

  • If you post about this on your blog and leave me the link

Giveaway ends April 1st 11:59 pm

5 Minutes for Mom Ultimate Blog Party 2009

Ultimate Blog Party 2009

It's my birthday! The big 26. What a great way to celebrate then with a blog party? Well I didn't plan it that way but it's a great excuse to brag about my birthday! If you are visiting from the party- WELCOME! I hope you stick around and check out my giveaways. If you like what you see, follow me! If you REALLY want to leave me a comment- I would love to get to know you better.

In April I will be launching a new design for my blog along with giveaways so be sure to come back and enter to win.

Here are the prizes I want to win from the party:
#58 Kitchen Aid Mixer by Moms Who Think
lucky number 7 the Ergo Baby Carrier from A Giveaway Addicted Mommy
#39 the Perpetual Birthday Calendar, lunch tin and 10 cards by Ordinarily Extraordinary
#103 Surprise box of goodies from Monkey's Momma
INTL 19 $130 Sponsor spot from Tip Junkie

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Congrats to our first male winner- David Johnson who won the Bear Naked giveaway, and the winners of the Let's Get Ready for Kindergarten and Let's Get Ready for First Grade are Mommyhood is Thankless and YZgirl. I have sent the winners emails so please get back to me with your info. Thanks!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Lilash Review and Giveaway!

Do you ever see a product and didn't realize how much you needed it until you started using it, then wonder how you ever could have lived without it? Well that's exactly how I feel about Lilash. I have only been using Lilash and have already noticed results.
What is Lilash? It is an eyelash stimulator that goes on clear and is actually placed on your eyelid , just like you would eye liner. Here is what their site says:

"Used daily LiLash will grow the appearance of the longest, fullest lashes you have ever had. Guaranteed. Applied daily as a liquid eyeliner you will notice LiLash begin to change your lashes in several weeks. Wait 4-6 weeks and watch your lashes transform right before your eyes. LiLash is the world's most powerful and fastest-acting eyelash conditioner. Our no-salt, nonirritating formula is just one more benefit that sets LiLash apart. LiLash is a favorite of eyelash extension wearers who notice better support and less lash breakage."
Now even though I have only been using Lilash for a week I have already noticed a change in my eyelashes. They look and feel healthier and when I apply my mascara my lashes are fuller. I can't wait to see how they look after 4-6 weeks! What I like is that I can wear makeup with Lilash and that it lasts for 5 months! Oh my land! I wish that I my mascara would last that long. In fact, according to the testimonies that I read, you might not even need mascara after using Lilash. They also have a LiBrow which helps stimulate eyebrows.
How would you like to win a Lilash of your own- a $139.97 value!? Just visit their site and then tell me why you would want to win a tube of Lilash.
For extra entries please leave a separate comment for each of the following:
  • If you subscribe via email
  • If you subscribe via feedburner
  • If you follow my blog
  • If you tweet about this and leave me the link
  • If you post about this on your blog and leave me the link

Please make sure your email is available or I will have to delete your comment!

Giveaway ends March 30th at 11:59pm

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


The winners of the Let's Get Ready for Kindergarten

Food Blogs

I am in Heaven! These are some yummy sites that I ran into and if you eat food than you will want to check these out! I can't post all the details about why each is so fab cause I'm suppossed to be doing homework but just go see for yourself....

Stephanie's Kitchen
Super Healthy Kids
Delightful Delicacies
Vanilla Sugar
Recipe Girl

Do you have any favorite cooking or baking sites?

Monday, March 16, 2009

Holy Hannah!

I don't know what happened but suddenly I have lots more traffic. I am loving it! Thank you to all who have posted or tweeted about my giveaways and thanks to all my new visitors! One problem- I have never really had this happen before but if you enter a giveaway I HAVE to have a way to contact you in case you win. You MUST leave your email address or have it in your profile or I will be forced to delete your entry. I know, I sound so bossy and trying to be all professional but I have to be fair to the other people entering. Please keep coming back- and I love comments!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Shelf Reliance Giveaway

I have slowly but surely been working on food storage. I have also slowly but surely been creating a mess in my pantry. I love being organized but you wouldn't know it by looking at my house! I was so thankful when Shelf Reliance sent me their Cansolidator to try out. It is perfect for my canned food. It was easy for a impatient person like me to put together and didn't take that long at all. It can hold up to 40 cans and can be adjusted to fit any size can you have.

