Showing posts with label Anglo-Saxons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anglo-Saxons. Show all posts

Thursday, September 05, 2013

Athelglyth the Warrior-Maiden

Athelglyth the warrior-maiden is done.  After sitting in the painting queue for nearly a year (Nov 2012), she is finally complete.  She also brings to a close a fairly lengthy period of inactivity at the hobby desk.  The little guy has been keeping me quite busy and painting has been non-existent for weeks.  I cannot begin to explain how good it felt to sit down and paint again!  I think I'm on a roll...

I have no idea what took me so long to finish her.  Looking at the photos, I now realize she is a fairly simple miniature.  Sure, there is lots of skin tones to paint and a few small items, but for the most part the mini is not all that detailed or intricate.  I think my inability to complete Aethelglyth was mainly due to pure laziness.  I just couldn't bring myself to pick her up whenever I found myself with the free time to paint.  It's a poor excuse I know, but an honest one.  It wasn't until this year that I found myself with a good great excuse.

Aethelglyth is a former Maelstrom Games product.  I say former because apparently the company is no longer in business.  I'm sure this is old news for most of you but I only found out just last night.  No worries though.  I wasn't a huge fan of the line anyhow.  I think I purchased one or two other miniatures from them last year but that's it.  However, if you fancy yourself an Aethelglyth of your very own another company has picked up the line.  She can be found here.

As I said, the rest of the line really doesn't do it for me but I very much like this particular sculpt.  I'm not sure of the lore behind Maelstrom's miniature game but to me, this model certainly exudes an Anglo-Saxon/viking aura.  I immediately took a liking to her and was happy to add the mini to my collection.

As for the miniature itself, I'm mostly pleased with the product.  The lines are clean, the weapons and parts in proportion, and the stance interesting.  The details, although sparse, are appropriate and more than enough to fit the Dark Age theme I find so entrancing.  But this model was not perfect.  As I've said many times before, I strongly dislike resin miniatures.  They are too frail and usually come with various imperfections in the form of holes and divots...which of course are always in the most obvious places.  Aethelglyth was no exception.  I broke off her sword at least six times during the painting process and nearly destroyed her axe.  She also sported several holes in the resin that I had to fill in and resculpt.  Unfortunately one of those holes, the one right on her chin (naturally!!)  opened back up when I was nearly finished with the model.  I could have refilled it with green stuff and started over but by that point I was unwilling to do so.  When I'm mentally done with a model, that's it!  I want nothing more to do with it.  Such was the case with Aethelglyth.

All in all however, I'm still happy with the miniature.  I like the sculpt and I'm fairly pleased with the finished product.  I just wish she would have been available in a metal version.

I'll sign off now rather than ramble on and allow those of you still here to see the rest of the photos undisturbed.  But first, as always, thanks for reading!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Hope for Anglalond

For some time now the men of Rohan have defended the lands from the increasing incursions of Scandinavian invaders.  Their blood has been spilled on foreign soil fighting savage northern heathens when they should be back in the Riddermark protecting their own folk from the forces of Saruman.  But they are an honorable people and refused to leave the field of battle ere reinforcements arrived.

That time is now.....

I've finally gotten my hands on a couple of boxes of Saxon warriors for my Age of Blood games.  I've been playing several scenarios (in between watching massive marathons of Tour de France footage) using my warriors of Rohan to represent the Anglo-Saxons in their struggle to resist the raiding hordes of Norsemen.  While the Rohirrim proved to be an acceptable proxy, the games simply did not feel right without proper models on the table.  That is soon to be rectified however.  Only one more night of cycling before I can get back to painting and hopefully get these brave warriors on the field before the next wave of longships appear on the horizon.

Speaking of the Tour de France, congratulations to Cadel Evans.  Well played Aussie.  Well played indeed.