I love that Shelf Reliance has everything you need for food storage and how to keep it organized.
They have a pay as you go plan ( kinda like Netflix) to make buying food storage easier and not as overwhelming. Isn't that cool?

The cansolidator is a great way to keep your canned goods organized and the instructions were super simple. If you would like to win one then listen up- this one is different.

Please go to their site and tell me something you would like to try from Shelf Reliance, and leave your email address. PLEASE NOTE: When you enter this giveaway you will automatically be signed up for the Shelf Reliance newsletter.

For additional entries please leave a separate comment for each of the following:
  • If you subscribe by email to my blog
  • If you subscribe by feedburner
  • If you follow my blog
  • If you tweet about this and leave me the link
  • If you post about this on your blog and leave me the link

Giveaway ends March 27th 11:59 pm

Edited Note: You must have your email address in your profile or your comment or your entry will be deleted! Sorry but I can't contact you if you win or add you to the Shelf Reliance newsletter. Thanks!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Fill Me In Friday

Today I thought we could share tips on how to save money. Come on you know you have a few! My tip is blogging. I get emails from my readers on how I do giveaways on my blog. I don't know how the rest of the blogging world does it but I just contact the companies and ask. Yes I get rejected, but most of the time I don't. I had to get over the whole rejection thing and learn not to take it personally. Some bloggers may not want to share this info because it's some secret or something but I why not share the love?

When I receive products it really cuts my costs down on purchasing things that I need or want. Most of the time if I need something I will wait as long as possible and pray that the right company will come along and let me try their product. So there you have it- that's my favorite way right now to save money.

So what's yours? If you want to join in just do a post on your blog and add the link to Mr. Linky. If you need help let me know. I'm excited to see what you come up with!


The 3 Bumpits winners are Annalisa from slavetosave, Angie, and Jamaise.
The Complete Laundry System winner is Krystal from Our Happy Family. Please email me your shipping info and I will get them sent out. Thank you for all who entered- there are more giveaways to come and one that ends tomorrow so go to my sidebar and enter if you haven't yet. Have a great weekend everyone!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Green Pea Designs Giveaway

Green Pea Designs is a great place to get the cutest pouches to carry your baby or toddler close to you. Made 100 % by moms Green Pea Designs offers the cutest fabrics for your pouch. I received the pouch in Addison and can't wait to take it for a test drive whenever I have another little one. They have a wide range of sizes and styles. The pouch comes padded to protect your little ones legs and has a variety of ways to wear it, including your back! I didn't even know that was possible!

I really like the quality of the pouch. It is so strong, I feel like it can really do it's job. These pouches are also great as shopping cart covers, high-chair cover in restaurants, and even a play mat. These make a great Mother's Day gift or baby shower gift as well!

If you would like to win your own pouch (thanks to the very generous people at Green Pea Designs), please go to Green Pea Designs site and tell me which style you would like.

For additional entries please leave a separate comment for each of the following:
  • If you follow my blog
  • If you subscribe to my blog by email
  • If you subscribe by feedburner
  • If you tweet about this and leave me the link
  • If you post about this on your blog and leave me the link

Giveaway ends March 23rd 11:59 pm

Swaddle Designs

When I had my first son Ki, it took me awhile to get the hang of the swaddling thing. With lack of sleep and motherly skills, I seemed to struggle with how to swaddle my new baby. It also didn't help that my new little guy was a big squirmer. Every time he would move around his blanket would come undone and I would wish that there was a blanket that was big enough so I wouldn't have to worry about it.

Well now I am prepared for whenever I have another baby. Swaddle Designs has the cutest and convenient swaddling blankets. They are a lot larger than the average blanket- 42"x42". They are 100% organic and even have step by step directions on how to swaddle sewn into the blanket! I really like the designs of the blankets and the softness of the flannel. Since they are so large they are perfect for using as a cover up when nursing, for a stroller blanket, and for tummy time. These make great baby shower presents. Swaddle Designs has other products as well so check them out!

Swaddle Designs is offering my readers a 10% discount! Just click here and enter code MadeinUSA.

Restored 316 Designs
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